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== The Soldiers of Multiplayer are hearing voices in their head. ==
* If this WMG is correct, then somewhere, there is a parallel universe where Earth is stuck in a massive, never ending war over the same plots of land. All of the people that appear in multiplayer are real people with families that love them in another dimension who are hearing and obeying voices in their head or are possessed by spirits. The countries in the War are the factions as they appear, since their flags are just the faction's flag instead of their country of origin. (Example: The flag for the S.A.S. is the winged dagger symbol instead of the UK flag.) Weapons in multiplayer are manufactured by giant corrupt arms dealers who happen to make guns with random, often illogical weapon modifications and camouflages. New soldiers deploy so quickly because the ones you are controlling are too confused to notice the spider holes that are spread throughout the battlefield.
== Black Ops is a prequel to all of the other games, and all of the bad guys' plans are sucessful. ==
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** I daresay that qualifies as [[Fridge Brilliance]]. In fact, it looks like it already is on that tab. Essentially, the villains failed because they were all out for themselves and their own goals, while the heroes were able to work together, despite what were implied to be some major differences (Kamarov and Price don't seem to have much love lost between them...)
== John "Soap" [[Mac Tavish]]MacTavish's father is the [[Team Fortress 2|Demoman]] ==
I wonder why no one noticed that they are both Scottish, black, and an explosive specialist.
* Soap's not really an explosives expert and is definitely not black.
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* This troper suspects that was Nova-6, or more accurately a more degraded variant (Nova-5?) since Makarov didn't have the same technical knowledge as Dragovich...
** If it was Nova-6 it must have been a really weak version. Nova-6 destroys exposed skin, and the gas attack victims look fairly intact. Plus it's apparently possible to survive exposure to Unnamed Chemical Agent with just a gas mask instead of a full hazmat suit like you needed in that one level of ''[[Call of Duty: Black Ops|Black Ops]]''. And Nova-6 is more yellow than green.
** The Gas could be the Nova Gas from COD: Black Ops multiplayer.
* Perhaps a more advanced, less-messy version, Nova 7?
== The campaign levels of Modern Warfare 3 involving Paris and Berlin will contain no depiction of [[Gauls With Grenades|French]] or [[We Are Not the Wehrmacht|German]] soldiers ==.
The result of this will be people from those countries getting pissed off. The game may contain a [[Hand Wave]] of "The EU forces have been completely decimated" or something to that effect.
* But the trailers have shown GIGN commandos in France and German Leopard 2 tanks in Berlin. I think it's safe to say that there will be no French or German ''player characters'', but soldiers of both countries are definitely present, most likely as NPC allies.
** French and German forces both appear in [[MW 3]], as NPC allies.
** And they are pretty competent as well. The only reason the French forces are so few in number is because {{spoiler|the surprise chemical warfare attack killed most of the GIGN before they could deploy}}, and the German tanks that aid you are only stopped because {{spoiler|they literally have a building fall on them.}}
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== The Modern Warfare trilogy was planned to follow traditional hero-villain story structure, if you take the countries as characters. ==
A traditional story structures is that the beginning of a story introduces a hero and conflict, which builds into a climax where the hero is weakened and almost beaten, only to rise up again and triumph over the villain at the end. In Modern Warfare, the hero is America and the villain is Russia (yes, don't even try to deny it). Britain is the [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]. Modern Warfare 1 introduced the conflict and the players, in Modern Warfare 2 America gets invaded and badly beaten by Russia, and Modern Warfare 3 was planned to have America's counter-attack that beats Russia (including that invasion of Moscow). This also explains why you play so many different characters and why they're all [[Heroic Mime|faceless non-entities]]: they're all just parts of [[Composite Character|Composite Characters]]s.
Of course, now that Infinity Ward is staffed by entirely different people who knows what Modern Warfare 3 will end up looking like.
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== The second part of the Black Ops series will take place during the 70s, much like how [[BO 1]] took place during the 60s.. ==
* Okay, hardly a stretch here, but when one considers the whole "Operation Charybdis" thing as well as some of the e-mails on the CIA systems easter egg, it is a near given. However, here's some elaboration:
** The SAS will be a playable faction, with the PC quite possibly being MacMillan or "Jonathan" Price. The other playable factions will be CIA (where you will finally meet Ryan Jackson face-to-face) and "men without a country" (Alex Mason and friends, who have gone rogue, but whether this is for "good" or "evil" reasons would be up for heavy debate).
** Levels will include (in order of stuff that pops into my head) a "Fall of Saigon" level, a level where you break Woods out of the Hanoi Hilton, missions in a divided Berlin, the Middle East during the 1973 Yom Kippur War and Apartheid-era South Africa. The final level would would see the factions having to come together against the true antagonists, who launch a ICBM (containing a nuke stolen from the Israelis during the Yom Kippur War) from the vicinity of the Prince Edward Islands. Our heroes will narrowly stop the launch, causing the nuke to detonate high in the air, the only record of it's existence being that the American satellite "Vela Hotel" detected it on September 22, 1979. After the credits will be a news report that Iranian revolutionaries have stormed the American embassy in Tehran, and that there are rumblings of a buildup of Soviet troops near the Afghan border...
*** Which leads up to a young Mahmoud Ahmadinejad defending the American embassy from zombies.
*** Well, I was actually more thinking along the lines of Richard Nixon (connecting it to the CODBO zombies), Leonid Brezhnev, Chairman Mao and Golda Meir holding a secret early 70s summit that is interrupted by Zombies. That'd be a funny bunch.
*** My two cents: Nixon, Kissinger, Carter, and Chomsky. Just for the lolz.
*** Also Entebbe. You can't forget Entebbe. Heck, there'll probably be an Israeli protagonist who will get the game banned in the middle east. Also you hunt down the traitor who sabotaged Apollo 13.
*** A nuclear missile launched from the vicinity of Prince Edward Island would hit almost any Eastern Seaboard target within fifteen minutes, and would be completely impossible to cover up. ''Especially'' if it were detonated prematurely to prevent a nuclear explosion.
**** I said Prince Edward [[Island S]], not the Canadian province, but the islands in the southern Indian Ocean that are technically part of South Africa.
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== The launch trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will feature a montage of tense gunfights set to the tune of ABBA's "SOS" ==
* Furthermore, there will be a level where you burst into a South African nightclub, guns blazing, with ''Dancing Queen'' blasting in the background
** Obviously [[Jossed]] by the revelation of what the real Black Ops 2 was actually like, but ''one'' weirdly specific detail did end up coming through in the end-- theend—the special trailer from E3 did, indeed, feature a firefight in a nightclub. The difference is that said nightclub is located on a floating platform over the Cayman Trench, rather than in South Africa.
== While I'm at it, the third Black Ops would take place in the 80s. ==
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**** There'd be a Russian campaign in Black Ops 3 where you'd play as Nikolai from the Modern Warfare series. He mentioned in [[MW 2]] that he was in Afghanistan with the Soviets.
**** And the above Iranian Embassy level could have the player as Price, since he was based on one of the SAS soldiers involved there.
* The debut interviews for BO 2 indicate that the first part of the campaign will take place in the 80's, and the Soviet-Afghan War was confirmed to be present in the game at E3. Maybe we'll get our Nikolai backstory yet? Aside from Afghanistan, other 80's Cold War locales that have been confirmed include Angola, Panama, and possibly Nicaragua.
== The next "series" in CoD (after WWII, MW and Black Ops will be a "Hard" Science Fiction set in the 2040s or later ==
* Rumors are going around that a forthcoming CoD will take place [[In Space]]. However, CoD isn't Halo, and the people involved in making it generally try to do things a bit different. Instead, it'll take place in the 2040s or so (100th anniversary of the events of WWII) and will be a "hard" science fiction dealing with a conflict between a alliance of democracies (thus continuing how most of the CoD games have been, where you play as either an American or a Brit) and the Chinese (or, depending on how [[MW 3]] turns out, Russians). The battles will take place on Earth (on land, in the air and even under the sea), in orbit and on the Moon. The fights in space would be reasonably realistic (although with some artistic license like lasers being visible and such) and will be unlike anything seen in a mass-market game.
** Gamespot is thinking [ the same thing].
** The revelation of ''Black Ops 2'' suggests that the shift to a futuristic setting will indeed come to pass, though the timeframe is the 2020's rather than 2040's.
== Additionally, the next series by Treyarch will take place in World War I, and the PC will be a young Reznov ==
* Moving the story into the past would nicely mirror the other developer moving the series into the future. Furthermore, while most people don't consider WWI to be as interesting from a technological perspective, there is vast room for story telling in a basically untapped historical period. The reliance during that time period on bolt action rifles might explain where Reznov got his skills with the Mosin Nagant (before his hand injury in [[Wa W]]).
** This is flat-out impossible. In one of the cutscenes in Black Ops, there is a very brief glimpse of a dossier on Reznov. His date of birth is April 20, 1913: he'd still be a child by the time WWI ended.
** Definitely not happening anyway, as the actual Black Ops II is going to first wrap up the Cold War plot of the first game before flashing forward to a newer, parallel conflict in the 2020's.
== ''[[Ace Combat]]: Assault Horizon'' will take place in the same universe as [[MW 2]]. ==
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== The two flashback missions in Call of Duty 4 are an exaggerated account. ==
* Think about it. It's 2 men versus an entire army that's well equipped with weaponry that hadn't even made it to the German military (The G36C was used by these terrorists? Doubtful). Think about it: Price tells a story. Due to the length of time between the event (15 years) and probable head trauma since then (he's probably bumped up his head a few times since), the details decay. So, sure, Price and MacMillan might've killed some people on their way to the hotel, but sneaking under the noses of 10 APC's and about 50 troops? then running across an open field that's being guarded by 50 troops and a helicopter? Not to mention that, in the escape, they must kill at least 150 people before the heli arrives. So, the theory is that they killed troops on their way to the "APC and Troop field", sneak by maybe 15 and a few [[APCs]], run across an open field that has maybe 20 people and an unspinned heli protecting it. Then, for extract, they might kill 50 or 60 people before extraction. It's still out there, but quite a bit more plausible than facing a future(at the time)-tech army.
** COD4 probably takes place in the [[Next Sunday ADA.D.|near-future]], thanks to the G36C. It was introduced in 1996, Price's missions take place 15 years in the past, therefore the game is set in 2011 (and MW2 would be set in 2016). Or it's [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]. And the ''whole game'' is exaggerated, you kill hundreds of guys in '''every mission'''.
*** It was '''produced''' in 1996, it was '''introduced''' in 1997. Do you really think that the audience is expected to believe that Zakhaev's thugs could really intercept hundreds of newly-produced, yet-to-be-introduced-to-an-organized-arm-force weapons? That's on the same page with, say, the Taliban suddenly having a few hundred SCARs. Therefore, Price is lying due to age or trauma. He got the gist right, but he mucked up the details.
*** [[Rule of Cool|Actually,]] yes.
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** Price found [[Uncharted|Shambala]] during his World War II exploits and kept himself a large enough supply of the Tree of Life's sap to take every once in a great while for longevity without the insanity. He gave some to Gaz just before the fuel tanker on the bridge exploded, which is why when Zakhaev shoots him at point-blank range, his head remains intact instead of going splat on the pavement.
** Price isn't really immortal. He was sent on a mission to stop the creation of the atomic bomb, and he was stranded in World War 2 after running out of [[Braid|go-back-in-time potion.]]
** Or perhaps "Captain Price" is an alternate form/avatar of [[Axis Powers Hetalia|Arthur Kirkland/England.]]
== Captain Price is a Time Lord ==
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== Makarov is actually Kamarov from ''Modern Warfare'' ==
He pulled a [[Face Heel Turn]] at some point after Zakhaev's death. Simply because their names are so similar and because no mention of Kamarov is made in ''MW2'' and vice versa. {{spoiler|Would also explain how Makarov and Price agreed to cooperate so fast.}}
* If that's true, though, he must have gotten some serious plastic surgery at some point, considering the two look nothing alike...then again, Makarov's probably just crazy enough to do something like that.
** Except for the face that their facial structures look quite different and they have different sounding voices.
*** As revealed in [[MW 3]], Makarov and Kamarov are different people.
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It's the only logical progression, from WW2 to present day to sci-fi.
* No, the sequel has already come out. It's Mobile Suit Gundam.
** A Gundam game that follows ''[[Modern Warfare]]'''s gameplay would be [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|so awesome]] that it could potentially destroy the world.
== ''Modern Wardare'' shares a universe with ''[[Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu]]'', with Gentou Nogizaka as one of Makarov's arm dealers. ==
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* The skull mask is pretty much Rios' defining feature.
** Nope. TF 141 most likely would have never included mercs, no matter the credentials. I doubt Rios would have the patience to learn an accent. Ghost isn't as...wacky as Rios, either.
** Here's a possible compromise: Maybe Ghost knew Rios and picked up a habit or two from him?
== The events of Modern Warfare 2 lead to a global nuclear holocaust. ==
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Okay, so there's a government conspiracy afoot, right? Shepherd was secretly involved in the BLACKLIGHT project as well as his own scheme. When he went to recruit Allen, Mercer snuck in and [[I Am a Humanitarian|consumed]] [[Voluntary Shapeshifting|Dunn]], proceeding to infiltrate the Ranger battallion in hopes of getting to Shepherd. Unfortunately, they Rangers were transferred back to Virginia shortly before the Russians attacked, so Mercer; still trying to maintain his cover, played the role of Dunn. Think about it, how many times have you seen Dunn take enough bullets to kill you twenty times over, and still get up? Immediately at the start of Second Sun, he takes a bullet to the shoulder and isn't impaired in the slightest. As for why he doesn't just use a devastator or start tearing Tanks apart barehanded, since the events of ''Prototype'', he's trying to be focus more on the "heroic", less on the "sociopath" part of being a [[Heroic Sociopath]], and doesn't want to needlessly slaughter the Rangers (Let's assume Dunn was part of BlackWatch before transferring to the Rangers, so he had it coming).
** Alternately, Dunn wasn't Blackwatch, he was actually perfectly innocent; Alex acts scared shitless as Dunn because that's how the others expect him to act, it's part of his cover. Dunn was mortally wounded in combat and was the first such soldier Alex both found and was able to consume as a [[Mercy Kill]] without anyone seeing; this actually gels well with [[Prototype (video game)|Prototype]] canon, which suggests via character development as the game approaches its conclusion that Alex (aka, Blacklight) is growing out of his [[Heroic Sociopath]] phase. In order to learn how to act like him, Alex would've had to have absorbed him fully with his memories intact instead of pounding his brain into paste; Dunn displays a sudden bout of patriotism after retaking Whiskey Hotel when another Ranger expresses a wish to counter-invade Russia because in taking Dunn's memories, Alex inherits his desire to serve; Alex could also wish to make up for the horrible things the real Alex Mercer did, and once someone else kills Shepherd, presumably crippling Blackwatch, sticking it out with the Rangers would be a convenient way of doing that.
** If were going with the played by the same actor [[Epileptic Trees]] I propose that Dunn is actually [ Dale Earnhardt]
== Modern Warfare takes place in the same universe as the Tom Clancy games. ==
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** Agreed. He lost his mind in the gulag and caused Shepherd's betrayal by blowing a nuke up over the East Coast. If you listen in on the radio conversations in Of Their Own Accord, Exodus and Wolverines! you will notice that while the war is tough, it was [[Unwinnable]] for the Russians long before Price launched the missile. And Soap plays his [[The Dragon|Dragon]] unknowingly.
* Alternatively, [[MW 3]] will initially involve the US launching a counterattack on Russia. Price will be the [[Big Bad]], but does it to force the superpowers to have to work together to take him down as part of a [[Xanatos Gambit]] to finally end the cycle of revenge.
** So...he's going to execute the [[Code Geass|Zero Requiem]]?
*** Alternatively to the alternate (and most likely), the REAL bad guy will be "Suzy" (the guy [[Mac Millian]] hit in the head in "All Ghillied Up") out for revenge against Price and [[Mac Millian]]. After the main character (probably Ramirez) gets killed, a nuke explodes, and there's a climactic battle you'll be saved by Gaz, Ghost (who turns out to NOT be Gaz but rather his twin brother), and [[Mac Millian]].
== The "place" that Nikolai refers to at the end of ''Modern Warfare 2'' is the last remaining Loyalist stronghold. ==
* It makes sense, ''and'' provides a window for the conspicuously-missing Kamarov to come back. Maybe ''Modern Warfare 3'' could even involve helping the Loyalists retake Russia from the Ultranationalists at some point...
** And in the first cutscene of Nikolai landing the helicopter at the camp you see a heavily bandaged Gaz limping out of the hospital tent, having overheard their arrival over the radio and deciding to snap out of his five year coma so he can meet up with his CO in a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]!
** Mostly confirmed by MW3, though obviously without Gaz, and Kamarov didn't show up till much later. Said Loyalist stronghold turned out to be in India, and was promptly attacked by Makarov's goons. Also, the Loyalists end up being let back into Russia peacefully, as President Vorshevsky turned out to be farm more reasonable than the other Ultranationalists.
== Gary 'Roach' Sanderson is the protagonist of Marathon. ==
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== Britain is an [[Unwitting Pawn]] for China ==
[[Fridge Horror|Where]] ''[[Fridge Horror|have]]'' [[Fridge Horror|the Chinese been in all of this?]] You really think we'd hear ''nothing'' from them about all of this? They're using Britain to play everybody else against each other. Once Britain has played their cards, China will unleash their own version of Task Force 141, led by Fu Manchu, Captain Price's long-lost twin brother <ref> Fraternal twins, obviously.</ref>
== The name of the level "No Russian" is actually an in-joke by the game designers. ==
* He says "No rushin'?" because for most of the mission, you can't run and only walk.
== The United States would have repelled the Russians anyway. ==
* The Russians only had as much success in their attack as they did because they hit the US by surprise. By the end of the fighting in DC, there are American jets making bombing runs. All Price did was make things a bit easier on the American infantry.
== Sergeant Foley is a tactical genius, on par with [[Star Wars|Grand Admiral Thrawn]] and [[Code Geass|Lelouch]] ==
* The man took back Washington D.C. with a squad of soldiers and one extremely tenacious Mexican. The U.S. force deployed to Russia will consist of two soldiers: Sergeant Foley to issue the orders, and Ramirez to carry them out.
** [[Memetic Mutation|RAMIREZ! TAKE THE KREMLIN!]]
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*** The animosity to the Loyalists was more or less mentioned in his bio, in a few pieces of enemy intel, and in the EU (mainly some interviews and a few promotional maters). He is confirmed to have been a political terrorist shortly after his discharge from Spetznaz, and it is known that Zakhaev apparently took him under his wing personally, and that he was apparently active during the Russian Civil War. The only way for a Loyalist agent to get those kinds of credentials would be as a deep undercover operative. And I mean so-deep-he-is-standing-on-the-Earth's-core-deep. Secondly, while he is clearly gunning for the Ultranationalist leadership, the theory that he is trying to topple the regime by using its hubris to smash it headfirst into the West comes across as a very, VERY risky gamble at best. From what we have seen of the Ultranationalists so far, they are remarkably powerful, particularly for a nation that should by all accounts be in abject, ruinous decline (see real world population decline + the costs of the Civil War + the continuos Loyalist issue), and it is quite likely that were it not for the [[Plot Induced Stupidity|decision to send a large portion of the military on an army-sized kamikaze mission to Washington DC,]] they might well have the upper hand. And if the Ultranationalists were somehow able to defeat the West, Loyalist Makarov's choices for aid pretty much boil down to China or some emerging superpower in Africa or the Middle East, which is hardly a solid bet considering not only the power of Ultranationalist Russia in any such case but also the probably costs to Russia itself from such "help." And while the Lenin/Stalin connection may be irrelevant in the game world save perhaps as a way for Makarov- in whatever capacity he is actually acting as- to fashion himself as Zakaev's heir, it is highly likely it does mean something here in the real world, where characters are not made entirely randomly. In short, unless Makarov is under such deep cover nobody but the probably-already-dead Loyalist bigwigs knew about him (or at least neglected to pass that information on to their Western allies) , we have no reason to believe he is a Loyalist partisan, and as such Occam's Razor kicks in.
== [[MW 3]] will primarily take place in Europe ==
Think about it: The United States has just repelled a invasion of the Mid-Atlantic, and presumably the Ultranationalists are still in power in Russia. Even if Price and Soap get some indisputable evidence about Shepherd, the fact still remains that ''Russia invaded the United States'', and, oh yes, ''the Russian leaders who did such an attack are still free''. The ship has already left sail, for both sides. Russia, however, would be unable to go again at the Continental US (okay, ''maybe'' Alaska), so more than likely their target would be to go after Western Europe, particularly the UK (thus meaning that, for Price and Soap, [[It's Personal]] now). The "Nuclear War" scenario will somewhat occur, but for sake of gameplay they will be handwaved as being stopped by Missile Defense systems or similar things (that said, there WILL be at least one level in a city that has been nuked). The European Setting will bring the COD franchise full circle: it started in Europe during WWII, and now it's WWIII in Europe.
* As previously mentioned, the US Strike team will be [[Sergeant Rock|Foley]], [[Prototype (video game)|Dunn/Alex Mercer/Dale Earnhardt]], and [[Memetic Mutation|Ramirez, who will be doing everything...]]
* And in keeping with the theme of someone getting nuked in every Modern Warfare game ([[Tear Jerker|Aftermath]] in the first, and the nuke Price launches to cause an electromagnetic pulse in the second, where Ramirez bears a good bit of a nuke as well), some poor PC will also get nuked, even if you're only given brief control like the astronaut in Second Sun or the President of [[Qurac]].
* Partly confirmed by the new trailers; England, France, and Germany are all major locations, though America is also caught up in the action.
== Shepherd is a good guy, Price is the true big bad. ==
Captain Price is and has always been a Terminator (of the living humans + robot parts + control chip variety), explaining his resilience to normal gunfire throughout the games. He was sent back in time by Skynet in order to prepare the world for its coming by destabilizing the U.S. and Russia. He's been active sense world war 2, explaining his immortality and why the MW world is so different from our own. Price used his SAS cover to start the Russian civil war in the first place by shooting off Zahkaev's arm, thus driving him mad, and had all the soldiers under his command replaced with cyborgs. The only reason he stopped the nuke launch in MW 1 was because Skynet was not ready to strike yet. Jackson was also a terminator and his dead body was recovered from Quarac by Sheperd, alerting him to the threat. Soap and Roach (both of whom are cyborgs, Soap supplanting Price's position while he's infiltrating Russia) actually decoded the ACS module at the Russian base to set up the Russian attack. Makarov was hired by them to begin with (using money gained with future knowledge of the stockmarket) and was alerted by them that Allen (a reversed engineered cyborg created by Sheperd, but retaining his humanity) was a spy. Ramirez and Sergeant Folley are also reverse engineered versions of the cyborgs who have kept their humanity. The information they regain from the safe house in Arcadia shows Sheperd that almost all of Taskforce 141 have been replaced by Skynet. He thus begins sending the taskforce on suicide missions in order to kill them off, while his own trusted squad of cyborgs deals with the Russian invasion. This explains why he killed Roach and Ghost with a high powered pistol to destroy their CPU's and then set them on fire to get rid of any backup processors.
** The VIP in Wolverines was John Connor, who was on his way to debrief Price about Skynet's opening moves.
*** The nuke launched by Price was his way of trying to disable Sheperd's loyal cyborgs with an EMP, however Sheperd had noticed their weakness after the [[Qurac Debacle]] and had their processors hardened to prevent this.
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== Shepherd isn't dead ==
If you were to hit in the eye with a knife you wouldn't necessarily die instantly. Plus, Captain [[Mac Tavish]]MacTavish was inflicted with worse injuries and will most likely survive. He'll probably show up in the next game with an [[Eyepatch of Power|eyepatch]] and a score to settle.
** He was dead, but Cerberus rebuilt him.
** Plus, in ''[[Call of Duty: Black Ops|Black Ops]]'', Weaver gets violently stabbed in the eye and survives to spend the rest of the game wearing an eyepatch.
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== Ramirez will return in [[MW 3]]. ==
He's the only American PC in the Modern Warfare series that ''doesn't'' die, so he's clearly special. As for what he'll do in the sequel, it's possible he could either appear as a promoted NPC who's taken several levels in badass (a la Soap in [[MW 2]]), or reprise his role as player character. Either way, he'll end up as America's answer to Soap: a recurring character who represents his country.
== [[MW 3]] will have two endings. ==
At the end of [[MW 3]], Ramirez or the new American PC will meet with Soap and fight him. You chose who to play as, and the story diverges from there.
* Which brings upon the question of why two people on the same side would fight, barring the terrorist charge, and even that would be stretching for an explanation.
** Ramirez, kill that terrorist.
** They're not on the same side, at least so they think. Soap and Price are now considered international terrorists and Ramirez is still a U.S. Army Ranger, and seemed to be under Shepherd's command (Shepherd talks to Sgt. Foley in the briefing before the first mission in the <s> [[Fallout|Capitol Wasteland]]</s> D.C. area). While they may fight for the same ideals, and ''would'' be on the same side if Ramirez knew the truth about Shepherd, Ramirez does not. At least yet. Which sets up the possibility of Ramirez, Soap, Price, and Foley working together in a Badass Unit.
*** The 'Everyone working together' ending would only be possible if you got every single piece of enemy intelligence, which now have a story-line purpose rather than just collectibles.
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* Jossed. They're not.
== Zakhaev was one of the first [[STALKER|STALKERs]]s and knew of the the Zone's activity ==
Why the hell would he meet in Chernobyl? He was going to use the technology of the C-Conscious as a new weapon to help restore mother Russia, the only problem is that he realized how unstable it would be eventually abandoned the project, which led to the C-Concious going rogue before 1996. At the time of the assassination attempt, he simply knew the location well, that why he decided to make the arms deal over there. This could also explain the strength of the Ultranationalists, the Zone's harsh environment has trained them well enough to fight off humans with regular ease. -- [[Andaria]]
* This... makes far more sense than it should in some aspects, but not nearly enough overall. While his runins with the Ukrainian military (and their Hat of being utterly corrupt, ineffectual, and generally useless) might well have led to his disdain/hatred of an independent Ukraine (and thus support of a reabsorbtion of the Ukraine back into Russia proper), and potential conflicts with Clear Sky leading to distrust of the West (which Clear Sky is- rightfully or wrongfully- believed to be an agent of), and it would also go a fair amount towards explaining how Zakhaev can survive otherwise devastating injuries and still be somewhat combat ready and how his men can operate in and around radiation/radioactive weapons as well as they do, but it just lacks a few things to make it even remotely plausible. For one, if he is a STALKER, where did his reputation as an arms dealer come from? Did he decide to just randomly drop his lucrative arms contracts for a year or so to go spelunking around a radioactive wasteland? Or did he emerge from said radioactive wasteland and suddenly become filthy rich within a few years? And if he were a STALKR, where would he have found the time to raise get married and have a son (Viktor), or to attach himself the the Ultranationalist banner? And why are the dogs in Chernobyl fairly normal rabid dogs rather than the mutant blind ones we see in STALKER? And finally, how would he have pieced together the C-Consciousness at all when the first person to do so and get out alive (canon Strelok) also destroyed said C-Consciousness? And this is before we talk about the all kinds of strange things in STALKER that we don't see in the game (for instance, why would anybody- Zakhaev or the West- risk deploying all that they did when a sudden surge could kill everybody who isn't in shelter and do god knows what to the equipment).
== General Shepherd's plan in Modern Warfare 2 had nothing to do with re-establishing America as a military power. ==
Instead, he provoked a war between the two biggest nuclear powers in the world, the US and Russia, so humanity would destroy itself in a nuclear holocaust. After seeing 30,000 of his troops die in "Shock and Awe" while the rest of the world "just fuckin' watched," Shepherd suffered a [[Heroic BSOD]] and realized that [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]], so he decides to pull a [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]] ''on the entire human race''. He stages the No Russian massacre, using Makarov as a pawn, in order to start World War III. Nuclear weapons would probably be used in such a conflict and most of humanity would be wiped off the map. Presumably every other country would take sides in the conflict and the whole world would be beating the crap out of each other ([[World War I|it's not the first time this has happened]]).
== Ultranationalist Russia took over Europe during the five-year [[Time Skip]]. ==
Line 424:
**** Perhaps, but the fact that Al-Asad dropped a bloody NUKE on his own capital city- which did not defeat the US but only ruined a good deal of his still-American-occupied country- probably dampened a lot of support for him. And his cowardice probably didn't do any favors. If anything, the [[Op For]] we face in Afghanistan are far less equipped and armed than the ones we faced in Quarac in [[ME 1]], and their proximity to Russia may well indicate that THEY are the ones being pushed back, with the survivors relying upon Russian support from across Central Asia to continue the fight.
== ''[[Modern Warfare]]'' shares universe with ''[[Uncharted]]''. ==
A few years before the Russian Civil War, the Ultranationalist party sent Lazarevic, along with a part of their armed forces to the Himalayas to find the Shambhala and bring back the Cintamani stone to help the Ultranationalists to conquer the world.
** Sometimes before the first game, Soap found the Shambhala and drank the sap of the Tree of Life, explaining his invincibility and his mountain climbing skill.
* A couple issues with this: firstly, Lazearvic's goons are shown to be hired guns from various corners of the world, including some Americans, which doesn't fit with the idea that the troops Drake faces are some of Zakhaev's men. Secondly, Lazarvic himself is Serbian rather than Russian. Sure, I can imagine that the Ultranationalists could find a place for one of Milosevic's axe men in their organization (what with the close ties between Belgrade and Moscow due to the Yugoslav Wars and NATO), the question of how he would join them in the first place and why he would personally want to are left unanswered.
** Lazarevic might've joined the Ultranationalist to protect himself from war crime investigations. Also, Lazarevic could've hired mercenaries along the way to the Himalayas since they're more experienced than your average Russian country boy.
*** The simple problem with your first assumption is that the world at large thinks that Lazarvic got killed when somebody dropped a few metric tons of high explosives on him during a raid. And since you can't have a corpse stand trial for war crimes (as his [[Real Life]] boss showed), that eliminates the "looking to escape" motive, because the only person with any indication otherwise is our dear Elena Fisher, who is largely treated as a quack for it.
*** A not-so-dead war criminal trying to hide by, say, pretending to be some random farmer could still be discovered. A not-so-dead war criminal being hidden by a major political party with a big, scary army, not so much. Just look at how well the Ultranationalists hid Zakhaev for 15 years after the failed assassination. Also he's probably supporting the Ultranationalist party's communist ideals or just want some power for himself.
** Alternatively, Lazaravic never had anything to do with the Ultrantionalists; Price found Shambala shortly after World War II, and careful rationing of sap from the Tree of Life ensures he's long lived without going nuts. He gave some to Gaz at some point, so Gaz ''is'' Ghost, wearing the ski mask to keep the secret with a made-up background ("Simon Riley" doesn't exist) and this is why the point-blank Deagle shot to his head was a [[Pretty Little Headshot]]; the sap made him more durable. Is Gaz had the forethought to keep an emergency dose on him, he could've chugged it while defending the DSM and thus survived Shepard's betrayal.
== Soap and Price are [[Author Avatar|Author Avatars]]s of Jason West and Vince Zampella, while Shepherd represents [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|Bobby Kotick]]. ==
They're sick of Activision milking the hell out of the franchise they created, so they made a plan to bail out of Activision. They put a [[Foreshadowing]] in ''[[Modern Warfare]] 2'' to make themselves feel better about fighting an [[Unwinnable]] court battle against [[Evil Empire|their former employer.]]
== James Ramirez is a the son of the "[ Most Interesting Man In The World]" from the Dos Equis Commercial ==
No explanation needed; two [[Memetic Badass|Memetic]] [[Badass Spaniard|Badass Spaniards]]s who can [[It's Up to You|do everything]]. It's obviously genetic.
== [[Modern Warfare]] takes place in the same universe as [[Black Lagoon]]. ==
Line 460:
== All the Four Horsemen along with Sheperd and Makarov are Templars from [[Assassin's Creed]] ==
OK, for those who don't know, the four horsemen were the main antagonists of the first game, Al-Asad, brutal dictator of an unknown arab country (AKA Saudi Arabia), Imran Zakahev and his son, Victor, leaders of the ultranationalist russian political party and military force, and an unknown fourth man (my money is on Makarov). They are all Templars, again seeking the piece of Eden. I have no evidence to back up this claim, as frankly I have no idea how taking over Russia and the Middle East or, in Sheperds case, expanding US influence has to do with finding the piece of Eden, but hey, that's why this is called Wild Mass Guessing.
* Hey, if the Templars were able to [[Ancient Conspiracy|set in motion WWII]] with the help of the [[Beethoven Was an Alien Spy|Templars Hitler, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and JP Morgan]], creating a nuclear holocaust is pretty much child's play by this point. I guess that makes Price and Soap secretly Assassins.
== Shepherd is a rogue Assassin. ==
Line 488:
Hudson is lying - Reznov's death is faked, twice (one for the escape, the other for the "real" informant who "died" during the attack on MACV). They're trying to jostle Alex out of his number programming by claiming Reznov was [[Dead All Along]] - and Reznov ''actually does'' contact Alex when he ascends from the Numbers Station. In addition, Mason can take the blame for killing Steiner - Reznov is too important to be blamed for Steiner's death, so why not have some grunt who's been going off the rails recently be blamed instead?
* Not to mention we never actually ''[[Never Found the Body|see]]'' his supposed death at the hands of the Red Army-- theArmy—the scene simply cuts away as Mason stares at Reznov's truck from the train. If Woods can survive by virtue of his body not being found, so can Reznov. Furthermore, Hudson doesn't really have any way of backing up his claim that Reznov is dead; after all, he wasn't there at Vorkuta, and there's no way he could have gotten any kind of documentation for the death of a single Soviet prisoner. Besides, he's WAY too tough to go down so easily...
* And there's also the fact that sticking too close to Reznov during sneaking about on Rebirth Island will have him physically move you about - not to mention that Reznov needs to translate for Alex when the Russian guards speak. [Even if Alex knows Russian from his time in Vorkuta, he only knows some. Note that he doesn't speak when undercover. Ever.]
** More additions: Reznov knifes a Viet Cong too far away for Mason to hallucinate, especially in the tunnels.
** In the same sequence, he tells Mason things he could not possibly have known for himself: as far as Mason and Woods knew, the rat tunnel was just like any other one of its type, but Reznov somehow knew that Kravchenko's forward compound was down there.
* More proof: one of the emails on Hudson's account has a man under the alias of John Trent say, "Please tell Mason one last thing. This time, it's freedom for both of us". Well, ''gee'', where have we heard something like ''that'' before, huh?
** [ Ahem.]
* Further evidence: In the intel files for Vorkuta, Ryan Jackson compiles a report on Reznov that is dated in 1966 - three years after Reznov was supposed to be killed. Yet the report does ''not'' include a date of death and speaks of Reznov in the present tense, as if he is still alive .
** Furthermore John Trent, who is heavily implied to be Reznov working under an alias, speaks of secret power players who have plans to change the world as it currently exists and gives Hudson a cryptic message days prior to John F. Kennedy's assassination that on November 22nd22, 1963, "things will change" and that he should be ready. The CIA Database even has a picture of Reznov in clothes that he is never seen wearing in the story and is listed with the codename of "Wolf", implying that Reznov is still alive and working as a spy behind the scenes of the story.
** Treyarch mentions Reznov in preview material for Black Ops II, bringing up the notion of him being a figment of Mason's imagination in the first game and then immediately challenging it. Seems likely that we might get to see what really happened to him during BO II's first act, set in the 80s.
== The "Jonathan" assigned to burn Mason and friends in South Africa is Price. ==
Line 517:
== Reznov was brainwashed himself or worked with Dragovich to kill all people related to Nova-6 ==
The [ Maverick Code] when spelled out says "Reznov is dead, or is he dead. There was no body. Is he who he says he is." Reznov was either manipulated by Dragovich or somehow came to work with him, and assigned Mason not to kill Kennedy, as Mason believed, but to kill all of the individuals related to Nova 6 once they have completed the project. Dragovich has a pattern of killing everyone related to Nova-6. So once the plan began, he would start the broadcasts, which would tell Mason to begin his work of killing everyone related to Nova-6. This explains how Reznov knew that Dragovich wasn't trusted in Moscow, unless that was in the dossier. Why would Dragovich kill himself after his plan? So he would never be captured and his plan would continue since if everyone related to the plan, including him, was dead, there would be no way to stop it. His plan was only half-way successful in this regard since Mason did shut down the project, and the Rusalka was destroyed.
== Captain Price is an Immortal from ''Baccano!'' ==
Line 538:
== Modern Warfare 3 will include a level in Space ==
Modern Warfare 2 originally had a plan for an entire level on the ISS, But was cut. I believe that [[MW 3]] will have a level set on {{spoiler|a rebuilt}} ISS in the future which has been rigged up to fire warheads at targets across the world during its rotation of the earth. The player will play as an astronaut sent to disarm the warheads, but runs into trouble inside and subsequently {{spoiler|gets into the same trouble Sat1 got into in [[MW 2]] in Second Sun}}, and as he floats past the ship which had carried him up to the ISS with the pilot desperately trying to contact you, the warheads go off and hit the first target.
== Captain Price is Arnold's father from [[Hey Arnold!]]! ==
If we completely go by both series, completely ignoring [[Word of God]], Price's first name is a mistery, as is Arnold's last. Also, his parents are completely missing, citing an "adventure" as the reason. This "adventure", is a cover story so Arnold doesn't have to live with the atrocities of war. The Its established that his grandfather fought in WWII, making the Price from those installments Grandpa, and the one from Modern Warfare Arnold's father.
Line 554:
== [[MW 3]]'s other campaign faction will be the Spetnaz ==
* Think about it, Call of Duty has always had a tradition of playing as Americans, and Brits or Russians. We know that the Russian government is at odds with Makarov's faction, and the game's plot will likely include proving that the airport massacare was a [[False-Flag Operation]]. We also know from Kotaku that there's a plot point involving an attack against the Russan government. Therefore the only other playable faction that apperas in more than one level will be the faction of the Spetnaz working against Makarov.
== Dragovich dug up a [[Dead Space (series)|Marker]]. ==
Line 560:
== Call of Duty takes place before Halo. ==
* Think about it, why is it that the weapons in Halo are not as advanced as they should be? maybe a event in history caused the governments of the world to put down defense funding, thus by the time of the Halo time line, Weapon technology is not as powerful as it should be, at least in the bullets used.
** And the antics of Price, Gaz, MacMillan, Soap, and Ramirez inspired Halsey to create the SPARTAN-II project.
** Maybe
Line 577:
== Makarov was the real mastermind all along. ==
In the last couple of trailers, Makarov says a bunch of cryptic things that seem to suggest that the whole global war thing may have been more than just a happy accident on his part. "Soon you'll see, that very move, every strike, was meant to bring us to this," from the Redemption trailer, sounds particularly telling, while his declaration of, "This is what your greed has brought you..." in the Launch trailer gives the impression that he'd wanted to "punish" the Western world for some time now. It may be possible that he was actually playing Shepherd the whole time, allowing the General to delude himself into thinking he was manipulating him, all so that he could get an excuse to start WWIII. And all of that aside...considering that he's supposed to be the main villain now, would it make much sense for a bad guy of that magnitude to be Shepherd's expendable pawn?
* {{spoiler|Confirmed.}}
** {{spoiler|1=Well, kind of. He was initially a mook/midlevel officer before saving Zakhaev's life earned him his favor. Then he advanced, but was still lower than Zakhaev. MW2 leaves the Shepherd/Makarov [[Gambit Pileup]] unresolved, except for the inclusion of Soap and Price, who fortunately (for Makarov) took his side temporarily}}
Line 587:
== {{spoiler|Soap's just hiding}}. ==
I refuse to accept that {{spoiler|he's dead.}}
* He fell out of an exploding building. Then part of the building fell on him. And then he bled out all over Prague. And ''then'' we got loading screens full of memorials to the guy and {{spoiler|Captain Price outright saying "They killed Soap".}} I screamed at my television when it happened but, let's face it, {{spoiler|Soap's as dead as Gaz and Ghost.}}
* He's survived getting stabbed in the chest, that's ''mild'' by comparison. He may have had a weak pulse, or his heart may have stopped, leading the panicked Price to conclude that he's dead. Kamarov and the rebels have something in mind for him.
Line 623:
== The Juggernaut Armor is full body Level V Dragon Skin armor. ==
* The only known real life body armor that can stand up to the 7.62x51mm NATO without ballistic plates.
* Dragon Skin also has been reported of having problems in high temperatures. This would explain why in the last stage of [[MW 3]] you lose your Juggernaut armor when it got caught on fire.
* Except for the fact that it looks nothing like Dragonskin and everything like heavy-duty EOD armor.
Line 636:
== The Juggernauts use prototype Powered Armor ==
As a part of the Halo and Call of duty in the same universe thing, this WMG is about how the armor they were is actually a prototype for a advanced powered armor which will only be perfected until a few centuries later.
* [[Word of God]] is that the Juggernauts are "customized bomb suits", not purpose-built powered armor. Still, [[Fridge Brilliance|the idea is sound....]]
Line 645:
== The Ultranationalsts were funded by [[Pokémon (anime)|Team Rocket]] ==
And Makarov is Giovanni in disguise.
* No, obviously Shepard is Giovanni.
** (OP here) As for Jessie and James, they [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here|got the hell out of Dodge]] [[Even Evil Has Standards|when they found out what he was up to]]. Oh, and Ghost is James.
== [[Team Fortress 2|Saxton Hale]] is the mastermind behind ''the events of the whole series''. ==
He started the war [[Disproportionate Retribution|because people weren't buying hats as much as they used to.]] It also explains why Austrailia never gets attacked--Saxtonattacked—Saxton manipulated things so it would be [[Magnificent Bastard|a major power in the aftermath.]]
* No, it was so Russia and the US would all by MANN CO weapons and teleporters. Furthermore, he founded Infinity Ward.
* Also, he used Mason (who has an Australian accent) to try and start a war in Black Ops.
Line 659:
== The first level of Black Ops 2 will be Dallas '63 ==
* Think about it, Mason was in Dallas to stop the assassination of JFK since Reznov more or less {{spoiler|tried to deprogram him}}. This could led to a grand chase between Mason, Lee Harvey or any other shooters.
** Not likely, given the whole [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]] thing that Black Ops 2 is going with.
== Makarov is [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|Discord.]] ==
Line 666:
== Captain Price will appear in Black Ops 2. ==
When it happens, you'll hear a sound. That sound will be [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|every Call of Duty fan from every inch of the globe having a mass orgy of rejoicing.]]
* Following from this, concrete ties between the stories of Black Ops and Modern Warfare will finally be laid down in Black Ops 2, with the events of WWIII 9 years prior to the game being mentioned, among other things. It's certainly a possibility, based on the recently revealed fact that Treyarch had wanted to connect their games to IW's since before the ''first'' Black Ops was finished-- itsfinished—its originally pitched title was "Modern Warfare Origins".
== We get to see Makarov's grandfather in the original Call of Duty ==
Line 672:
== Hudson and Weaver were brainwashed too. ==
Okay, bare with me on this one-- itone—it's gonna sound ''crazy'', but it's straight from the horse's mouth (the horse, in this case, being James C. Burns, Woods' voice actor, in [ this] interview). Now, according to Burns, at the end of "Payback", {{spoiler|Mason's brainwashing caused him to confabulate Woods and Reznov into the same person within his mind.}} So, if we're to take that literally, that would mean that Mason was ''not'' alone on Rebirth Island, and that the person he thought was Reznov (and by extension, the person Hudson thought was Mason himself) was actually ''{{spoiler|Woods}}''. However, as I'm sure you're going to ask, "How does that explain Hudson and Weaver finding Mason alone in Steiner's office?". That's where the main point of this theory comes in-- somehowin—somehow (don't ask me how), at some point, Hudson and Weaver were themselves brainwashed. That's why when they caught up to Mason, they saw him declare himself to be Reznov before shooting Steiner, when in reality, it was actually {{spoiler|Woods}} who did the deed, and no one present actually said "My name is Victor Reznov, etc..."-- it—it was just part of everyone's programming. When Mason said he saw Reznov kill Steiner right in front of him, as far as he knew, he was telling the truth, since in his fucked-up mind, {{spoiler|Woods}} ''was'' Reznov. And since no one on the scene could see him, {{spoiler|Woods}} could simply slink off into the shadows, for reasons unknown. On top of that, them sharing the same programming could also explain why Hudson and Weaver were immediately willing to follow Mason when he ran off in search of that "unknown lead" in '78.
At any rate, an already [[Mind Screw]]-y game just got even screwier.
[[Category:Wild Mass Guessing/Video Games]]
[[Category:Call of Duty: Modern Warfare]]
[[Category:WMGCall of Duty: Black Ops]]