Captain Obvious Aesop: Difference between revisions

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== General ==
* Many bumper stickers, website signatures, etc. As an example, there are a lot of variations on the theme of "I support a cure for cancer", or "I'm against child abuse". There aren't many people who want cancer to continue unabated, and being opposed to child abuse is the norm. Also, stickers against racism. Seriously, people, saying that you're "against racism" hasn't been revolutionary throughout most of the Western world since ''at least'' the late 1940s1970s.
* A regular Aesop that's presented highly [[Anvilicious]], with the entire opponent side being represented by [[War On Straw|strawmen]] can look like this. Since what the opponents want is [[For the Evulz|pure undiluted evil]], taking a stance against it isn't very controversial anymore.
* Can also happen often with kids shows, mainly because what is obvious to a 25 year old isn't obvious to a 5 year old.
== Advertising ==
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== New Media ==
* The ''[ Slacktivist]'' refers to this as the "Anti Kitten-Burning Coalition".
{{quote|...the weird part: Most of the commenters and letter-writers didn't seem to ''notice'' that they were expressing a unanimous and noncontroversial sentiment. Their comments and letters were contentious and sort of aggressively defensive. Or maybe defensively aggressive.}}
* If you are on Facebook, you've seen your "friends" asking everyone to put in their status that they support things like "Don't abuse animals". Really kind of annoying.
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[[Category:ChildrensChildren's Show Tropes]]
[[Category:An Aesop]]
[[Category:Bad Writing Index]]