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[[CLAMP (Creator)|CLAMP]] is (in?)famous for having at LEAST''least'' one flavor of Yay in every major work, with lots of implications tossed around but a veritable epidemic of [[Un Confession|UnConfessions]].
== [[Angelic Layer]] ==
* ''[[Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer]]'' has Kaede and Sai; a few of Tamayo's joking comments to Misaki; Misaki's crush on Ringo.
== Angelic Layer ==
* ''[[Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer]]'' has Kaede and Sai; a few of Tamayo's joking comments to Misaki; Misaki's crush on Ringo.
** Misaki asking Hatoko to be her second had all the weight of a marriage proposal. Considering that Hatoko's all of five, but still...
== Card Captor[[Cardcaptor Sakura]] ==
* ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura (Manga)|Cardcaptor Sakura]]'' makes romantic hints left, right, and center, between Touya and Yukito, Syaoran and Yukito (and later, with some [[Squick]], Eriol), Sakura and Tomoyo's mothers, as well as Tomoyo's explicit crush on Sakura and Yue's not-so-subtle obsession for Clow Reed.
== Card Captor Sakura ==
** "Hints" nothing. Touya and Yukito become one of the [[Official Couple|Official Couples]]s by the conclusion, Syaoran openly admits his feelings towards Yukito are the same as Sakura's while Sakura herself states she feels the same way around Kaho as she does around Yukito (yet [[The Ditz|somehow]] fails to understand the implications).
* ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura (Manga)|Cardcaptor Sakura]]'' makes romantic hints left, right, and center, between Touya and Yukito, Syaoran and Yukito (and later, with some [[Squick]], Eriol), Sakura and Tomoyo's mothers, as well as Tomoyo's explicit crush on Sakura and Yue's not-so-subtle obsession for Clow Reed.
** "Hints" nothing. Touya and Yukito become one of the [[Official Couple|Official Couples]] by the conclusion, Syaoran openly admits his feelings towards Yukito are the same as Sakura's while Sakura herself states she feels the same way around Kaho as she does around Yukito (yet [[The Ditz|somehow]] fails to understand the implications).
*** In the same episode, they also explain that most of this is because people with power are drawn to each other, often romantically. The [[Everyone Is Bi|logical conclusion]] is left as an exercise to the reader.
** And Tomoyo mostly alternates her time between being a [[Shipper Onon Deck]] for Sakura and Syaoran and being a massive [[Covert Pervert]] towards Sakura.
** Not to mention Kaho, who Sakura seems to 'admire' greatly and is described as really, really pretty.
** Sakura has the attentions of both Syaoran and Tomoyo. She probably inherited it from her mother, who was the subject of a tremendous (unrequited) crush by Tomoyo's mother.
== [[Clover]] ==
== Clover ==
* ''[[Clover]]'' has Gingetsu and Lan, who are awfully close for parole officer and prisoner. In regards to [[Les Yay]] there's Suu and Oruha. There's also Barus and Kazuhiko's innuendo-laden dialogue; Barus is especially fond of Kazuhiko, likes to call him his "prince" and [[A Love to Dismember|cuddles with his severed hand at night]].
** Any CLAMP artwork depicting Ora with another female character, namely either Sue or ''Tsubasa'''s Sakura, will undoubtedly give off major [[Les Yay]] vibes.
== [[Kobato.]] ==
* ''[[Kobato.]]'' has Ginsei and Ioryogi.
== Kobato ==
* ''[[Kobato]]'' has Ginsei and Ioryogi.
** Who are voiced by none other than Fai and Kurogane's seiyuu, not to put too fine a point on it.
*** The Christmas episode has Ginsei blushing when Ioryogi appears at Genko's place...
** Not to mention other (although less popular) ships, like [[Crack Pairing|Fujimoto and the debt collector]] and Fujimoto and [[Metrosexual|Takashi Doumoto]] (many fans actually thought the latter was gay, but then the anime made him interested in [[Ship Sinking|Kobato]]
** There's also [[Subtext]] between Sayaka and Chitose and [[Twincest|Chiho and Chise]]. Not to mention Kobato's sadness after hearing about the unnamed woman's divorce... It just seems Kobato will become the next [[Cardcaptor Sakura (Manga)|Cardcaptor Sakura]]...
== [[Magic Knight Rayearth]] ==
== Magic Knight Rayearth ==
* ''[[Magic Knight Rayearth]]'' lacks an official [[Yaoi Guys]] pairing, but there's definitely something going on between Lantis and Eagle Vision -- [[Love Triangle|nevermind they are both in love with Hikaru]]. Geo Metro might have something for Eagle as well.
** The second season of the anime version has Hikaru and Nova, although it's (mostly) one-sided (Nova takes her love for Hikaru to a [[Psycho Lesbian|psychotic degree]]).
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** Innouva basically being in love with Zagato...
== [[RG Veda]] ==
== RG Veda ==
* ''[[RG Veda]]'' has implications between Ashura and Yasha, as well as [[Les Yay]] with Kedappa-ou and Souma.
** Also {{spoiler|Taishakuten and Ashura-ou}} (and I'd like to note that Ashura is genderneutral so I wouldn't count his and Yasha's relationship as this).
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*** ONLY in the localised version and anime, thank you very much, which is generally known for it's poor adaption anyway. The original is very careful to be gender neutral.
== [[Tokyo Babylon]] ==
== Tokyo Babylon ==
* Seishirou and Subaru in ''[[Tokyo Babylon]]'', and later ''[[X 1999]]'', one of ''the'' most iconic canon gay pairings of all time.
** Using CLAMP's motif, it's Love That Transcends Gender and apparently a dead twin and the end of the world.
== [[Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle]] ==
== Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle ==
* ''[[Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle]]'' has several couples that are [[Crossover|Crossovers]] from other series, plus the series-native major character pair Fay and Kurogane. In the first half of the series, the relationship could be construed as one-sided flirting, but by {{spoiler|the [[Eye Scream]] incident}}, there is clearly more going on.
** Chapter 185 takes the innuendo to a new high, with Fay arranging for he and Kurogane to have their own room so he can take off his cloak and... yeah.
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== [[X (manga)|X/1999]] ==
* ''X'' also contains strong implications between Kamui and his dark counterpart (neck fetish FTW), and a lesbian relationship between their late mothers.
** In chapter 83, after {{spoiler|killing Kotori}}, Fuuma pins Kamui to a wall (by stabbing him through his arms and legs) and puts his face '''really''' close, while murmuring seductively and licking his neck. Oh, and it doesn't help that Kamui is steamily whispering Fuuma's name the entire time.
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== xxxHolic[[×××HOLiC]] ==
* Doumeki and Watanuki in ''[[XXX Holic×××HOLiC]]'', though it looks to be more one-sided for Doumeki, considering that Watanuki sees him as [[The Rival]]. Yuko [[Yaoi Fangirl|constantly hints and teases Watanuki that he suits Doumeki much better than Himawari does]], and she constantly puts them in situations that resembles her matchmaking them. And whenever Himawari herself sees Watanuki and Doumeki interact (read: bicker), she always comments on how they're both so cute and how close they are. Not to mention how much suffering and hell Doumeki has to go through for Watanuki's sake, constantly suffering bad injuries to protect/rescue him. Considering how much Watanuki disliked him and acted like a [[Jerkass]] toward him, none of that would really make sense unless Doumeki... um... really really liked him.
** In chapter 159 Doumeki reveals to Kohane why he stays with Watanuki. He tells of one day he saw Watanuki standing in the rain, sadly cradling a dead kitten. He hears Watanuki say, "I'll die like this too. Alone." Doumeki then vowed to himself that he wouldn't let that happen. After telling Kohane this she asks him to take care of Watanuki and not to hesitate when the moment comes that he'll be needed.
** Whenever Watanuki wants to "pay back" any favors Doumeki gives him (such as ''saving his life'' numerous times), he'll cook Doumeki's [[Your Favorite|favorite food]] or take requests to cook something [[Picky Eater|Doumeki]] wants ([[Running Gag|most often with Doumeki making some ridiculous request that's impossible]]). Okay, so Doumeki already [[Ho Yay|really really likes Watanuki]], but the cooking definitely seems to make him fall for Watanuki even ''more''. In fact, a lot of [[Tsundere|dere-dere]], [[UST|romantic and cutesy]] moments between them occur with them bantering and arguing about Watanuki's cooking.
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** And then there's chapter 185, where the heartbroken Watanuki reveals that, after {{spoiler|Yuuko disappeared}}, he decided to make a pact to {{spoiler|wait for Yuuko forever, never aging, and never being able to leave the shop, until the day she returns to him}}. Doumeki's expression when Watanuki tells him is... [ priceless, to say the least]. It looks to be a mixture of being punched in the stomach, exasperation, and a general feeling of, "oh shit, you did ''not'' just do that..." much the way an agonized boyfriend would react if his girlfriend told him she was going to remain celibate for the next 500 years or so.
*** In recent chapters of Doumeki and Watanuki staying together at Yuuko's shop {{spoiler|after she disappears}} you could hear the collective [[Squee|squeeing]] of fangirls at the sight of them acting like <s>husband and wife</s> a married couple in a situation that has been the set up to countless Yaoi doujinshi. [[Fan Nickname|Sadistic Lady Mangaka]] indeed, and as of chapter 186 they're just doing it on purpose...
** [ This page]. Watanuki acting annoyed that Doumeki seems to be spending all his free time coming to see him, only for Mokona to point out that Doumeki is doing it because he's worried about him and want to make sure Watanuki isn't hurt... in heart, or in ''body''. It appears that [[Shipper Onon Deck|even Monoka trying to push Watanuki into realizing Doumeki's feelings for him]]. And the fact that when Monoka told Watanuki that Doumeki was worried about him, Watanuki actually smiled and looked touched.
** Recent chapters have Doumeki and Watanuki alone in a bedroom, with Watanuki sprawled out on the floor wearing a loose kimono, discussing about the mating habits of cats, and what it needs for the ideal mate and love. Doumeki seems ''especially'' keen on the subject, giving Watanuki meaningful glances while talking about [[media:XXXHolicWTH.jpg|"intercourse"]] and [ the one it "longs for."] Oh, and did we mention that Watanuki has frequently been portrayed as being cat-like, constantly having illustrations of him with [[Hyperspace Ears|cat ears]] and tail, with slitty pupils? They were also drinking wine and such.... and Doumeki even filled Watanuki's wine glass for him without receiving any glares or nasty remarks in return...
** [ Chapter l97]. Watanuki says Doumeki doesn't really need to stay at the shop since he was only supposed to be running an errand for Watanuki. Doumeki glances away and says he'll leave when he wants to. In response Watanuki almost playfully blows smoke at him. On the [ next page] we get two panels of just Doumeki and Watanuki staring intensely at each other. Though the tension is broken on the next page, it looks like [ Watanuki was hoping for a different response...]
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** And then there's all those times Doumeki saves Watanuki and those [[Take My Hand]] moments.
* Yûko (of xxxHolic) simply cannot keep her hands off her female clients or her assistant's female friends. She's partial to tilting their faces up while she leans down, making for an 'almost-kissing' pose at least once with each woman Yûko sympathizes with.
** In chapter 4 (the one with the client who can't stop lying), [ Yûko touches both the women's lips and her chest] while asking about her bad habits...
== Other CLAMP series ==
* ''[[Chobits (Manga)|Chobits]]'', which takes [[Fan Service]] as far as possible without disrupting the plot, has a lot of [[Twincest]]-y [[Les Yay]] vibes.
* ''[[Legal Drug]]'' has Kazahaya and Rikuou. And the whole [[Boarding School]] arc. And [[Yaoi Guys]] Saiga and Kakei.
* ''[[Miyuki-chan in Wonderland]]'' is essentially a [[Girls Love|yuri sex comedy]].
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* ''[[Gate 7]]'' has Sakura and Tachibana, who might become their newest pairing. They've already been stated to be [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|Yin and Yang]] in the ''first'' chapter. And Sakura has offered to lick Tachibana's wounds...
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