Category:Revenge Tropes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''Revenge is sweeter than life itself. So think fools.''|'''[[Juvenal]]'''}}
{{quote|"''And I... will make them '''pay''' for what they've done!''"|'''Captain Picard''', ''[[Star Trek: First Contact]]''}}
{{quote|"''I'll have my reveeeengeeeeee!''"|'''Juri''', ''[[Street Fighter|Super Street Fighter 4]]'' (Repeatedly)}}
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"An eye for an eye" has long been the standing policy for most humans. Perhaps it's related to [[wikipedia:Reciprocal altruism|reciprocal altruism]] - just as people are prone to repay kindness, they are also prone to [[Pay Evil Unto Evil|repay evil]]. In any case, the concept of revenge works ''even better'' in fiction.
[[Category:Index Index]]
* [[Animal Nemesis]]: A person fixates upon an animal as his arch-rival as a result of twisted logic. Also called Captain Ahab Syndrome.
* [[Avenging the Villain]]: A villain goes after the hero in vengeance for another villain that the hero killed.
* [[Best Served Cold]]: Dedicating one's life to fighting evil in hopes of getting revenge.
* [[Buy Them Off]]: Trying to buy off the victim of a crime so they will not seek revenge when they learn that the person has wronged them.
* [[Color Me Black]]: Taking revenge on a racist by transforming them into the object of their hatred.
* [[Crusading Widower]]: The death or murder of a family motivates the father to seek revenge.
* [[Cycle of Revenge]]: Vengeance begets vengeance, and tends to lead to a blood feud.
* [[Designated Bullet]]: Saving or Crafting a specific special bullet for your specific special target.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: For when "eye for an eye" just isn't enough for some people. (Hell, the concept of "an eye for an eye" was invented to ''avoid'' this!)
* [[Extreme Melee Revenge]]: Carrying out revenge, melee style, WAY beyond what is necessary or (sometimes) [[Disproportionate Retribution|even deserved]].
* [[Feuding Families]]: A [[Cycle of Revenge]] between families.
* [[Flushing Toilet, Screaming Shower]]: Messing with the water temperature in some way to get back at someone using the shower.
* [[Food Slap]]: A character avenges a wrong by throwing food or drink at the offender.
* [[Gaia's Vengeance]]: Earth has had enough of being abused by humanity, and now, she's striking back.
* [[Genocide Backfire]]: Trying to wipe out a people to keep them from destroying you will only give the survivors (and there are ''always'' survivors) all the reason they need to destroy you.
* [[Gypsy Curse]]: A curse that is more about vengeance and spite than actual justice. Expect it to be [[Disproportionate Retribution]].
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: When a character out for vengeance becomes just as bad as (if not worse than) the scum they're trying to take vengeance on.
* [[Honor-Related Abuse]]: When parents [[Offing the Offspring|off their offspring]] because they somehow "stained" the family's honor. Often comes with a heaping helping of [[Values Dissonance]] and [[Unfortunate Implications]], particularly when a woman is targeted for this.
* [[The Hunter Becomes the Hunted]]: Someone who is pursued decides to stop running and turn the tables on their pursuers.
* [[I Ate What?]]: Character eats or drinks something that's not intended to be food, usually prepared by someone wanting to get back at them. Ew.
* [[It's Personal]]: The villain has killed or otherwise hurt someone important to the hero. Now the hero wants revenge.
* [[Misplaced Retribution]]: Revenge directed against those who cannot reasonably be blamed for the crime, save by some extremely shaky justification.
* [[Opposites Attract Revenge]]: When a [[Love Triangle]] leads to a vendetta between the two rival love interests.
* [[Paranoia Gambit]]: A [[Batman Gambit]] involving the victim sabotaging oneself out of paranoia.
* [[Parking Payback]]: Parking somewhere you shouldn't has consequences.
* [[Pay Evil Unto Evil]]: Doing bad things to bad people because they deserve it. The core of revenge.
* [[Rape and Revenge]]: A person (usually a woman) gets revenge on their rapist.
* [[Relative Button]]: A person finally confronts another over the family members they murdered.
* [[Remember the Alamo!]]: A battle cry named for an enemy atrocity; a call for revenge in war.
* [[Restrained Revenge]]: Settling for a much lesser (often petty) token revenge to show that you have "forgiven" them.
* [[Reunion Revenge]]: Someone uses a [[Class Reunion]] as a means of getting back at the people who wronged him or her back in school.
* [[Revenge]]: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. What this index is all about.
* [[Revenge Against Men]]: A woman seeks to avenge herself against men in general or a particular man who done her wrong.
* [[Revenge Before Reason]]: When someone pursues revenge over more sensible goals, often leading to ruin.
* [[Revenge by Proxy]]: When a villain targets an innocent connected to the person he wants revenge on, just to make the person suffer for what he did to a person connected to them. [[Moral Event Horizon|One of the more despicable forms of revenge.]]
** [[Forced to Watch]]: [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Forcing the target to]] ''[[Shaped Like Itself|watch]]'' their loved one be [[Kick the Dog|abused]]/[[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|assaulted]]/[[Extreme Melee Revenge|maimed]]/[[Cold-Blooded Torture|tortured]]/[[Rape Tropes|raped]]/[[Kill It with Ice|fro]][[Human Popsicle|zen]]/[[Taken for Granite|petrified]]/[[Kill the Cutie|killed]]/[[Cessation of Existence|era]][[Ret-Gone|sed]]/[[Fate Worse Than Death|cond]][[Dragged Off to Hell|emned]]/[[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|wedgied]] horribly, just to take the [[Cold-Blooded Torture]] aspect (and [[Moral Event Horizon]] crossing) [[Up to Eleven]].
** [[Would You Like to Hear How They Died?]]: The ''other'' way the perpetrator of [[Revenge by Proxy]] can twist the knife (and be launched across the [[Moral Event Horizon]].)
* [[Revenge Fic]]: [[Fanfic]] where the author is out to kill a character he or she hates or make his or her life a living hell.
* [[Revenge Myopia]]: Seeking retribution against someone who may have acted in self-defence, or on behalf of someone who is [[Grey and Gray Morality|less than pure]].
* [[Revenge of the Nerd]]: A unbelievably hot woman seduces the guy who made fun of her in school as a nerdy wallflower, then rejects and humiliates him.
* [[Revenge SVP]]: When someone isn't invited to a party, the snubbed one seeks revenge.
* [[Revenge Through Corruption]] - Villain does [[Revenge by Proxy]] or [[Sins of Our Fathers]] through corrupting the enemy's loved one(s) - i.e., an engineered [[Face Heel Turn]].
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: Revenge that dispenses with Machiavellian plotting and goes straight for the violence.
* [[Sins of Our Fathers]]: Children are punished for what their parents have done.
* [[The Chain of Harm]]: Evil you do to one person doesn't stop there, it messes up their entire family.
* [[Then Let Me Be Evil]]: The character gives up on trying to be good and decides to do unto others as has been done unto him.
* [[This Is Unforgivable!]]: As a way of expressing his/her desire for revenge on someone for pushing him/her too far or doing something horrible to those close to him/her, one character announces that what the other character did was unforgivable and therefore he/she must pay for what he's/she's done.
* [[This Means War]]: Similarly to [[This Is Unforgivable!]] above, in order to avenge their loved ones who were killed or the fact that they got pushed around too much, a character declares war against the other character before proceeding to kick their ass and get revenge for said loved ones.
* [[Vehicular Sabotage]]: Taking revenge on someone by damaging the car they know and love... possibly in a way that will get them killed in the process.
* [[Who's Laughing Now?]]: When a character becomes a villain to get revenge on those who have treated them as a [[Butt Monkey]] or [[Chew Toy]].
* [[Woman Scorned]]: She's been done wrong by her man, and she wants revenge.
* [[You Killed My Father]]: If a character's father has been killed, it will be that character who kills the guy responsible.
[[Category:Topical Tropes]]
[[Category:Morality Tropes]]
[[Category:Crime and Punishment Tropes]]
[[Category:Index IndexTropes]]
[[Category:Relationship Tropes]]