Changeling: The Lost: Difference between revisions

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* [[Did We Just Have Tea with Cthulhu?]]: The True Fae are incomprehensible. One time a Changeling encounters his True Fae keeper, it might hunt him down to recapture him or torture his closest friend. The next time it might just pat him on the head and offer him a chocolate-chip-and-maggot cookie.
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Some Changelings ''do'' manage, by cunning, strength, or both, to defeat (or even destroy) their True Fae master. This is easier in the mortal world, as Fae are weakened while in the Real, but it's technically possible even in Faerie - just very, ''very'' difficult.
** Of course, {{spoiler|Odds are, [[Fighting a Shadow|that was only part of him.]] And the rest is probably ''pissed''}}
*** Or worse: {{spoiler|[[JustAll According Asto PlannedPlan|laughing.]]}}
* [[Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?]]: A method of dealing with the True Fae that is ''slightly'' less likely to end in death or capture than all-out battle. Some Changelings manage to escape captivity by catching their Keepers in pledges or obscure oaths. Caution is advised, though, as the Fae have had millenia to practice that sort of scheming.
** There exists an Entitlement, the Legacy of the Black Apple, that exists in part to do exactly this. Officially tasked with negotiating with Fae invaders to get Them to leave without kidnapping anybody, Legates are more than happy to oathbind a Fae so that it ''can't'' kidnap anybody, even if it wants to. This is a '''''very dangerous job.'''''
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** ''No, my place is a pigsty. Let's go to yours. So. What was your name again?''