Collectible Cloney Babies: Difference between revisions

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** In the anime, someone gifts Miho a Gacha box loaded with Capsule Monsters. The capsules are filled with jewels, and Miho reveals a university student, an avid Capmon collector named Warashibe-kun, was hitting on her. Yugi happens to know him, and catches up with Warashibe-kun after school to ask him about it. Miho isn't impressed with the CapMon she sees, saying they aren't that cute for collecting, and gets creeped out when Warashibe stages a meeting with her, calling her his "Capmon Queen". Yugi beats him in a Capmon duel when he poisons Anzu, Honda and Jounouchi and blackmails Miho.
** Duel Monsters in season 1 and subsequent series also engages in this. Some packs do have rare cards, like Exodia or the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Some episodes have Jounouchi and Honda asking Yugi's grandfather if new sets have come in or not; he chuckles and says not yet, most of the time. Seto Kaiba starts his rivalry with Yugi by trying to steal his grandfather's Blue Eyes White Dragon after the man refuses to sell it to him, explaining that the card has sentimental value. (It's because the card belonged to his best friend, who gave it to him after they nearly died while exploring a pyramid.) Kaiba doesn't learn; in Battle City, he says that losers in duels need to forfeit their rarest card, hoping this will help him acquire all the God cards that Isis Ishtar told him about when visiting Japan. {{spoiler|Predictably, Yugi beats him fair and square, taking Obelisk before facing Malik.}}
* ''[[Aggretsuko]]'' takes a potshot at games that use this trope for microtransitions:
** Retsuko ends up in debt playing a unicorn dating sim. The micro-transitions involve spending real money on clothes for said unicorn; the more you buy, the more that he likes you. Retsuko spends so much that she is reduced to eating bread crusts for lunch at work.
** The same thing happens to Haida when, in a depressive funk over {{spoiler|letting the new CEO blackmail him into fudging numbers for their company}}, he spends all of his savings trying to get cool new rare weapons in an online RPG. It's so bad that, when {{spoiler|his father through his brother cuts him off, the most that Haida can afford is a cubicle in an Internet cafe for months. He then has to crash with Retsuko and aggressively job hunt.}}
* ''[[Pokemon]]'' in one episode has Misty and Jessie compete in a tournament to win a rare doll set. Jessie says that as a foster kid, she never had real toys of her own. For Misty, it's that it would be the first toys she ever owned that wouldn't be a hand-me-down from her sisters; she mentions that they would just let her use their secondhand candy box.
* ''[[Sailor Moon]]''
** Crane Game Joe, one of the seven beings that has a youma inside of him, uses telekinesis to win different dolls from arcade games. Some are even knockoff Sailor Moon merchandise.
== [[Art]] ==