Cloudcuckoolander/Music: Difference between revisions

→‎Professional Wrestling: moved to Cloudcuckoolander/Professional Wrestling
(→‎Sequential Art: moved to Cloudcuckoolander/Literature)
(→‎Professional Wrestling: moved to Cloudcuckoolander/Professional Wrestling)
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* [[Jethro Tull|Ian Anderson]], on stage at least.
* Damo Suzuki of Can. Just read the guy's interviews. His predecessor, Malcolm Mooney, also qualifies.
== Professional Wrestling ==
* [[WWE]] wrestler Al Snow became most famous as a Cloudcuckoolander who has "HELP ME!" inexplicably written backwards across his head and gets advice from a mannequin head (appropriately named "Head"). One particularly memorable storyline had him thinking that Head betrayed him and stole the Hardcore Championship from him, so he started using Pierre, a taxidermied deer head, to substitute for Head. Another had Al winning the European Championship, and deciding that, in order to better represent "the citizens of Europea", he would dress in the traditional garb (and come out to the national anthem of) a different country each week (including, inexplicably, a '50s style greaser outfit for Greece). And then there was his tag team with Steve Blackman, [[WWE]]'s resident [[Comically Serious]], in which he insisted that Blackman wear a hat shaped like a wedge of cheese so they could call themselves "Head Cheese", and that they make their entrance surrounded by midgets holding sparklers... and his infamous hardcore match with ''himself''... yeah, Al Snow was one weird dude.
** The explicability is obvious! Where else would [[Incredibly Lame Pun|greasers]] come from?
* [[Jeff Hardy]], full stop. Doubly so because it's '''not''' just his TV character. His TV character is in fact considerably more normal than he is in real life. His closest friends claim that one of his favorite activities outside of wrestling is "digging holes and filling them back in." His sculpting material of choice is aluminum foil. Also, there's his alter-ego Itchweeed. Sadly, much of this seems to stem from [[Drugs Are Bad|his personal habits]]
* Colonel Cossack of the [[Thumb Wrestling Federation|TWF]].
* [[The Unintelligible|Haaghiuaheydtrihaoivuhyarwehtoiuhadvhaiherr]]--[[CHIKARA|Deliroius.]]
* The [[Ultimate Warrior]].
* <s>The</s> Brian Kendrick's move to TNA gave him a gimmick that seems to be the [[Karate Kid]] on acid.
* [[Wrestler/Raven|Raven]]. [[Genius Bruiser|Genius-level IQ]] + years of hardcore wrestling and drug use = very odd, hyper personality. [ Just watch his vlogs.]
* [[Ron Killings|R-Truth]] following his heel turn in 2011. He turned face a few months later, but still maintain this trait.
== Puppet Shows ==