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'''Clive [[Embarrassing Middle Name|Staples]] Lewis''' ("Jack" to his friends and family) (1898-1963) was a mid-twentieth century Irish author of many sorts of books: scholarship regarding medieval literature, lay Christian theology, [[Science Fiction]], and [[Fantasy]].
He was born and raised in [[Stroke Country|Ulster]]. [[Missing Mom|His mother died]] when he was young. He was educated in a series of English [[Boarding School|Boarding Schools]], the first of which was run by a [[Sadist Teacher]]. He fought in [[World War One|the Great War]]. He was a member of [[The Inklings]] and a friend of [[Charles Williams]] and [[J. R. R. Tolkien|JRR Tolkien]], whose influence partially led to his conversion to Christianity (though Lewis being an Anglican and Tolkien a Roman Catholic led to some friction). He published an autobiography of his early life and conversion titled ''Surprised By Joy''. Afterwards, he met Joy Gresham and [[Citizenship Marriage|married her so she could remain in the UK]]. Then, they [[Perfectly Arranged Marriage|fell in love]] and had an Anglican ceremony after Joy was diagnosed with terminal bone cancer. She died four years later. Lewis himself died the same day as [[Brave New World (novel)|Aldous Huxley]] and [[John F. Kennedy]]; this lead to his passing being almost unpublicized.
[[Trope Namer]] for [[The Four Loves]] and [[Ass in a Lion Skin]].
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** ''[[The Silver Chair]]'' (1953).
** ''[[The Horse and His Boy]]'' (1954).
** ''[[The MagiciansMagician's Nephew]]'' (1955).
** ''[[The Last Battle]]'' (1956). The last [[Narnia]] book.
* ''[[Till We Have Faces]]'' (1956): The novel Lewis considered his best.
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* [[A Very British Christmas]]: In a very humorous piece in ''God In The Dock,'' [[Herodotus]] visits the island of [[Sdrawkcab Name|Niatirb]] and concludes that the resident barbarians observe two entirely separate holidays on 25 December: Exmas (a commercial racket) and Crissmas (a religious festival). Also, [[Father Christmas]] shows up in Narnia.
* [[Big Creepy-Crawlies]]: In ''Surprised by Joy'', Lewis writes that his nightmares during childhood were either about ghosts or insects. Of the two, he found the dreams about insects much more frightening.
** In ''The Pilgrim's Regress'', young John is told that the damned are tortured by scorpions the size of lobsters.
** In ''Perelandra'', Ransom encounters flies and beetles larger than himself in the caverns of Venus. Subverted in this case. Once the [[Satan|Un-man's]] presence is gone, Ransom ceases to find them frightening, and speculates that they may, in fact, be sentient.
** In ''The Problem of Pain'' he discusses the moral problem of the suffering of animals(who after all are not either being [[Pay Evil Unto Evil|punished for something]] or [[The Spartan Way|being trained in how to be good]] and therefore not subject to some of the possible explanations for human suffering). In fact he does take the question seriously. But when he gets to discussing animals and the afterlife, he imagines someone asking "Where do you put all the mosquitos" and then notes ironically that heaven for mosquitos and hell for humans might be the same place.
* [[Boarding School of Horrors]]: Lewis had an extremely unpleasant experience at school, compounded by the fact that his first teacher was a ''literal'' [[Sadist Teacher]] to the level of actual clinical insanity. Not surprisingly, boarding schools in Lewis's works are very unlikely to be positively portrayed.
** Another school he went to had an overweening "aristocracy" of [[Jerk Jock|Jerk Jocks]] supported by teachers which engaged in organized [[The Bully|bullying]] and even rumored pedophilia toward the underclass students. (The second of which Lewis actually said was, under the circumstances actually a saving grace because it got their minds off their snobbishness!) Lewis hated that school so much that he almost considered [[World War One]] less unpleasant: no one said you had to pretend to like it, after all.
** In general, C. S. Lewis's father was ''not'' good at picking boarding schools.
* [[Combat by Champion]], Prince Caspian features a particularly gut-churning edge-of-your-seat example. All the more so for Peter's quiet dignity.
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* [[Ho Yay]]: [[Deconstructed Trope|Deconstructed]] in ''The Four Loves'', making the point that those who look for it in [[Heterosexual Life Partners]] will automatically find it to their satisfaction and therefore it is a meaningless exercise. [invoked]
* [[Humans Are Bastards]]: Appears to some extent in practically all his work, but his non-fiction dedicates entire chapters to expounding on how and why humans are bastards, and how the bastardliness can be reduced.
** In one of his essay's, he mentions [[Complete Monster|Dark-Gods-of-the-Blood]] which basically comes down to how we must always fight off the desire to give into the baser desires we feel as we go through daily life.
* [[It's All About Me]]: ''The Great Divorce''
* [[Magic-Powered Pseudoscience]] in ''That Hideous Strength''