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In fiction, children conceived by rape are sometimes considered to be "tainted", especially in [[Horror]] movies where they usually grow up to be either deformed [[Bastard Bastard]] killers or straight up monsters.
'''[[No Real Life Examples, Please]]'''
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** Purple Man fell for a girl and used his powers to seduce and marry her. [[Alpha Flight|Purple Girl]] was their daughter.
* In ''[[The Sandman]]'', Rose Walker's mother was conceived when [[Anthropomorphic Personification|Desire]] raped her [[Dude, She's Like, in A Coma|comatose]] mother, Unity Kincaid. This wasn't because of any sexual interest in Unity, but simply because Desire needed to have a child with her for a [[Xanatos Gambit]] it was trying to pull against its brother Dream. Unity remained in her coma throughout the duration of the pregnancy and birth, and for a long time afterward thought she had dreamed the entire thing.
* In ''[[Green Arrow]]'' the villain [[Dragon Lady|Shado]] raped Oliver Queen after she shot him with an arrow and while he was delirious with fever from a medication, and reveals later that she had a son, Robert, as the result of the rape. Robert seems to be perfectly normal and not know the circumstances of his birth, but the [[Unfortunate Implications]] of the story come out when several later stories (especially those written by [[Judd Winick]]) treat the rape like Ollie ''consensually'' cheated on his longtime girlfriend and later (ex)wife [[Black Canary]], which has [[Double Standard Rape (Female On Male)|lots of problems]].
* Damian Wayne was conceived when Talia al Ghul drugged [[Batman]] and [[Double Standard Rape (Female On Male)|raped him]] explicitly to conceive an [[Heir Club for Men|heir]] for his greatest enemy, Ra's al Ghul. She didn't tell him about the baby's existence for ten years, after which she dumped the kid on Batman's lap. No wonder he and Damian have issues.
* Subverted in [[Watchmen]]. After the photo shoot for the 1940s Minutemen, The Comedian attempts to rape Silk Spectre before being interrupted by Hooded Justice. They later [[Victim Falls For Rapist|have a consensual relationship]] resulting in a daughter, Laurie (aka Silk Spectre II).
* Something similar to the Green Arrow example happens to [[Starman|Jack Knight]] when he is drugged and repeatedly raped by his enemy, The Mist, with her intention being to raise the resulting child to hate and ultimately kill Jack. Fortunately, by the last issue, it ends MUCH happier for both father and son.
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* In ''The King's Peace'' by [[Jo Walton]], the protagonist falls victim to the first part of a [[Rape, Pillage and Burn]] raid, resulting in a son with an important Destiny. (It is explicitly acknowledged that the god responsible for this destiny is not very nice, and enjoys messing with people.)
* Author [[VC Andrews]] tends to use this trope a lot, and often as backstory.
* In the ''[[Night Huntress]]'' series, [[Dhampyr|Cat's]] mother [[Abusive Parents|Justina]] was raped by a vampire, resulting in [[Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad|Cat's conception]]. Avenging her mother's rape and atoning for her own existence is [[Heroic Bastard|Cat's]] primary motivation for [[Van Helsing Hate Crimes|killing all vampires]] in the first book. {{spoiler|Later we learn that Cat's father mind raped Justina only after the physical seduction had been completed, violating her mind and causing her to believe she'd been physically raped as well. Your mileage may vary on whether that's better or worse.}}
* In the ''[[Harry Potter]]'' series, Voldemort is conceived this way. Voldemort's mother, Merope, forced a guy she was infatuated with to marry her using a [[Love Potion]]. He has sex with her willingly enough, but the will itself is manufactured - and therein lies the problem. He left her and their unborn child when he was freed from the potion's effects, and it's implied that Voldemort's refusal to accept that his mother was a rapist contributes to his eventual villainy.
* In [[Christopher Moore]]'s ''Fool'', Pocket was assumed to be the child of a nearby town's resident crazy lady, who claimed he was a prince before dropping him off at a convent and drowning herself. A witch later grants Pocket the ability to see what really happened: {{spoiler|Nine months before he was born King Lear essentially forced his own brother to rape Pocket's mother.}}
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* Three examples from ''[[Eastenders]]'': the character of Donna Ludlow, who turned out to be the daughter of Kathy Beale conceived when Kathy was raped at the age of 14; Little Mo Mitchell, who was raped in the Queen Vic, fell pregnant and decided to keep the child; and Zoe Slater is the result of Kat being raped by her uncle as a teenager.
* {{spoiler|[[Halfbreed|Scorpius]]}} from ''[[Farscape (TV)|Farscape]]''.
* Liam "Kincaid" (more accurately: Liam Beckett) from ''[[Earth: Final Conflict]]''. The Kimera Ha'Gel, [[Last of His Kind]], essentially goes on a spree to try and procreate. His "mates" are [[Out With a Bang|not able to withstand the experience]]. Ha'gel ends up overpowering Sandoval and Beckett to produce Liam, the hero of seasons 2-4. Liam becomes increasingly [[Incredibly Lame Pun|"alienated"]] from his Kimera side and doesn't seem to acknowledge Ha'Gel any more than he absolutely has to (to the point of considering Sandoval, the show's [[Magnificent Bastard]] to be his "real" father), and gets to [[Calling the Old Man Out|tell Ha'gel off later]].
* A [[Lifetime Movie of the Week]] called ''Sin And Redemption'' where the main character was raped and became pregnant. Her [[Holier Than Thou]] father kicks her out of the house and she moves in with her sister. The woman later marries a man she meets at her job. Turns out he's an abusive [[Jerkass]]. Worse still, her oldest child's kidneys have failed and needs a transplant. Hubby won't get tested. Why? {{spoiler|he was his wife's rapist and the father of the sick child.}}
* A woman in the [[X Files]] episode ''Aubrey'' was raped by a serial killer, bore his child and put it up for adoption. Her grandchild ended up {{spoiler|continuing her grandfather's work; to the letter.}}
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== Mythology ==
* Many a demigod has been conceived by a [[Double Standard Rape (Divine On Mortal)|god]] disguising him- or herself as the victim's spouse.
** Zeus has to be the master of this one, often not bothering with the "spouse" part, and occasionally not even disguising himself as human.
* Pegasus. He was Medusa's son-by-rape by Poseidon, and formed from her blood when she was slain by Perseus. [[Classical Mythology]] is like that.
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