Chronicles of the Kencyrath/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[A Cup Angst]] -- a fact that Jame bemoans frequently. She's so flat that she gets mistaken for a boy all the time, and her master in the Thieves' Guild wasn't convinced otherwise by her '''stripping naked to the waist in front of him'''.
* [[A Cup Angst]] -- a fact that Jame bemoans frequently. She's so flat that she gets mistaken for a boy all the time, and her master in the Thieves' Guild wasn't convinced otherwise by her '''stripping naked to the waist in front of him'''.
* [[Action Girl]] -- Jame is seriously badass and has a bias towards action, toward doing things rather than holding back, to meeting challenges head-on.
* [[Action Girl]] -- Jame is seriously badass and has a bias towards action, toward doing things rather than holding back, to meeting challenges head-on.
* [[Anti Hero]] -- of the type II "Disney Anti Hero" type, mostly. Jame has an intensely strong sense of right and honor. On the other hand, she can be shockingly cold and careless of others at times, and very self-centered; furthermore, she constantly knows how easy it would be to Fall, to give into the temptations of the Darkness that raised her, to do evil things without restraint.
* [[Anti-Hero]] -- of the type II "Disney Anti Hero" type, mostly. Jame has an intensely strong sense of right and honor. On the other hand, she can be shockingly cold and careless of others at times, and very self-centered; furthermore, she constantly knows how easy it would be to Fall, to give into the temptations of the Darkness that raised her, to do evil things without restraint.
* [[Arranged Marriage]] -- to Gerridon, or so he plans, and very creepily. Instead of joining him in the marriage bed, she cuts his hand off, steals the [[Tome of Eldritch Lore|Book Bound in Pale Leather]], sets fire to his house, and flees back to the outside world. He tries again, but she's rescued. While incest is common among the Kencyr Highborn, that Gerridon is Jame's [[Incest Is Relative|uncle]] adds some extra creepiness.
* [[Arranged Marriage]] -- to Gerridon, or so he plans, and very creepily. Instead of joining him in the marriage bed, she cuts his hand off, steals the [[Tome of Eldritch Lore|Book Bound in Pale Leather]], sets fire to his house, and flees back to the outside world. He tries again, but she's rescued. While incest is common among the Kencyr Highborn, that Gerridon is Jame's [[Incest Is Relative|uncle]] adds some extra creepiness.
* [[Asexuality]] -- for the first three books.
* [[Asexuality]] -- for the first three books.
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* [[Screaming Warrior]] -- Jame uses the Knorth battle-cry, a rathorn's scream, frequently as she leaps into the fray.
* [[Screaming Warrior]] -- Jame uses the Knorth battle-cry, a rathorn's scream, frequently as she leaps into the fray.
* [[Slasher Smile]] -- a sign of Jame's darkest side. Pat says, "In a way, everything about Jame grew out of that chilling smile."
* [[Slasher Smile]] -- a sign of Jame's darkest side. Pat says, "In a way, everything about Jame grew out of that chilling smile."
* [[Super Powered Evil Side]] -- to an extent, with some overlap with [[Dangerous Forbidden Technique]] when it comes to the Senetha
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] -- to an extent, with some overlap with [[Dangerous Forbidden Technique]] when it comes to the Senetha
* [[There Was a Door]] -- Jame has a preference for [[Roof Hopping|non-traditional ways of getting around]], encouraged by her time in the Thieves' Guild in Tai-tastigon and her time with the Cloudies. Lampshaded by Sheth Sharp-Tongue, Commandant of Tentir: "Most people use the door."
* [[There Was a Door]] -- Jame has a preference for [[Roof Hopping|non-traditional ways of getting around]], encouraged by her time in the Thieves' Guild in Tai-tastigon and her time with the Cloudies. Lampshaded by Sheth Sharp-Tongue, Commandant of Tentir: "Most people use the door."
{{quote| Jame:"Where there's a window, there's always a way."}}
{{quote| Jame:"Where there's a window, there's always a way."}}
* [[Time Dilation Field]] -- Time passes more slowly in the Master's House, where Jame was raised between age seven and seventeen. Ten years spent there has twenty passed in the outside world, and thus Jame is physically twenty or so by now while her twin brother is about thirty.
* [[Time Dilation Field]] -- Time passes more slowly in the Master's House, where Jame was raised between age seven and seventeen. Ten years spent there has twenty passed in the outside world, and thus Jame is physically twenty or so by now while her twin brother is about thirty.
* [[True Loves Kiss]] -- with her brother Torisen in the latter third of ''To Ride a Rathorn'', before his issues make him freak out and run away. Damn, but that was intense.
* [[True Love's Kiss]] -- with her brother Torisen in the latter third of ''To Ride a Rathorn'', before his issues make him freak out and run away. Damn, but that was intense.
* [[The Vamp]] -- what Jame is capable of becoming if she gave in to her dark side; a seductress who can arouse the lusts of men (and women) to feed from, prior to sucking their souls out of their bodies.
* [[The Vamp]] -- what Jame is capable of becoming if she gave in to her dark side; a seductress who can arouse the lusts of men (and women) to feed from, prior to sucking their souls out of their bodies.
* [[Willfully Weak]] -- in ''God Stalk'', she deliberately shifts her knife to her left hand when Scramp challenges her, wanting to give him a chance.
* [[Willfully Weak]] -- in ''God Stalk'', she deliberately shifts her knife to her left hand when Scramp challenges her, wanting to give him a chance.
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* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]] -- the Knorth are very few in number, both Highborn and Kendar, and being Lord Knorth involves leading in battle ''and'' helping with the harvest.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]] -- the Knorth are very few in number, both Highborn and Kendar, and being Lord Knorth involves leading in battle ''and'' helping with the harvest.
* [[Scars Are Forever]] -- Torisen's hands are covered with a fine tracery of scars left by Karnid torturers after he was captured at Urakarn (see Brier, below). Apparently they placed his hands in gloves of red-hot wire.
* [[Scars Are Forever]] -- Torisen's hands are covered with a fine tracery of scars left by Karnid torturers after he was captured at Urakarn (see Brier, below). Apparently they placed his hands in gloves of red-hot wire.
* [[True Loves Kiss]] -- with his sister in Mother Ragga's house in ''To Ride a Rathorn'', but the emotions and his issues (his fear of and jealousy of Jame, among others) get in the way, and he runs away.
* [[True Love's Kiss]] -- with his sister in Mother Ragga's house in ''To Ride a Rathorn'', but the emotions and his issues (his fear of and jealousy of Jame, among others) get in the way, and he runs away.
* [[Twincest]] -- hinted at, so far.
* [[Twincest]] -- hinted at, so far.

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* [[The Medic]] -- as a healing Shanir, this is generally the reason Kindrie is brought along.
* [[The Medic]] -- as a healing Shanir, this is generally the reason Kindrie is brought along.
* [[Mysterious Parent]] -- nobody knows who Kindrie's father was, although the astute reader can work it out way before Jame finds the proof in ''Bound In Blood''. He takes the news remarkably well, considering.
* [[Mysterious Parent]] -- nobody knows who Kindrie's father was, although the astute reader can work it out way before Jame finds the proof in ''Bound In Blood''. He takes the news remarkably well, considering.
* [[White Haired Pretty Boy]] -- Kindrie has the white hair of many powerful Shanir.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]] -- Kindrie has the white hair of many powerful Shanir.

==== Bane ====
==== Bane ====
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She's [[The Big Guy|The Big Girl]], as well -- as big as many male Kendar, and an excellent, real-world fighter. As much as a Kencyr can be, she's a [[Combat Pragmatist]]; results are what matters, and while the rules of honor must be obeyed, she won't feel bound by the merely traditional. She bests Jame in single combat in ''To Ride a Rathorn'', but is disqualified for using Kothifir street-fighting techniques to do so. The encounter scares both of them a bit -- Jame because she's not used to fighting someone so simultaneously strong, fast and skilled, and Brier because, used to sparring with stout Kendar, she thinks she could have killed the smaller, gracile Highborn girl.
She's [[The Big Guy|The Big Girl]], as well -- as big as many male Kendar, and an excellent, real-world fighter. As much as a Kencyr can be, she's a [[Combat Pragmatist]]; results are what matters, and while the rules of honor must be obeyed, she won't feel bound by the merely traditional. She bests Jame in single combat in ''To Ride a Rathorn'', but is disqualified for using Kothifir street-fighting techniques to do so. The encounter scares both of them a bit -- Jame because she's not used to fighting someone so simultaneously strong, fast and skilled, and Brier because, used to sparring with stout Kendar, she thinks she could have killed the smaller, gracile Highborn girl.

Born in Kothifir and raised among the Southern Host by her randon officer mother, Brier is shockingly dark "like polished wood" among the normally pale-skinned Kencyr, with "sullen red" hair, making her a [[Dark Skinned Redhead]]. She's handsome in a physically impressive kind of way.
Born in Kothifir and raised among the Southern Host by her randon officer mother, Brier is shockingly dark "like polished wood" among the normally pale-skinned Kencyr, with "sullen red" hair, making her a [[Dark-Skinned Redhead]]. She's handsome in a physically impressive kind of way.

Brier was raised as a Caineron, but the abuses of the current Lord Caineron, Caldane, and his sons broke her loyalty. Idiot ambition by Caldane's son Genjar caused the military debacle at Uracarn in which her mother was captured alongside Torisen; [[You Killed My Father|she died during their escape.]] Caldane's demand for sexual submission as his price for attending the randon school broke the loyalty, and Brier swore to Torisen after the Battle of the Cataracts. The Caineron consider her a [[Turncoat]] and traitor.
Brier was raised as a Caineron, but the abuses of the current Lord Caineron, Caldane, and his sons broke her loyalty. Idiot ambition by Caldane's son Genjar caused the military debacle at Uracarn in which her mother was captured alongside Torisen; [[You Killed My Father|she died during their escape.]] Caldane's demand for sexual submission as his price for attending the randon school broke the loyalty, and Brier swore to Torisen after the Battle of the Cataracts. The Caineron consider her a [[Turncoat]] and traitor.
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==== Niall (cadet in Jame's ten-command) ====
==== Niall (cadet in Jame's ten-command) ====

* [[Shell Shocked Veteran]] -- Niall stowed away in a supply wagon to fight in the Battle of the Cataracts even though he was too young to go, and now has constant nightmares about his experiences, including fits of screaming so loud they wake the whole barracks. It's a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] when Jame, comforting him, tells him that both she and Brier were there as well, she too has nightmares from it, and she doesn't think him a coward for it.
* [[Shell-Shocked Veteran]] -- Niall stowed away in a supply wagon to fight in the Battle of the Cataracts even though he was too young to go, and now has constant nightmares about his experiences, including fits of screaming so loud they wake the whole barracks. It's a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] when Jame, comforting him, tells him that both she and Brier were there as well, she too has nightmares from it, and she doesn't think him a coward for it.

=== Min-drear (A minor house, allied with the Knorth) ===
=== Min-drear (A minor house, allied with the Knorth) ===
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Lyra "Lack-wit" is the youngest daughter of Lord Caineron and the attendant of the Caineron Matriarch. She's [[The Ditz]] and the [[The Klutz]], harmless but useless -- or is it [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]? Caldane fobs her off to Prince Odalian of Karkinor, a non-Kencyr ally, in [[Arranged Marriage]]. She's lonely and unhappy in a foreign land (taking out that unhappiness on her personal [[Butt Monkey]], Graykin), but seems to have some affection for the Prince.
Lyra "Lack-wit" is the youngest daughter of Lord Caineron and the attendant of the Caineron Matriarch. She's [[The Ditz]] and the [[The Klutz]], harmless but useless -- or is it [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]? Caldane fobs her off to Prince Odalian of Karkinor, a non-Kencyr ally, in [[Arranged Marriage]]. She's lonely and unhappy in a foreign land (taking out that unhappiness on her personal [[Butt Monkey]], Graykin), but seems to have some affection for the Prince.

And then Jame shows up and changes Lyra's life forever. She's never known anyone like this, a Highborn lady yet free as a boy, an [[Action Girl]] adventurer. Odalian dies, leaving Lyra a [[Widow Woman|widow]], and she escapes the collapsing palace with Jame, Marc and Jorin. She becomes Jame's [[Hero Worshipper]], in awe, and begins to [[Character Development|develop]] and [[Coming of Age Story|grow up]] out of her [[Royal Brat|Royal Bratness]] through her desire to follow in Jame's footsteps. She adopts Jame as her [[Onee Sama|awesome big sister]], the "sister of her choice".
And then Jame shows up and changes Lyra's life forever. She's never known anyone like this, a Highborn lady yet free as a boy, an [[Action Girl]] adventurer. Odalian dies, leaving Lyra a [[Widow Woman|widow]], and she escapes the collapsing palace with Jame, Marc and Jorin. She becomes Jame's [[Hero Worshipper]], in awe, and begins to [[Character Development|develop]] and [[Coming of Age Story|grow up]] out of her [[Royal Brat|Royal Bratness]] through her desire to follow in Jame's footsteps. She adopts Jame as her [[Onee-Sama|awesome big sister]], the "sister of her choice".

A notorious [[Sweet Tooth]], as shown in ''To Ride a Rathorn'', where "all my favorite foods" are sweets.
A notorious [[Sweet Tooth]], as shown in ''To Ride a Rathorn'', where "all my favorite foods" are sweets.
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==== Essien and Essiar ====
==== Essien and Essiar ====
* [[Single Minded Twins]]
* [[Single-Minded Twins]]
* [[Theme Twin Naming]]
* [[Theme Twin Naming]]
* [[Twin Banter]]
* [[Twin Banter]]
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* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]] -- though he does not approve of all of Jame's actions, he proves willing to give her the chance to redeem herself completely and is willing to help her while she is in his territory.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]] -- though he does not approve of all of Jame's actions, he proves willing to give her the chance to redeem herself completely and is willing to help her while she is in his territory.
* [[Lawful Good]]
* [[Lawful Good]]
* [[The Obi Wan]] -- to Jorin, actually, having taught him to hunt and otherwise provide for himself when Jame isn't around to do it for him.
* [[The Obi-Wan]] -- to Jorin, actually, having taught him to hunt and otherwise provide for himself when Jame isn't around to do it for him.

==== The Dark Judge ====
==== The Dark Judge ====
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* [[Obliviously Evil]]
* [[Obliviously Evil]]
* [[I Have Many Names]] -- some of which she passes on to Jame
* [[I Have Many Names]] -- some of which she passes on to Jame
* {{spoiler|[[Luke I Am Your Father]] -- or 'Jame, I am your Mother', as the case may be}}
* {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father]] -- or 'Jame, I am your Mother', as the case may be}}
* {{spoiler|[[Alas Poor Villain]] / [[Redemption Equals Death]]: When she faces Jame in the mountains, she is faced with a choice: Keep dancing the Senetha and maintain her balance over the chasm, but also reap Jame's soul; or stop dancing and fall to her death, but let Jame go safely. She chooses to end the dance rather than destroy her daughter.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Alas, Poor Villain]] / [[Redemption Equals Death]]: When she faces Jame in the mountains, she is faced with a choice: Keep dancing the Senetha and maintain her balance over the chasm, but also reap Jame's soul; or stop dancing and fall to her death, but let Jame go safely. She chooses to end the dance rather than destroy her daughter.}}

==== Tirandys ====
==== Tirandys ====

* [[Honor Before Reason]] -- Tirandys decided to do his duty and follow his Lord, Gerridon, into damnation despite the evil Gerridon did, because his reading of the Kencyr code of honor said it was the only choice. He regrets this later, and works from within to bring his master down within the letter of obedience.
* [[Honor Before Reason]] -- Tirandys decided to do his duty and follow his Lord, Gerridon, into damnation despite the evil Gerridon did, because his reading of the Kencyr code of honor said it was the only choice. He regrets this later, and works from within to bring his master down within the letter of obedience.
* [[The Obi Wan]] -- mostly in backstory, but as Jame's mentor, sensei and surrogate parent he fits this trope to a T, {{spoiler|including dying tragically in an [[Obi Wan Moment]] at the end of book 2, ''Dark of the Moon''}}.
* [[The Obi-Wan]] -- mostly in backstory, but as Jame's mentor, sensei and surrogate parent he fits this trope to a T, {{spoiler|including dying tragically in an [[Obi-Wan Moment]] at the end of book 2, ''Dark of the Moon''}}.
* [[Noble Demon]] -- with emphasis on the "noble". His honor compells him to serve Gerridon, but he tries to do the right thing as much as possible with his master's [[Exact Words]].
* [[Noble Demon]] -- with emphasis on the "noble". His honor compells him to serve Gerridon, but he tries to do the right thing as much as possible with his master's [[Exact Words]].

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* [[The Brute]]
* [[The Brute]]
* [[Biological Mashup]] -- as a result of too much exposure to Perimal Darkling's power, he can't hold a single shape for long and generally looks like this.
* [[Biological Mashup]] -- as a result of too much exposure to Perimal Darkling's power, he can't hold a single shape for long and generally looks like this.
* [[Cold Blooded Torture]] -- apparently a hobby of his- the Dark Judge is an example of his handiwork, and Jame would have been if Tirandys hadn't protected her.
* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]] -- apparently a hobby of his- the Dark Judge is an example of his handiwork, and Jame would have been if Tirandys hadn't protected her.

== Tai-tastigon ==
== Tai-tastigon ==
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==== Gran Cyd ====
==== Gran Cyd ====

* [[Dual Wielding]] -- Gran Cyd fights with two long knives.
* [[Dual-Wielding]] -- Gran Cyd fights with two long knives.
* [[Fiery Redhead]] -- she has both the hair color and the temperament.
* [[Fiery Redhead]] -- she has both the hair color and the temperament.
* [[The High Queen]] -- although a down-to-earth example, Gran Cyd is very impressive and regal indeed.
* [[The High Queen]] -- although a down-to-earth example, Gran Cyd is very impressive and regal indeed.