Circus of Fear: Difference between revisions

→‎[[Video Game]]: clean up, replaced: [[Donkey Kong Country| → [[Donkey Kong Country (video game)|
m (→‎[[Video Game]]: clean up, replaced: [[Donkey Kong Country| → [[Donkey Kong Country (video game)|)
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* The higher levels of play in the MMORPG ''[[City of Heroes]]'' include a "Circus of Fear"-style villain group called the Carnival of Shadows.
** The members of the Carnival feed on their patrons' souls.
* This is the theme of two levels in [[Donkey Kong Country (video game)|Donkey Kong Country 2]]. Interestingly, these circus levels have [[Crowning Music of Awesome|nice music]], and a fun [[Minecart Madness|Mine Cart Madness]] design. However, it's a tad [[Fridge Logic|odd]] that levels in the same section of the game, including the boss fight, take place [[Everything's Worse with Bees|inside a giant beehive]].
** Possibly Krazy Kremland was intentionally built in a pantanous, bee-infested area to try and keep any apes away. Or, given how run-down it is (there's a bramble level ''inside'' the park area) it was a normal amusement park before, but it became abandoned in such a way the Zingers made their hives there.
* At the end of the game ''[[Psychonauts]]'', Raz (the protagonist) accidentally merges his mindscape with the villain's. Since Raz grew up in the circus, his mind is molded to resemble a giant circus tent. However, {{spoiler|the [[Big Bad]] has a mindscape that reflects how traumatized he was when his father, a butcher, would slaughter and cook his rabbits.}} So, what do you get when the two minds collide? A horrible, twisted circus where nearly everything is made of meat.
