Claymore/WMG: Difference between revisions

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* Raki will reunite with Clare, who'll decide that being happy with Raki is more important than her revenge on Priscilla. Alicia and Beth go haywire during their fight with the Raki/Clare combo, become Awakened Beings themselves, then merge successfully where their predecessors failed. The newly merged being will ignore Raki/Clare, paralleling the scene where Priscilla left Clare alone, before going on to destroy The Organization. The Seven Ghosts + Raki will then have to contend with Bethicia, who starts to recruit more Awakened Beings along with Riful and Douph.
Calling [[I Knew It!]] rights on this, right now.
* Wait,wait, wait, you mean he isn't already a "Claymore"? His hair color is colored white in the manga indicating whatever it is/was, it was very light and/or pale. If it turned completely white, being there are no male claymores, how would anyone except Claire suspect other than natural hair color change? He can sense youki now. Took a major level in badass. He's almost certainly already either a Claymore or Half-Claymore with power from Priscilla while leaving her alive somehow.
** Raki can't sense youki, he needed Priscilla to point out the yoma for him.
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* Miria is [[Genius Bruiser|Prudence]], being the only one who really knew what the hell the Organization was really up to.
* Deneve is [[The Stoic|Temperance]] since she seems to be good at holding it together and will keep the others from going to pieces. [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!|Sometimes violently.]]
* Helen is [[Hot -Blooded|Hope]]. This group desperately needs someone who can genuinely laugh and [[Plucky Comic Relief|Helen can definitely lighten a mood.]]
* Tabitha is [[Undying Loyalty|Faith]], choosing to devote her life to helping Miria.
* Cynthia and Uma are, by process of elimination, Love and Justice, but I haven't quite worked out which is which or why yet.