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[[File:vicky_108.jpg|link=Vicky Cristina Barcelona|rightframe|[[Scarlett Johansson]] looking orange.]]
This trope applies to films, TV-series, video clips and graphics.
The director/director of photography/production designer thought it would be a good idea to do something fancy to the colors. This could be saturating the colors so everything looks more vivid than normal. More often than not, [[Orange -Blue Contrast|this means making skin appear orange-y and everything else teal]]. Another example would be shifting the entire color palette - making (almost) everything appear a certain color.
Compare with tropes such as [[Real Is Brown]], [[Unnaturally Blue Lighting]] and [[Deliberately Monochrome]]. The difference between those tropes and Color Wash is that (a) the film uses both or (b) uses another type of visual trick entirely, such as cranking up the saturation of the colors.
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Most of the time, using lots of Color Wash turns the product into something horrible; but other times, it is used in a very clever way.
== Anime & Manga ==
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* In [[The Book of Eli]] the entire world is brownish, as though it's being seen through the sunglasses everyone's wearing.
* ''[[Saving Private Ryan]]'' looks fairly washed out due to cinematographer Janusz Kaminski playing with the shutter speed of the cameras. This also made the images appear sharper and shakier, making it look more like documentary footage than a $70 million Hollywood production.
** [[Steven Spielberg]] and Kaminski have done this at least twice now - ''[[Minority Report]]'' has an icy hue to it, accomplished in the [http://en.[ bypass|film processing stages]] of post-production.
* ''[[Clerks II]]'', except for the [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment|dance scene]].
** The film was originally intended to shot in black and white like the first one but producer Harvey Weinstein wanted the film open wide so director [[Kevin Smith (Creator)|Kevin Smith]] chose to desaturate the colors instead.
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* ''[[Life On Mars]]'' did this. The entire show was made to look older (took place in the 1970s) by washing everything with yellow during the coma/ whatchamacallit (and that lasted the entire show). The 2006 scenes were, in comparison, almost drained.
* ''[[Cold Case (TV)|Cold Case]]'' uses this a lot. Scenes that take place in the present have only a slight blue tinge, or no color wash at all; those in the past, however, have a color wash that 'fits' the time. For instance, scenes in the 1970s have vivid, warm colours to contrast with the present.
* ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Battlestar Galactica]]'': scenes on lifeless planets tend to be very washed out. But the scenes on Kobol had implausibly vivid green foliage.
* ''[[Charlie Jade]]'' had a different colour wash depending on which dimension you were currently watching. Alpha was green, Beta was Blue and Gamma was red.
* ''[[Jekyll]]'' plays with this to wonderful effect. When Tom Jackman is awake, colors are subdued by means of a subtle blue filter, while vivid colors mark Hyde being awake.
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== Videogames ==
* ''[[Singularity]]'' is overly fond of [[Orange -Blue Contrast|lighting everything with the color orange. Anything that isn't orange tends to be blue.]]
* ''[[Vagrant Story]]'', like ''Singularity'', is fond of a yellowish-brown color for absolutely everything with occasional blue-lit areas (usually in the Undercity).
* ''[[Prototype (Video Game)|Prototype]]'' is one of the reddest games ever made; red menus, red monsters, red zombies, red pulsing hives and building, and red skies.
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