Cannon God Exaxxion/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Squick]]: It's a Sonoda manga. Though there's nothing too terribly explicit, there's a lot of (topless) nudity and some pretty freaky stuff is going on with Hosuke and the [[Bridge Bunnies]]. Then there's the violence, which, while usually not too gratuitous, is rendered very realistically. And let's not even get started on the [[Soylent Green|Processing Plants...]]
** Not to mention {{spoiler|Miss Kin'ba's rape}}, which is made even worse by the fact that there was ''fanservice'' all throughout. Of course, titillating and then making the reader horrified at ''being'' titillated [[Fridge Horror|may well have been part of the point, in this case]].
* [[Trapped Byby Mountain Lions]]: {{spoiler|The Hino family outside of Akane and Murata & Kin'ba eventually enter this territory, as there doesn't seem to be much of a point to the Hinos after they get rescued (despite something like a plot still getting dangled), and the whole Murata-Kin'ba thing doesn't really go anywhere, possibly due to Sonoda ending the manga a bit early and ditching extended plans for them. Most obviously, Murata gets a Cannon Glove and Suit... and then proceeds to do ''fuckall'' with it. He doesn't even appear again until the denouement.}}
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: Hosuke explains that it'd be quite easy to use nanomachines to create and control whatever woman Hoichi wanted, even Akane. This makes the unusual 'harem' of the [[Bridge Bunnies]] quite disturbing when you wonder why so many young and beautiful women swoon over a man old enough to be their father. Not to mention how Hosuke described how he got his wife - "Hey, she was a babe with brains, laddie. I had to take her for myself."
** Also, Hoichi's mother cheerfully explains to Akane that they're going to use Exaxxion to rule the world and change whatever laws they want - including marriage laws.