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* [[Artificial Stupidity]]: The enemy A.I. is very simple, especially compared to modern shooters. Enemies mostly just run towards your location, then stand still and fire at you once they enter your line-of-sight (although they do occasionally run behind cover for a couple seconds).
* [[Blind Idiot Translation]]: Mostly averted; the dialogue is pretty decent, but it does have an overall "weird" vibe from odd word usage and sentence structure which makes it clear the original script was not in English.
* [[Body Armor Asas Hit Points]]: Averted. Body armor semi-realistically absorbs a percentage of damage based on its condition. At full armor, your armor absorbs all of a bullet's damage, while at partial armor it will only absorb a percentage of the damage (with the rest directly damaging your health).
* [[Bullet Time]]: The game has Adrenaline Mode, which slows down time giving you more time to react. Unlike most other Bullet Time mechanics in other games, it does ''not'' increase your movement or shooting speed, leaving you just as vulnerable to damage. It also regenerates ''extremely'' slowly, so you can't rely on it for every firefight. On the plus side, you have a lot of it (a full meter lasts almost 30 continuous seconds, but it takes several minutes to regenerate).
* [[Cyberpunk Is Techno]]: The (surprisingly good) soundtrack for the game is very techno.
* [[The Dragon]]: Frequent references are made throughout the game to Scott Stone, Marcorps' deadliest warrior and [[The Dragon]] to [[Big Bad]] Samuel Longwood, who was apparently the one responsible for initially capturing and gravely wounding Chaser before the start of the game, resulting in his amnesia. There's something of a buildup to a big final showdown between Chaser and Stone. {{spoiler|As it turns out, "Chaser" ''is'' Scott Stone. See [[Tomato in Thethe Mirror]] below.}}
* [[Downer Ending]]: Seemingly pretty standard for an Eastern European developed game (although, given their history, it's kinda understandable). {{spoiler|1=Pretty much [[The Bad Guy Wins]]. Marscorps President Samuel Longwood destroys the Resistance's main base and breaks the leader of the Resistance, and "Chaser" is captured and/or killed. The only upside is that Chaser kills the Resistance Leader, preventing the [[Big Bad]] from scanning his brain for the location and identity of any remaining Resistance cells. Pretty much the same ending as if ''[[Total Recall]]'' had ended with Cohagen capturing Quaid and strapping him into the brainwashing/unbrainwashing machine.}}
* [[Elite Mooks]]: In the last few levels you primarily fight Marscorps heavy soldiers wearing [[Powered Armor]] that can soak almost a full mag of gunfire, and equipped with OCIWs, the best assault rifles in the game (which are also equipped with undermounted rocket launchers).
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* [[Mooks but No Bosses]]: The game actually has a handful of proper boss fights in the first two-thirds of the game, but there are absolutely no bosses in the final 3rd of the game once you get to Mars.
* [[Nintendo Hard]]: ''Extremely''. This is an old-school, hardcore PC shooter. No regenerating health. Health and armor pickups are relatively uncommon. Enemies can kill you in just four or five assault rifle shots (seven or eight shots if you're fully armored). Snipers can kill you in one or two shots. Adrenaline Mode gives you a slight edge, but doesn't make you a God Among Men like in most other shooters that feature it.
* [[Tomato in Thethe Mirror]]: {{spoiler|1=It's revealed at the very end of the game that "Chaser" is really Scott Stone, [[The Dragon]] to [[Big Bad]] Samuel Longwood. Stone killed the original Chaser before he could be interrogated, so Longwood used experimental technology to download Chaser's memories into Stone (who also underwent plastic surgery to look like Chaser) in order to infiltrate the Resistance. However, the process was screwed up due to an attack by Resistance commandoes, resulting in Stone/Chaser having amnesia and only mixed-up partial memories from both of his identities.}}
* [[Too Awesome to Use]]: [[Bullet Time]] can be like this, given how incredibly slowly it regenerates after being used.
* [[Whole-Plot Reference]]: The entire game is essentially an [[Expy]] of ''[[Total Recall]]'', right down to [[The Reveal]] at the end.