Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S2/E21 Becoming, Part 1: Difference between revisions

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* [[Femme Fatalons]]: Darla instructs Liam to close his eyes, changes to her vampire visage, and bites his neck. Liam swoons to the ground, and Darla seals the deal by slashing a fingernail across open her [[Of Corsets Sexy|corseted bosom]] and forcing Angel's mouth onto it. Not as kinky as it sounds.
* [[Femme Fatalons]]: Darla instructs Liam to close his eyes, changes to her vampire visage, and bites his neck. Liam swoons to the ground, and Darla seals the deal by slashing a fingernail across open her [[Of Corsets Sexy|corseted bosom]] and forcing Angel's mouth onto it. Not as kinky as it sounds.
** This is shown to be the [[Boob Bite|preferred method for female vampires]] (well, Darla and Drusilla, anyway) to sire their mates.
** This is shown to be the [[Boob Bite|preferred method for female vampires]] (well, Darla and Drusilla, anyway) to sire their mates.
* [[Finger Poke of Doom]]: Drusilla prepares her finishing move by waving two fingers in front of Kendra's eyes: "[[Terms of Endangerment|Look at me, dearie]]." Kendra, who is now in Dru's thrall, sways helplessly back and forth. After toying with her a bit, Dru then [[Femme Fatalons|swipes her nails]] [[Slashed Throat|across Kendra's jugular]].
* [[Finger-Poke of Doom]]: Drusilla prepares her finishing move by waving two fingers in front of Kendra's eyes: "[[Terms of Endangerment|Look at me, dearie]]." Kendra, who is now in Dru's thrall, sways helplessly back and forth. After toying with her a bit, Dru then [[Femme Fatalons|swipes her nails]] [[Slashed Throat|across Kendra's jugular]].
* [[Flashback Echo]]: "Everything that I am, everything that I have done, has led me to here." intones Angelus ominously. We then go back in time to 1996 Manhattan, where a homeless, half-crazed Angel is tearing up some trash cans, ineffectively trying to catch a rat.
* [[Flashback Echo]]: "Everything that I am, everything that I have done, has led me to here." intones Angelus ominously. We then go back in time to 1996 Manhattan, where a homeless, half-crazed Angel is tearing up some trash cans, ineffectively trying to catch a rat.
** Inverted in the final flashback, with Angel resolving to aid the Slayer and "become somebody." We're then zipped back to the present with Angelus basking before Acathla, saying, "I have strayed. I have been lost. But Acathla redeems me. With this act, ''we'' will be free."
** Inverted in the final flashback, with Angel resolving to aid the Slayer and "become somebody." We're then zipped back to the present with Angelus basking before Acathla, saying, "I have strayed. I have been lost. But Acathla redeems me. With this act, ''we'' will be free."
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** When Willow proposes to try to perform the spell, Giles warns her that she may be opening a door that can't be easily closed. He's right—the Restorations spell sets Willow on a path of dark magic. She begins practicing seriously in season three, and grows steadily more powerful as the series progresses. Giles's concerns about Willow becoming too involved in magic will prove well founded in Season 6.
** When Willow proposes to try to perform the spell, Giles warns her that she may be opening a door that can't be easily closed. He's right—the Restorations spell sets Willow on a path of dark magic. She begins practicing seriously in season three, and grows steadily more powerful as the series progresses. Giles's concerns about Willow becoming too involved in magic will prove well founded in Season 6.
** Whistler says that there are moments in a person's life that affect the whole path their life will take, even though they might not know it. This episode features several such moments: Liam takes up Darla's offer to show him the world; Willow takes her first step on the path to being a witch; Kendra's attention wanders for a moment and she is killed by Drusilla, causing a new Slayer (Faith) to be called; and in the next episode, Spike {{spoiler|betrays Angelus and helps Buffy save the world}}.
** Whistler says that there are moments in a person's life that affect the whole path their life will take, even though they might not know it. This episode features several such moments: Liam takes up Darla's offer to show him the world; Willow takes her first step on the path to being a witch; Kendra's attention wanders for a moment and she is killed by Drusilla, causing a new Slayer (Faith) to be called; and in the next episode, Spike {{spoiler|betrays Angelus and helps Buffy save the world}}.
* [[Frame Up]] / [[It Got Worse]]: Buffy sprinting across town, only to find she's too late; Giles has been kidnapped, her friends are injured, and Kendra lies dead on the library floor. Buffy collapses to her knees and strokes Kendra's face with her hand as a gun is raised behind her. "Freeze!" shouts a police officer. Caught red-handed.
* [[Frame-Up]] / [[It Got Worse]]: Buffy sprinting across town, only to find she's too late; Giles has been kidnapped, her friends are injured, and Kendra lies dead on the library floor. Buffy collapses to her knees and strokes Kendra's face with her hand as a gun is raised behind her. "Freeze!" shouts a police officer. Caught red-handed.
* [[Glowing Eyes]]: Angelus' eyes glow orange as his soul is restored. {{spoiler|The effect is repeated next episode}}.
* [[Glowing Eyes]]: Angelus' eyes glow orange as his soul is restored. {{spoiler|The effect is repeated next episode}}.
* [[Hell On Earth]]: Actually Earth sucked ''into'' Hell.
* [[Hell On Earth]]: Actually Earth sucked ''into'' Hell.
* [[Hey Its That Place]]: In the flashback to 1996, the school building Buffy is seen leaving with her friends is the famous Courthouse Square used in the ''[[Back to The Future]]'' films.
* [[Hey, It's That Place!]]: In the flashback to 1996, the school building Buffy is seen leaving with her friends is the famous Courthouse Square used in the ''[[Back to The Future]]'' films.
* [[Hobos]]: Angel in early 1997
* [[Hobos]]: Angel in early 1997
* [[How Do I Shot Web]]: 15-year old Buffy misses the heart on her first vampire staking.
* [[How Do I Shot Web?]]: 15-year old Buffy misses the heart on her first vampire staking.
* [[Human Sacrifice]]: Just like in seemingly every vampire ceremony, this one requires a human sacrifice.
* [[Human Sacrifice]]: Just like in seemingly every vampire ceremony, this one requires a human sacrifice.
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]: A member of her [[Girl Posse]] asks Buffy the [[Valley Girl]] if she's going to take Tyler to the dance.
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]: A member of her [[Girl Posse]] asks Buffy the [[Valley Girl]] if she's going to take Tyler to the dance.
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* [[Let's Fight Like Gentlemen]]: Upon her arrival at the scene, Drusilla claps her hands smartly and calls off the rest of her gang: "Enough." The vamps surrounding Kendra automatically withdraw. This can't end well.
* [[Let's Fight Like Gentlemen]]: Upon her arrival at the scene, Drusilla claps her hands smartly and calls off the rest of her gang: "Enough." The vamps surrounding Kendra automatically withdraw. This can't end well.
** Subverted with Angelus -- he knows Buffy will accept the challenge for one-on-one combat, not realising it's just a ruse to separate her from the Scoobies.
** Subverted with Angelus -- he knows Buffy will accept the challenge for one-on-one combat, not realising it's just a ruse to separate her from the Scoobies.
* [[Let's Split Up Gang]]: Angelus duping Buffy into leaving the Scoobies (and Giles in particular) unattended.
* [[Let's Split Up, Gang!]]: Angelus duping Buffy into leaving the Scoobies (and Giles in particular) unattended.
* [[The Men in Black]]: In 1997, an older man in a black suit approaches our heroine and asks if she's Buffy Summers. Buffy briefly worries that a department store sent him, because she "[[Suspiciously Specific Denial|meant to pay for that lipstick!]]" Actually, this is Merrick, Buffy's first (and [[Mentor Occupational Hazard|short-lived]]) Watcher.
* [[The Men in Black]]: In 1997, an older man in a black suit approaches our heroine and asks if she's Buffy Summers. Buffy briefly worries that a department store sent him, because she "[[Suspiciously Specific Denial|meant to pay for that lipstick!]]" Actually, this is Merrick, Buffy's first (and [[Mentor Occupational Hazard|short-lived]]) Watcher.
** Between Angel in his hooptie and this pudgy older guy in a dark suit soliciting teen girls, this school is crawling with [[Unfortunate Implications]].
** Between Angel in his hooptie and this pudgy older guy in a dark suit soliciting teen girls, this school is crawling with [[Unfortunate Implications]].
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* [[Only the Chosen May Wield]]: Inverted, as the bad guys are the ones trying to unsheathe it.
* [[Only the Chosen May Wield]]: Inverted, as the bad guys are the ones trying to unsheathe it.
* [[Origins Episode]]
* [[Origins Episode]]
* [[The Other Darrin]]: Perennial mustachioed [[Hey It's That Guy]] Richard Riehle guest-stars as Merrick, Buffy's first watcher. This role was portrayed by Donald Sutherland in the feature movie.
* [[The Other Darrin]]: Perennial mustachioed [[Hey, It's That Guy!]] Richard Riehle guest-stars as Merrick, Buffy's first watcher. This role was portrayed by Donald Sutherland in the feature movie.
* [[Oral Fixation Fixation]]: SMG as pre-Sunnydale Buffy.
* [[Oral Fixation Fixation]]: SMG as pre-Sunnydale Buffy.
* [[Our Wormholes Are Different]]
* [[Our Wormholes Are Different]]
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* [[Ritual Magic]]
* [[Ritual Magic]]
* [[Sealed Evil in A Can]]: Sunnydale Museum has a new arrival: a big ominous rock. Giles is invited over in his capacity as the "best authority" on old relics in town. Giles spots a large crack running up the side, which indicates it could be opened, but he asks the curator to wait a few days before opening it so he can translate the runes on the outside. Bad call, Giles. Evil waits for no man.
* [[Sealed Evil in A Can]]: Sunnydale Museum has a new arrival: a big ominous rock. Giles is invited over in his capacity as the "best authority" on old relics in town. Giles spots a large crack running up the side, which indicates it could be opened, but he asks the curator to wait a few days before opening it so he can translate the runes on the outside. Bad call, Giles. Evil waits for no man.
* [[Self Immolation]]: Angelus' "immolation-o-gram"
* [[Self-Immolation]]: Angelus' "immolation-o-gram"
* [[Shaped Like Itself]]: Back at the mansion, Angelus grandly shows off his new toy to an unimpressed Spike. "It's a big rock.", Spike snarks. "I can't wait to tell my friends. ''They'' don't have a rock this big."
* [[Shaped Like Itself]]: Back at the mansion, Angelus grandly shows off his new toy to an unimpressed Spike. "It's a big rock.", Spike snarks. "I can't wait to tell my friends. ''They'' don't have a rock this big."
* [[Shout Out]]: In ''[[Marvel]]'''s comic/film franchise ''[[Blade]]'', Blade is a half-vampire who [[Hunter of His Own Kind|kills other vamps]] (sound familiar?) and has a mentor named Whistler.
* [[Shout-Out]]: In ''[[Marvel]]'''s comic/film franchise ''[[Blade]]'', Blade is a half-vampire who [[Hunter of His Own Kind|kills other vamps]] (sound familiar?) and has a mentor named Whistler.
** In the german dub, Kendra's stake is called "Van Heugen", the nemesis of [[Dracula|Graf Dracula]].
** In the german dub, Kendra's stake is called "Van Heugen", the nemesis of [[Dracula|Graf Dracula]].
* [[Sickening Crunch]]: Xander's arm being snapped by a vampire.
* [[Sickening Crunch]]: Xander's arm being snapped by a vampire.