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{{quote|''[[Running Gag|No point in hiding it now!]] [[The Ace|I'm a master of Alchemy!]]''}}
''Busou Renkin'' (literally "Arms Alchemy") follows [[The Hero|Hero]] and [[Ordinary High School Student]] Kazuki Muto, who one night is killed trying to protect a mysterious girl who was being attacked by a monster. However, to his surprise, he wakes up again the next day, seemingly good as new. It turns out it wasn't a dream either when the girl, Tokiko Tsumura, shows up again, informing him that she felt responsible for his death and resurrected him with the power of Alchemy. From here on Kazuki discovers his own powers and, together with Tokiko, journeys into the world of Alchemists and their [[Improbable Weapon User|Renkin]] as they fight the monsters known as [[Artificial Human|Homunculi]]. No, not the ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' ones, though there is definite overlap between the series theme wise.
A manga by [[Nobuhiro Watsuki]], the creator of ''[[Rurouni Kenshin]]'', it was later adapted into an anime and a light novel. The series is in many ways a parody of the [[Shonen]] genre and hence often has tongue planted firmly in cheek. And when it's not being an affectionate parody, it's [[Deconstruction|deconstructing]] various [[Shonen]] tropes, particularly the [[Shonen Upgrade]].
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* [[The Ace]]: Shusui, at least among the [[Muggles]]. Competes in kendo on a national level, is extremely popular with the girls, extremely intelligent, vice president of the student council (behind only his twin sister,) and is...*ahem*...'bigger' than Kazuki and his friends.
** Kazuki is good at nearly everything he does, no matter how little experience he might have.
* [[Action Girl]]: Tokiko.
* [[A Date with Rosie Palms]]: Mahiro, during the 5th episode Busou Renkin Seminar, begins talking about what she wants to do with Tokiko, if she becomes her big sister via marrying Kazuki. She gets to [[This and That]] before she announces that she is SOOOOO excited then stops herself and says she will continue at her dorm later on.
* [[Affectionate Parody]]
* [[After-School Cleaning Duty]]: A [[Sadist Teacher]] does this to the hero in the very first episode/chapter. Turns out the teacher was a homunculus, and only assigned him to cleaning duty so he could [[I'm a Humanitarian|eat him]] and there would be no witnesses.
* [[All Just a Dream]]: No. No it wasn't Kazuki. But you figured that out already, [[Can't Stay Normal|didn't you?]]
* [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent|Amphibians Are Abhorrent]]: Homunculus Kawazui, a Surinam Toad.
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* [[Anti-Villain]]: Washio and Victor
* [[Back for the Finale]]: All dead homunculi come back to life and join Victor on the moon.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Kazuki, in the form of a [[First-Episode Resurrection]].
** Papillon and his homunculi. Infact, all homunculi can be resurrected.
* [[Badass Normal]] / [[Badass Bookworm]]: Papillion before he becomes a Homonculus. In the second episode, he is riding around totally calmly on Washio's back, even when Washio is attacking and defending - from a few hundred feet up in the air. Including perfectly holding his balance during dives and blurringly-fast maneuvers. Not bad for a guy with an [[Incurable Cough of Death]].
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* [[Determinator]]: Kazuki. {{spoiler|It's not for the normal reasons, and gets him in quite a bit of trouble later.}}
* [[The Ditz]]: Kazuki's sister Mahiro, who like a classic [[Damsel in Distress]] has to be rescued in the first episode.
* [[Dude, Not Funny]]: On one occasion [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Gouta]] makes a sarcastic remark about how they'd be able to save on food money if Kazuki stopped eating normal meals and instead just started [[Energy Absorption|draining]] people whenever he gets hungry. Kazuki is not amused. Considering that he'd previously put up with Gouta being an asshole to him and pining over Tokiko with a friendly attitude and cheerful smile, the glare he gives Gouta after he says that speaks volumes.
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]: And how! Considering how generally lighthearted this series is, it's actually quite shocking at how bad things get--and every time an [[Take a Third Option|alternative solution]] comes along the universe decides "nah, I'm gonna pick on Kazuki a bit more..." Our heroes just [[Determinator|keep on pushing]] until the universe lets up and allows them their happy ending, dammit.
* [[Empathic Weapon]]: The Renkins
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* [[Expy]]: Kazuki is visually similar to Misao Makimachi of ''[[Rurouni Kenshin]]'', and the author even calls him "A boy version of Misao" in character notes.
** [[Word of God]] also stated that Tokiko is a female Expy of Kenshin, or mostly his [[Super-Powered Evil Side|''Hitokiri Battousai'' mode]].
** [[Word of God]] in a lot of the character bio pages says lot so characters are expy's of Kenshin characters and in a few cases shots look like they're lifted directly from Kenshin. An early rival in the kendo club is an expy of Enishi while his sister is one of Tomoe. Later in the series an Alchemist Warrior looks like Hiko Seijuro just forgot to shave for a few days.
*** A lot of people read Kazuki as being a teenage, slightly-more-mature form of [[Kid Samurai]] Yahiko.
* [[Eye Poke]] / [[Eye Scream]]: Tokiko is [[Combat Pragmatist|nothing if not practical]]. During the fight with Hanabusa in Chapter 6, she jams her fingers into both the homunculus's eyes and ''rips them clean out'', then beheads her with the Valkyrie Skirt.
** Contrast this with the epilogue, when Tokiko catches Kazuki staring at her scar and pokes him in the eyes. Here it's played for laughs.
* [[Eyes of Gold]]: Tokiko.
* [[The Faceless]]: Subverted by Captain Bravo. After first seeing him in his face-concealing trenchcoat, Kazuki and Tokiko wonder how long they will have to wait before they see his face...then he shows up, unmasked, a few pages later, and looks utterly unremarkable.
* [[Falling Into His Arms]]: Kazuki tries this, after Tokiko used his lance to pull her into the sky for an attack. He almost ends up catching the falling lance with his face instead (meanwhile, Tokiko safely lands using her Valkyrie Skirt, without any need for assistance).
* [[Fan Service]]: The bulk of the naked body shots are ''male'', with Papillon getting the most of them. His outfit rivals David Bowie's in Labyrinth and the camera shows a zoomed in view a few times.
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*** Despite being [[Spike Spencer]], there's not so much similarity with [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Shinji]]. With [[Full Metal Panic!|Takuma]], on the other hand...
** Dub!Victor is [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Simon]].
** And Dub!Bravo is ''[[Blaz BlueBlazBlue|Ragna the Bloodedge]]''.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Kazuki in the first episode (it wasn't even needed), attempted several more times over the course of the series
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Angel Gozen represents Oka's subconscious, so she's not as nice as she seems.
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* [[Large Ham]]: Captain Bravo, all the way. Specially in the English dub, where he is overly dramatic even while ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WerlW6lpCFg&feature=channel_page ordering a burger]''.
* [[Laughably Evil]]: Papillon. What other villains do you know who will fight you wearing just a butterfly mask and Speedos?
** Also, Moonface.
* [[Light Is Not Good]]: Dr. Butterfly in stark contrast to his [[Dark Is Evil]] grandson Papillon.
* [[Literal Change of Heart]]: {{spoiler|Victor's Start of Darkness began when he had his heart replaced by the experimental Black Kakugane}}.
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** So much so that he came back for the finale.
* [[No, I Am Behind You]]: Hilariously parodied.
* [[Official Couple]]: Kazuki and Tokiko, duh.
** Perhaps one of the most sympathetic, realistic to be seen in anime. Even the most stone-hearted of shonen fans may find themselves shedding a couple [[Manly Tears]] at certain moments...
* [[Oh Crap]]: Hiwatari in episode 22, when he sees Victor coming back without a scratch from the attack of Sakaguchi's [[Humongous Mecha]] Busou Renkin.
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* [[Post Final Boss]]: {{spoiler|Kazuki's fight with Papillion after he comes back from the moon is this. [[Crowning Music of Awesome|Cue in awesome opening theme song.]]}}
* [[Power Fist]]: Kinjo.
* [[Rule of Cool]]: Many of Captain Bravo's mannerisms are done because "they look cooler that way".
** Hello? How about the entire freaking series? Alchemy had nothing to do with creating human/animal hybrids or summoning weapons from stones, but fans accept it because, hello, Tokiko has a SKIRT MADE OF SWORDS THAT SHE CAN CONTROL WITH HER MIND! Not to mention Kazuki's giant spear/sword, and every thing else that's just so made of win.
*** And then there's Hiwatari's Renkin, which is a freaking AERIAL BOMB... Yea, just like the ones dropped by dive bombers.
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** Kazuki is named after ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'''s author and main character, ''Kazuki'' Takahashi and Yugi ''Muto''.
** Also, when Gouta manages to "wound" Hiwatari's throat, it starts spewing fire in such a way he looks just like Chamber, a former member of Generation X and, later, of the X-Men.
** In the episode "Boy Meets Battle Girl" one of the attractions in the haunted house at the amusement park was a mannequin that bore an uncanny resemblance to Tomoe, mostly because of the whole [[Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette]] look she had going.
* [[Shrinking Violet]]: Minor character Busujima. {{spoiler|Also [[Beautiful All Along]] and [[Samus Is a Girl]] under her gas mask Renkin.}}
* [[Sinister Scythe]]: Somewhat [[Subverted Trope|subverted]] by Tokiko. Despite being a buso renkin of the death scythe. It looks nothing like the typical one wielded by Death.
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* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]: What happens when Hiwatari unleashes his Blaze of Glory.
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: Feared to be one of the side effects of the Black Kakugane.
** Not necessarily. Those who have completed the transformation suck the life out of all living things in the general area. Like Victor does. It's not a question of being willfully destructive, it's just part of staying alive. Victor compares it to BREATHING.
* [[Superpower Lottery]]: Captain Hiwatari.
* [[Take a Third Option]]: What Kazuki tries between using the White Kakugane on himself or on Victor.