Ciaphas Cain/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Spy Catsuit]] -- Amberley is frequently described as wearing a "bodyglove," which is exactly what it sounds like. Sometimes it's because it's the suit she wears to interface with her powered armor, but she's also got a red one which she wears in social situations.
* [[Team Mom]] -- To her retinue. Although she's rather blunt and doesn't waste time grieving when one of her aides dies, she's clearly fond of them and seems to treat them as friends.
* [[Unreliable Narrator]] -- More subtletysubtly so than Cain, but you'd be just as wise taking anything ''she'' claims in her editorial notes with a pinch of salt too.
* [[When She Smiles]] -- Laughs, to be precise.
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* [[Big Beautiful Woman]]: Apparently a mild example--Cain mentions "chubby shoulders" on several occasions.
* [[Big Eater]]
* [[Innocent Fanservice Girl]] -- Rakel's ignorance of, or contempt for, social norms includes wearing a dress that's rather too small for her, further emphasizing her figure. Although she's notnever asaid to be bad-''looking woman'', [[Fan Disservice|everyone else finds her madness is too disturbing for itthe showing off of her body to be sexy]].
* [[Jerkass]] -- Not really her fault; she's just crazy and hard to be around.
* [[Mind Probe]] -- Rakel's mostly used by Amberley as a living scrying device to find psychic phenomena. She's never demonstrated any active destructive powers on-screen.