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A [[Cargo Cult]] is the trope when a group of people worship an object as Gods or deities. This usually happens either because of its [[Clarke's Third Law|advanced technology]], or a coincidental resemblance to figures in the local religion.
The trope name comes from the documented effect that [[World War II]] military forces had upon natives of various South Pacific islands. SixtySeventy years after the war, some tribes in Vanuatu are still building elaborate fake airfields and praying to idols shaped like DC-3 cargo planes. There is a mythical character they call "John Frum", whom they believe to be the source or harbinger of their prosperity (some anthropologists think this may have been the result of American soldiers introducing themselves as "John, from [America]"). Interestingly, it has helped prevent many older traditions of the islanders from being wiped out by conversion to Christianity.
There is a mythical character they call "John Frum", who they believe to be the source or harbinger of their prosperity (some anthropologists think this may have been the result of American soldiers introducing themselves as "John, from [America]"). Interestingly, it has helped prevent many older traditions of the islanders being wiped out by conversion to Christianity.
Many Cargo Cults are distinguished by a mixture of native spiritual systems with elaborate economic rituals, as capitalism has come to replace military power as the force of the developed world that is most heavily felt and appreciated in daily life. Such rituals similarly have the aim of appropriating what the natives perceive as the westerner's "power" from his symbols, such as money or materials in addition to technology.
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
== [[Anime]] ==
* ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]'' had an underground village that worshipped a "face-God", a Ganmen that had fallen into the village long ago. At the end of the episode, {{spoiler|it was revealed that the high priest knew what it really was, and only used the religion to help enact the harsh rules that were vital for the village to survive}}.
* In ''[[Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind]]'', the atomic-powered, biomechanical [[Humongous Mecha]] are refered to as "God Warriors", and the [[Master Computer]] that's been running things behind the scenes has a cult that worships it.
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* [[Kino's Journey|One of Kino's journeys]] takes her to a country [[Cozy Catastrophe|calmly awaiting the imminent apocalypse]], as foretold in their holy book of prophecies, which is revealed later in the same episode to actually be the stream-of-consciousness work of a great but grief-stricken poet whose mind snapped when his wife died in childbirth.
* In ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam 00]]'', Setsuna takes his devotion to Gundams to almost [[Ave Machina]] levels, shown by his complete and utter awe when he first saw the 0 Gundam in action right after he declared there is no God, as well as his repeated declarations of "I am Gundam", meaning the complete submission to Celestial Being's ideals by becoming the very symbol of the eradication of conflict (that is, a Gundam). Based on his reaction to the works of [[Blood Knight|Ali]] and the [[Knight Templar|Trinity team]], using a mobile suit even remotely similar in appearance to a Gundam to shed blood [[For the Lulz|just for the hell of it]] [[Berserk Button|borders on blasphemy to him]] - seeing that Setsuna is Kurdish and spent an unknown amount of time as a [[The Fundamentalist|fanatical]] [[Child Soldier]] who killed his own parents in the name of God, he's capable of one hell of a devotion.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* [[Captain America (comics)|Captain America]] was worshiped by a tribe of Eskimos after WWII while he was still frozen in a block of Arctic ice. Part of why he eventually thawed was because Namor, furious at what he perceived to be the Eskimo's idiocy in their choice of religion, hurled Cap's ice block into the ocean, and the currents pulled it into warmer climes.
* ''The Tower King'', a strip that ran in the British comic book ''Eagle'', was set on an Earth that had collapsed into anarchy when a malfunctioning solar-powered satellite somehow bathed the Earth in radiation that made the production of electricity in any form impossible. A cult worshiping electricity set itself inside a power station, carefully maintaining the generators and pretending that electricity still existed.
== [[Film]] ==
* In ''[[Men In Black 2]]'', a race of tiny aliens living in a rental locker worship a watch that K left behind. When K retrieves this watch, J replaces it with his own, becoming a new deity for the locker people.
* Averted and played with in ''[[The Gods Must Be Crazy]]'', a careless pilot throws an empty Coke bottle from his aircraft. It lands in the middle of a Bushmen community, who decide it must be a gift from the Gods. However, it only causes jealousy and inequality and it is decided that, yes, the gods must be crazy, and a member of the tribe is sent to throw the object off the edge of the world. Much of the humour of the film comes from the lone Bushman interpreting the things he encounters from his stone-age perspective.
** With more than a touch of [[Clarke's Third Law]] thrown in as the bushmen never actually worship the bottle, but only consider it a gift, as noted above.
** Compare ''Gods Must Be Crazy'' to ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]''. [[Nigh Invulnerable|Indestructible]] [[Artifact of Doom|evil bottle]]. Recalls the [[Death of the Author|revisionist interpretation]] that the whole notion of the One Ring was a primitive misunderstanding, or a [[Xanatos Gambit|Big Lie]] designed to mask an economic fight over resources.
* In ''[[Rango]]'', the animals treat human artifacts like pipes this way for their 'divine' ability to provide water in a desert. Verges on [[Humans Are Cthulhu]] at points.
* In the sequel to ''[[Planet of the Apes]]'', Taylor uncovers a group of humans survived the apocalypse but had been turned into disfigured mutants. They worship an intact, unexploded bomb which they keep enshrined in St. Patrick's Cathedral.
* Depending on your interpretation of "object," the Ewoks bowing down to worship C-3PO in ''[[Return of the Jedi]]'' counts as this.
== [[Literature]] ==
* In Will Self's novel ''The Book of Dave'', a [[Driver of a Black Cab|contemporary London cab driver]]'s diary has become a Holy Book five hundred years in the future, with savagely satiric results.
* Outright subverted in the [[Discworld]] book ''The Colour Of Magic'', when a [[Cargo Cult]] ''works''.
** Cargo cults are also considered by Ponder when he reflects that 'he didn't build Hex, he just put it together'.
* ''Dream Park'', by [[Larry Niven]] and Steven Barnes, features a virtual reality-enhanced [[Tabletop Games|live-action roleplaying]] session based around the real-world Cargo Cult.
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* One of the early [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]] novels (''Han Solo and the Lost Legacy'') featured a group of cargo cultists who were the descendants of the crew of the treasure-laden starship of an ancient warlord; they lived on a backwater planet for generations, maintaining sacred "landing fields" complete with mock-ups of spaceships and ritualized "communications procedures".
* In the third ''[[Empire From the Ashes]]'' book, the people of Pardal worship an ancient defense computer as the voice of God, using the "Holy Tongue" (the language of the former Fourth Imperium) to speak with it in such holy rituals as... "System Test"... and "High Fire Test". That same religion also condemns developing technology as heresy. [[God Guise|Sean and crew get mistaken for Demons by the entire population and later for Angels (and their champions) by the rebels]].
* The short story [ "Assumption" (scroll down)] by Desmond Warzel features a ''literal'' [[Cargo Cult]] (in that they worship an actual piece of cargo), but eventually becomes a [[God Guise]] -- a—a person becomes an object of religious awe because of her advanced technology (she descends from the sky).
* The 1984 book ''[[Interstellar Pig]]'' by [[William Sleator]] featured a small spherical object with a face -- referredface—referred to as the "Pig" -- which—which was highly sought-after by several species. At least one, an all-consuming [[Hive Mind]] ooze called the "lichen", believed it was a god of some sort that would bestow upon them eternal wisdom. Of course it turns out that it's more like [[MacGuffin|the Winslow]] than anything else -- anelse—an incredibly annoying embodiment of ADHD that uses its reputation as an object of great power (religious or otherwise) to planet-hop like some kind of obnoxious freeloading tourist.
* [[Edgar Rice Burroughs]]' [[John Carter of Mars]] novel ''The Master Mind of Mars''. In the Martian city of Phundahl, the idol of the god Tur has a system of controls that allow the operator inside to control the idol's eyes and speak through its mouth. The protagonists use this to their advantage by pretending to be Tur and giving the Phundahlians instructions.
* [[Older Than Feudalism]]: The infamous Golden Calf in ''[[The Bible]]''. The Israelites wanted a tangible god, so they melted down some gold and sculpted a calf and worshiped the statue ... and were severely punished.
* [[Harry Harrison]] has a story where a man is sent to repair an ancient, [[Ragnarok Proofing|RagnarokProof]] hyperspace beacon on a distant planet. It turns out the builders failed to notice a few stone age reptiles. Since then, the natives found the beacon (a huge tower), and made it a holy shrine (it produced an endless spring of water as part of its coolant system). One of the priests, while cleaning inside, hit the emergency shutdown switch. The protagonist pretends to be a sentry of heaven, sent to restore the spring. After he finishes the repairs, the reptiles attempt to keep him in as a permanent caretaker -- incaretaker—in response, he claims the heaven is angry enough to forbid entry into the tower altogether (reinforced by him welding the door shut).
* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' novel ''Night of the Humans'', the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond find themselves on a giant space junkyard in the year 250,339. One of the first pieces found by the doctor is the ''Pioneer 10'' probe launched back in 1972 with the plaque showing naked humans still intact. And no, despite the potential, the plaque is not the object of worship (in fact, the probe is run over by a vehicle in the first chapter). They find a primitive group of humans living in the shadow of the Tower of Gobo, the hulk of a spaceship of the Gobo Corporation (or [[We Will Use Wiki Words in the Future|Gobocorp]]) that crashed there thousands of years ago. The humans are the descendants of the surviving crewmembers, having regressed into savagery. They worship Gobo, the clown mascot of Gobocorp proudly painted on the side of the ship, as their deity, believing him to have created them on Earth (yes, they believe they're on Earth) and who will eventually take them away to the mythical land of El Paso. The latter they got from a broken projector showing westerns with no sound, or as they call them "Stories". It helps that Westerns usually have clearly-defined good guys and bad guys, allowing the humans to interpret the good guys as Gobo's children/apostles and the bad guys as the Bad, the enemy of Gobo. Anyone who disagrees with the teachings or claiming that the junkyard is not Earth is considered a heretic and put to death, as they must be the servants of the Bad.
** Being a holy shrine to them, the Tower is off-limits to all. Only once does the current leader send a "word-slinger" (the only person per generation who knows how to read) inside. The latter quickly loses his faith after discovering the ship logs.
* Subverted in the science-fiction short shory 'Hinterlands' by [[William Gibson]]; this time, it's humanity who are on the receiving end, and by the end of the book {{spoiler|we're still no wiser as to how the whole thing works or why. The rule is that you must travel to a set point in space and release a radio-flare; if you do, you 'disappear' and come back after a lengthy period of time, either dead or insane, but carrying a random alien object that might be valuable}}. More than a little unsettling.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* The ''[[Red Dwarf]]'' episode "Waiting For God" reveals that the race of humanoids that evolved from Lister's pet cat discovered his plan to move to Fiji (which they called Fuschal) and open a hot dog and donut stand, and built an entire religion around it. They decimated themselves in a holy war over what color the [[Burger Fool|silly hats for the wait staff]] would be, and then the survivors left to search for Fuschal using star charts left behind by "Cloister" -- the—the old laundry list used by Lister to line the original cat's bed. (The colors fought over were red and blue. Lister, however, intended them to be ''green''.)
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* The ''[[Red Dwarf]]'' episode "Waiting For God" reveals that the race of humanoids that evolved from Lister's pet cat discovered his plan to move to Fiji (which they called Fuschal) and open a hot dog and donut stand, and built an entire religion around it. They decimated themselves in a holy war over what color the [[Burger Fool|silly hats for the wait staff]] would be, and then the survivors left to search for Fuschal using star charts left behind by "Cloister" -- the old laundry list used by Lister to line the original cat's bed. (The colors fought over were red and blue. Lister, however, intended them to be ''green''.)
** In the novelization, the cats are waiting for "Cloister", who has been frozen in time, but will one day reemerge to lead them to "Bearth". The other cats believe exactly the same thing, except he was called "Clister". Naturally, they nearly wipe out their own species in religious war, then leave to find the promised land.
== [[Recorded and Stand Up Comedy]] ==
== [[Stand Up Comedy]] ==
* During his Dandelion Mind tour, comedian [[Bill Bailey]] gets the crowd worshiping an [[wikipedia:Oud|oud]].
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* The ''[[Mage: The Awakening]]'' [[Sourcebook]] "Summoners" has strange, otherworldly beings which resemble an [[Uncanny Valley]] version of planes and can be summoned to drop powerful items down on the summoners.
* ''[[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)|Call of Cthulhu]]'' adventure ''Glozel Est Authentique!'' by Theater of the Mind Enterprises. In the distant past the people who lived in Glozel, France interacted with Phoenician traders. When the traders stopped coming the people created tablets with Phoenician characters on them to try to bring them back.
* ''Sufficiently Advanced'' includes Cargo Cults as one of the types of civilizations PCs can come from. Due to the hectic far flung nature of the diaspora, and the insanely advanced science of most of the cultures cargo cults are incredibly common, and the PCs can end up dealing with them fairly often.
** Interestingly, the original premise for the game was entirely based around cargo cults, until the creator had a better idea.
* The [[Dungeons and Dragons]] 3rd Edition ''[[Forgotten Realms|Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting]]'' mentionshas athe Cult of Entropy, instarted by Karanok family, which became the nationrulers of Luthcheq (city-state in Chessenta), quickly earning it the nickname "city of madness". This cult worshiped a giant, explicitly nonsentient ''sphere of annihilation'' (basically an artifact that disintegratesmakes anything that touches it vanish) which can't be controlled as normal, but content to sit in one place, around which its temple was built. It apparently does not talk back to its worshipers or act as a sentient entity in any way at all.
** SadlyIt's established canon that non-existent or dead deities are up for grabs to be used as masks by the active ones. So later (in D&D 3.0 ''Lords of Darkness'') this example,was aexpanded recent- though per 3.0 era design fashion (4thknown editionas "lolrandum") went down a tenuous road: "You'd think Entropy, the Great Nothing, the Swallower of Gods, the Magechill, whose priests hunt magic-users is obviously a guise of Shar - with her black circle for unholy symbol, portfolio including Loss and hostilities with Goddess of Magic - but it was me, Tiamat, all along!" Later in D&D4 era issue of ''[[Dragon (magazine)|Dragon]]'', magazineper 4 edition design fashion it was [[Retcon|retconnedretcon]] this cultned into worshiping a [[Eldritch Abomination|primordial embodiment of chaos]] that had been [[Sealed Evil in a Can|trapped in the form of a]] ''[[Sealed Evil in a Can|''sphere of annihilation]]'' by the Overgod Ao.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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* ''[[Project Eden]]'' has the earth people, who live on the ground (everybody else lives in a really tall skyscraper) and mentioned they would be scared to live so high up, in case they fell down like the rubbish they collect.
* The Covenant from the ''[[Halo]]'' games and [[Expanded Universe]]. In addition to worshipping the [[Precursors|Forerunners]] as literal gods, the Covenant hold all technology created by them as holy, to the point where improving or modifying any technology reverse-engineered from Forerunner ruins is tantamount to heresy.<ref>In ''First Strike'', Cortana improves the Covenant Assault Carrier ''Ascendant Justice's'' slipspace drive and plasma weapons by ''modifying the settings.''</ref>
* The native Nali in ''[[Unreal]]'' are a simple, agricultural race with some advanced technology (hinting to an ancient, more violent history) that they believe are sacred relics -- forrelics—for instance, they call the rocket launcher "stick of six fires", which "came from the Nali water god when the star fell from the sky", and put it on a holy pedestal.
* In ''[[Avernum]] 3'' you encounter a [[Cargo Cult]] that seems to worship random junk they've collected or stolen from various places. They do worship some valuable artifacts as well, but that doesn't make them any less deranged.
* In ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]'', there is a minor race of gorillas called the Imga who worship High Elves and seek to emulate them, to the point of shaving off their fur and powdering their skin.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
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*** Technically, Banjo probably ''is'' a God. Possibly [ the weakest god imaginable], but, somehow, [ divine nonetheless]. This is due to ''OotS'' using the [[Gods Need Prayer Badly]] rules.
== [[Web Original]] ==
== Web Original ==
* A few [[SCP Foundation]] objects are considered parts of a god worshiped by the Church of the Broken God. One in particular, [ SCP-882] has had at least one known cult worship it due to its effects.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
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{{quote|'''Fry:''' You guys worship an unexploded nuclear bomb?!
'''Vyolet:''' Yeah, but nobody's that observant. It's mainly a Christmas and Easter thing. }}
* In ''[[Thundercats 2011]]'' the Book of Omens is a [[Ancient Artifact]], the singular source of history, mythology and theology for the [[Catfolk|Cats]] of the kingdom of Thundera. Lost for generations, [[Shrouded in Myth]], [[Famed in Story]] and dogged by [[Outgrown Such Silly Superstitions|skepticism]], its reputed as a [[Great Big Book of Everything]], the source by which its kings orate their history, a [[Tome of Fate]] to the [[The Order|order]] of [[Church Militant|Clerics]] who maintain its [[Ancient Tradition|Ancient Traditions]]s, and a source of fascination to those who believe its tales of [[Lost Technology]]. Two of Thundera's best generals were sent questing for it for years, but when Thundera is invaded by ancient [[Outside Context Villain]] Mumm-Ra, head Cleric Jaga reveals that its definitely real, and sends young Prince Lion-O racing to find it before Mumm-Ra can. Once discovered it {{spoiler|appears to be a [[Blank Book]], but is actually a [[Magitek]] computer that}} will reveal the key to defeating Mumm-Ra.
* In ''[[Rocko's Modern Life]]'' Heffer joins a cult that worships sausage.
== Real Life ==
* As mentioned in the description, the John Frum cults. Frum himself is a sort of amalgamation of Uncle Sam, Santa Claus, and John the Baptist; the name is believed to be a corruption of "John from America", though another theory holds that it's based on a letter "from John". They believe he will return on a February 15th15, celebrated each year as John Frum day. In some circles, John Frum is considered to be Prince Phillip's brother. A ''National Geographic'' reporter asked a John Frum cult leader how he could still keep a cargo cult going despite the modernizations that have come to his island. The leader replied "We've only been waiting for our prophet for 60 years. [[Take That|You've been waiting for]] [[Jesus|2,000]]."
** Interestingly enough, John Frum brought wealth to them -- metaphoricallythem—metaphorically speaking, of course: it brought the interest of scientists, journalists and then tourists, and through them, their money.