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A [['''Cash Gate]]''' is a character or [[Broken Bridge|other obstacle]] that makes you collect a certain (very large) amount of [[Global Currency]] before you can move on with the story. The point of such assignment is to make [[Sidequest|sidequestingsidequest]]ing and exploration your ''main'' quest for a while.
The difference between [[Twenty Bear Asses]] and this trope is that you only get bear asses from a certain source (e.g. [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|slain bears]]), while money can be raised through any number of activities, giving you a much greater degree of freedom and diversity in gameplay. Additionally, having that much money at one time may put you into the dilemma of whether to advance the plot or to buy that [[Infinity+1 Sword]] lying on the shelf... and then spend many more hours raising the money all over again.
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* In ''[[Super Paper Mario]]'', Chapter 2-3, you need to make 1,000,000 rubees by working in a generator room after breaking one of Mimi's vases. {{spoiler|In actuality, this merely involves raising around 1000 rubees to get access to the more lucrative work room, and then to buy the password to the vault which contains the remaining cash for 10,000 rubees}}.
* In ''[[Recettear]]'', paying off Recette's [[Disappeared Dad]]'s debt is arguably one of these. Failing to make a repayment is still the [[Game Over]] condition, but the game allows you begin [[New Game+]] nonetheless - in fact, it's ''very'' difficult (but not quite impossible) to complete the game without doing this once.
** Clearing the [[Cash Gate]] by making the final repayment unlocks Endless Mode, where the game continues without the money pressure, allowing you to focus on dungeons and plot; and Survival Mode, where the debt constantly ramps and can can't ever be fully paid off.
* In ''[[Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light]]'', there's one part of the game where Jusqua has to raise 10,000 gil in order to un-[[Baleful Polymorph]] Princess Aire, who got turned into a cat, even though {{spoiler|he's got the wrong cat}}. To help with this, at this point you have the option to open your own shop and, fortunately, [[Karl Marx Hates Your Guts|Karl Marx]] [[Averted Trope|DOESN'T]] hate your guts!
* In ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]'', you need 3000 gil to ride the train to Timber and another 3000 to get to Deling City.