Comically Missing the Point: Difference between revisions

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'''Cliff:''' Well, you see, Woody, that's showing how cows act when humans are not around.
'''Woody:''' I mean my hometown newspaper doesn't carry ''The Far Side''! But thanks for making me feel like a one-year-old! }}
*:* Kelly was equally so, setting up another:
{{quote|'''Kelly:''' Don't make excuses, Woody. Now I see what's going on. You're busy every night and you won't tell me why, I walk in here and find the two of you kissing in the backroom of a bar. It all adds up! You're in a play and you didn't even tell me!}}
* This was the whole schtick of Gilda Radner's classic ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'' character Emily Litella... Oh, you mean it wasn't? It was based on [[Mondegreen]]s instead? um... never mind.
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'''Leonard:''' You let him take nude photos of you?
'''Penny:''' That's what you took from that?! }}
*:* From Penny's POV Leonard is missing her point, but since Leonard is jealous, he's got plenty of reason to focus on Penny's willingness to be photographed naked once he hears about it, rather than on David's stupidity.
*:** One of Sheldon's ongoing gag is that despite his genius I.Q., he is completely clueless and being social, leading to many missed points.
{{quote|'''Leonard:''' You convinced me. Maybe tonight we should sneak in and shampoo her carpet.
'''Sheldon:''' You don't think that crosses the line?
'''Leonard:''' Yes... For God's sake, Sheldon, do I have to hold up a sarcasm sign every time I open my mouth?
'''Sheldon:''' You have a sarcasm sign? }}
*:* On his first date with Emily, a deaf acquaintance of Penny's, Raj is trying to think of things to say, and Howard is translating for him.
{{quote|'''Raj''': I love music. Do you love music?
'''Howard''': You really wanna ask her that?
'''Raj''': Oh, you're right. Everyone loves music. }}
* A ''[[3rd Rock from the Sun]]'' episode had Dick catch one of his students drawing a doodle of him with antlers and a tail. Dick thought it was brilliant and praised the student for effectively picking up "the essence of my rugged good looks".
*:** "If they think that women are just going to line up to exploit themselves --" "Yeah, I hate waiting in line..."
*:* Really, it's the premise for that show...
* James May, on ''[[Top Gear]]'', about rally driver Kenny Block: "The man is completely useless, he can't drive in a straight line."
** Earlier, Jeremy Clarkson was being teased by the other presenters about his...rather enthusiastic interview with Will Young, culminating in Hammond singing "Jeremy's in looooove" and all he got out of it was "Are you suggesting Will Young is ''gay''?"
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{{quote|'''Ted:''' So ''these'' guys think I chickened out. What do you think?
'''Barney:''' I...can't believe you're ''still'' not wearing a ''suit''! }}
*:* Episode 2x03 "Brunch": When Barney shows a picture he took of Ted's dad having an affair with Wendy the Waitress, Ted is naturally mortified. Barney assumes this [[Angst]] is because Ted's dad violated his duties, not as a husband, but as Barney's wingman. He called dibs on Wendy first, dammit!
*:* Episode 4x13 "Three Days of Snow": Barney explains how he plays a game called "Party School Bingo" where he takes a list of the Top 25 party schools in the country, arranges them on a bingo card, and fills in a space every time he sleeps with a girl from that school.
{{quote|'''Ted:''' So how many people are in on this Party School Bingo thing?
'''Barney:''' Oh, it's just me.
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'''Ted:''' And what do you get when you get five in a row?
'''Barney:''' I get Bingo. }}
*:* Episode 4x15 "The Stinsons": When Barney watches movies, well ...
{{quote|'''Barney:''' Hey, ''[[The Karate Kid]]'s'' a great movie. It's the story of a hopeful, young karate enthusiast whose dreams and moxie take him all the way to the All Valley Karate Championship. Of course, sadly, he loses in the final round to that nerd kid. But he learns an important lesson about gracefully accepting defeat.
'''Lily:''' Wait, when you watch ''The Karate Kid'' you actually root for that mean blonde boy?
'''Barney:''' [[Sarcasm Mode|No, I root for the scrawny loser from New Jersey who barely even knows karate.]] When I watch ''[[The Karate Kid]]'' I root for the ''karate kid'', [[Draco in Leather Pants|Johnny Lawrence from the Cobra Kai dojo]]. Get your head out of your ass Lily. }}
*:** The same episode has him revealing that he roots for Hans Gruber in ''[[Die Hard]]'' (believing him to be the title character), Principal Vernon in ''[[The Breakfast Club]]'' (the only one who wears a suit) and ''[[The Terminator]]'' (and proceeds to start crying over his death scene, saying "And she doesn't even help him!")
*:** That explains the life-size Imperial Stormtrooper armor in his living room.
*:* Episode 3x11 "The Platinum Rule": Barney becomes convinced that an ex-girlfriend is trying to kill him.
{{quote|'''Barney:''' I dump her, and she says, "no hard feelings." She's a psycho, what other explanation is there?!}}
* In ''[[Friends]]'', when Rachel realizes that she still loves Ross, and the rest of the group knew that, she asks Phoebe, why didn't they tell her:
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'''Rachel:''' What?!
'''Phoebe:''' Oh, please! She's always got a broom in her hand! }}
*:* Phoebe's actually fairly common for this trope. There's an episode when she has to change all her shopping habits to avoid a stalker, leading to this conversation:
{{quote|'''Phoebe:''' I also have to find a new video store, a new bank, new adult book store, a new grocery store.
'''Monica:''' What?!
'''Phoebe:''' ''(slowly)'' A new g-r-o-c-e-r-y store. }}
* ''[[The Class (TV series)|The Class]]'': Yonk Allen. A lot. For example, on their first anniversary, Nicole gets him a newspaper from the day of the '75 Sugar Bowl, at which point he exclaims, as though to inform Nicole, "Why, I played in that!"
* ''[[The Nanny]]'':
* ''[[The Nanny]]'':* Maxwell wonders why Fran dating another guy bothers him so much as he bites into an apple. [[Servile Snarker|Niles]] suddenly says that he wants the apple. "It was right in front of me the whole time, but I never knew I wanted it until someone bit their teeth into it and now I'm left with this aching hunger." Maxwell tells him to try a pear instead before leaving. Then Fran comes in, Niles tries the same metaphor, to which she replies "You snooze, you lose."
** Niles should know better. When it comes to that subject, those two are morons. He's lived there for years and he makes this same mistake over and over. He's not as smart as he seems, obviously.
* In the Season 29/Series 3 ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "Smith and Jones": the Doctor has just absorbed a lethal-to-humans dose of radiation and is trying to expel it via his foot into his shoe.
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'''Martha Jones:''' You're completely mad.
'''The Doctor:''' You're right. I look daft with one shoe. ''(pulls other shoe off)'' Barefoot on the moon! }}
*:* And a few episodes later, we get this exchange in "Blink".
{{quote|'''Sally Sparrow (on realizing the Doctor was speaking to her through the DVDs):''' The 17 DVDs, they're all the DVDs I own. The Easter egg was for me.
'''Larry Nightingale:''' ...You've only got 17 DVDs? }}
*:* Later, while consoling Amy's fiance in "Vampires in Venice":
{{quote|'''The Doctor:''' She was frightened, I was frightened... But we survived, and the relief of it and... so, she kissed me.
'''Rory:''' And you kissed her back?
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* Alisha from ''[[Misfits]]'' gives us this gem:
{{quote|"Maybe he's on crystal meth - that stuff makes you crazy! My friend Chloe did it one time and she nearly [[Brother-Sister Incest|shagged her brother]]! And he's ''really'' ugly."}}
*:* And later on, when Kelly is upset about accidentally having sex with a monkey, Nathan genuinely seems to believe he's being helpful by reminding her that technically, it was a gorilla.
* Many games on ''[[Whose Line Is It Anyway?|Whose Line Is It Anyway]]'' which involve someone trying to guess someone else's identity. A lot of times the guess will be ''nowhere'' close.
** Subverted in one game, where the panelist guesses that the other person's just a complete and utter git, which the host readily agrees is correct. The other person is, naturally, pretending to be the first panelist.
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'''Alan:''' Shhh! Lower your voice!
'''Kandi:''' ''(deeper voice)'' BOOOTY CAAAALLL! }}
*:** After overhearing the exchange, Alan's son Jake wants to know what a "booty call" means. Alan responds by concocting an elaborate, G-rated etiological story. The ruse appears to have worked, until....
{{quote|'''Kandi:''' Wow. Alan, you really make history fun.
'''Alan:''' Well, thank you.
'''Kandi:''' So when did it start meaning 'casual sex'? }}
*:* On another occasion, Kandi greets Alan's ex-wife at the door dressed in a string bikini. Alan's ex asks her to put on more clothes, explaining that her outfit "isn't appropriate for Jake". Kandi replies, "I agree--he would look ''ridiculous'' in this!"
* An ''[[ER]]'' moment when Doctor Greene reminisced about his first job to his teen-aged daughter. He was probably doing it on purpose.
{{quote|'''Greene:''' I got $1.25 per hour.