Call to Adventure: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Rosencrantz:''' ''(dramatically)'' It was urgent -- [[Shaped Like Itself|a matter of extreme urgency]], a [[Royal Blood|royal]] summons, his very words: official business and no questions asked -- lights in the stable-yard; saddle up and off headlong and hotfoot across the land, our guides outstripped in breakneck pursuit of our duty! Fearful lest we come too late.<br />
''([[Beat.)|[Beat]]]''<br />
'''Guildenstern:''' Too late for what?<br />
'''Rosencrantz:''' How do I know? We haven't got there yet.|''[[Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead]]''}}
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{{quote|''[[Call Receival Area|*Phone Rings*]]''<br />
[[Jumped At the Call|I'll get it!]] Hello, this is [[Report Siht]], can I help you?<br />
''Hello. This is Mr. [[Herald]]. I am looking for someone named [[Meaningful Name|Zenwan]]? [[The Chosen One|D. Cho Zenwan]]?''<br />
Oh, [[Missed the Call|he's not here right now]].<br />
''Can I [[The Call Left a Message|leave a message]]?''<br />
Well, he's a bit busy right now and [[Screening the Call|I don't want to bother him]]. Perhaps I can help?<br />
''Hmmmm, I'll have to think about it. [[The Call Put Me on Hold|Please hold]].'' }}
{{quote|''Congratulations! You've won a free [[Hero's Journey|trip]] to [[Magical Land|another world]]! You'll get to see [[The Lost Woods|forests]], [[Death Mountain|mountains]], [[Capital City|bustling cities]], [[Temple of Doom|ancient ruins]], a [[Floating Continent]], all culminating in [[Storming the Castle|a tour of a majestic castle]]. You'll be joined by a [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|bunch of fellow tourists]] as well, who'll be like [[True Companions|a second family to you]]. You'll all encounter [[Love Interests|love]], [[Big Bad|hate]], [[Rival|rivalry]], [[Threshold Guardians|personal challenges]], [[Secret Test of Character|tests of character]], [[Monster of the Week|monsters]], [[Heroic Sacrifice|death]]-''<br />
Monsters? Death?! That doesn't sound very enjoyable!<br />
''Just relax, [[Angst? What Angst?|it'll be the time of your life]]. Besides, you'll meet [[Fate Worse Than Death|a lot worse than that]] on this trip! Oh, and you'll also get to learn a whole lot of useful life skills, such as [[Magic and Powers|magic spells]], [[Sword Fight|sword fighting]], [[Kung Fu Fighting]], [[The Gunslinger|gunfighting]], [[Le Parkour|running away]]-''<br />
You know, a lot of these 'skills' seem to [[Violence Is the Only Option|revolve around violence.]] Are you sure that I'll be safe?<br />
''[[Could Have Been Messy|I guarantee it!]] So, what do you say? We're all counting on you!''<br />
Thanks, but that doesn't really sound like my kind of thing. [[Refusal of the Call|I'll pass]].<br />
''[[Because Destiny Says So|But I'm telling you, you have to do this]]!''<br />
Hey, [[Screw Destiny|screw you.]]<br />
''Dude, [[You Can't Fight Fate|don't mess with me]]. [[But Thou Must!|I can keep calling again and again.]] [[The Call Knows Where You Live|I know where you live!]] I'll [[Doomed Hometown|destroy your home]], and I'll kill your [[Dead Little Sister|little sister]] [[And Your Little Dog, Too|and your favorite pet]]! Then what are you going to do? [[Wangst|Mope around in the charred ruins of your house?]]''<br />
Is that a threat? Well [[Smite Me Oh Mighty Smiter|give me your best shot, loser]]! [[Tempting Fate|What's the worst you could do to me]]?... }}