Command & Conquer: Generals: Difference between revisions

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''Generals'' was met with instant controversy from both [[Media Watchdogs]], who objected to the national stereotyping and the fact that you could play as [[Qurac|totally-not-Al-Qaeda]], as well as longtime ''C&C'' fans, who objected to their franchise's name being associated with an RTS that more strongly resembled a [[Blizzard Entertainment|Blizzard]] game than traditional [[Command & Conquer]] gameplay. The game earned good reviews for delivering a solid, action-packed RTS, and was particularly praised for [[Support Power|the General system, which allowed players to rise in rank during battle and unlock unique and possibly game-winning units and special abilities]].
TheA reboot/sequel, iswas being developed by [[Electronic Arts]] and a [ new division] of [[BioWare]], "[[BioWare]] Victory" (headed by [[Might and Magic|Jon Van Canegham]]), in a world where all of the politicians and diplomats got [[Board to Death]] at a [[Peace Conference]] by a newly reawakened GLA; development of the game was canned in 2014.
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** It's even mentioned in the ''Zero Hour'' campaign that the Europeans eventually forced the Chinese to back down from nuking towns and cities infested with GLA terror cells.
* [[Bowdlerise]]: Among the ''C&C'' titles, ''Generals'' was hit worst, which was subject to some changes to avoid an M rating in Germany. Most commonly was the tactic of calling all infantry units ''cyborgs'' and changing/removing sounds and effects that would suggest otherwise. With Generals this was done for ''everyone'', even the generals and the reporters (but not all their clips were altered). And the terrorist was replaced by... a bomb on wheels. That can drive cars.
* [[Break Out the Museum Piece]]: A sizable chunk of the GLA's arsenal is comprised of jury-rigged Cold War-era weaponry. Meanwhile, the Chinese tend to rely on more "outdated" tactics and aesthetics compared to the Americans.
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Most of the generals is ''Zero Hour'' are at just [[Ax Crazy]], and worst, well...
** Alexander, Townes, Kassad, and Leang are the closest that come off to normal people, though they're still egoistical, and Kassad is something of a narcissist. Granger is absurdly arrogant [[Justified Trope|(but then again, he is a fighter pilot)]], but is otherwise fairly sane.
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* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]: American laser technology. It's used for a ''lot'' of things. Took off on a humble start with the Paladin Tank's dual-purpose [[Destructible Projectiles|point-defense laser]] and the Missile Defender's [[Laser Sight]] in ''Generals''. In ''Generals: Zero Hour'', laser technology matured to give all American factions the [[Anti-Air|anti-aircraft]] Avenger Humvee. Specialist Laser Army faction commanded by Gen. Townes uses Laser Turrets, Laser Crusaders and procured Avengers, while USAF Gen. Granger dumped Paladins for aircraft with multiple point-defense lasers.
* [[From a Single Cell|From A Single Standing Foundation]]: ... a reduced GLA building can be rebuilt. See [[Multiple Life Bars]] below for a detailed explanation on that.
* [[Game Mod]]: Quite a number of have been made for it. ''Shockwave'' is one of the most popular out there.
** ''Shockwave'' is one of the most popular out there.
** ''[[Rise of the Reds]]'', from the same modders as ''Shockwave'', is a full-fledged [[Fan Sequel]] that continues where ''Zero Hour'' left off. In addition to thoroughly revamping the existing sides, the mod also features two new, distinct factions: a resurgent Russian Federation and the European Continental Alliance.
* [[Garrisonable Structures]]: A very important mechanic that helped infantry be a lot more useful in this game than in prior installments.
* [[Gatling Good]]: The PRC have several units and base defenses made better with Gatling weapons, which spit lead faster the longer they've been firing.
** The USA A-10 Thunderbolt II and AC-130H Spectre also have Gatling weapons, but their firing rates consistent unlike their Chinese counterparts.
* [[Hypocrite]]: The GLA are this in droves. At first, they scream incessantly about oppression, imperialism, and how just they are. Other comments, however, underscore that they're basically ill-tempered, sadistic, sociopathic low-lifes to a man. Except for the lowly Workers, who are some of the single most hilariously down-trodden, abused schmucks in gaming history. This is prevalent in the 2nd mission where they steal relief aid from some peasants. Not to mention how they aren't above indiscriminately killing civilians (even ''nuking'' downtown Beijing in the first Chinese mission) in the name of their "just" cause.
* [[The Hyena]]: Dr. Thrax punctuates his mustache-twirling evil one liners with frantic giggling.
* [[I Love Nuclear Power]]: China love it. There's a Chinese General in ''Zero Hour'' who specializes in nuclear warfare.
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** The GLA Battle Bus is the sole vehicle variant. See [[Awesome Personnel Carrier]] above.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: Dr. Thrax, Gen. Tsing Shi "The Nuke" Tao and Gen. Leiang "Tigress" Leang. The first one threatens you verbally, the next does it by demonstration of force and the third goes with a combination of both and [[Foreshadowing|a little hinting]] from Gen. Kwai.
* [[NGO Superpower]]: The GLA is shown to be this, being comprised of various cells in Central Asia and the Middle East.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: The Zero Hour manual is chock full of these. General Tsin Shi Tao (the nuke general) was the head officer in Mudanjiang when an unspecified disaster occurred that almost cost him his career. General Shin Fai (the infantry general) participated in the "Taiwan Conflict" and General Alexis Alexander (the superweapon general) was a logistical staffer in the "Second Korean War".
** The conditions that led to the creation of Aldastan (from the break up of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) is also unknown.
* [[Nuke'Em|Nuke 'Em!]]: The PRC, as a whole, and Gen. Tsing Shi Tao in particular. He specializes in nuclear warfare, and when he isn't spamming nuke silos, he's steamrolling you with nuclear-powered tanks firing depleted uranium, or MiGs and Helixes dropping tactical nukes.
* [[No Kill Like Overkill]]: While it's understood that anyone can pull this off, there's one in-universe case where Tsing Shi Tao starts off his scenario by routing most of your advance guard with his artillery. When the two surviving tanks try to flee, he drops a ''nuke'' on them.
* [[Nuke'Em|Nuke 'Em!]]: The PRC, as a whole, and Gen. Tsing Shi Tao in particular. He specializes in nuclear warfare, and when he isn't spamming nuke silos, he's steamrolling you with nuclear-powered tanks firing depleted uranium, or MiGs and Helixes dropping tactical nukes.
* [[Occupiers Out of Our Country!]]: What GLA claims to be their motive.
* [[Once an Episode]]: Each of the three campaigns in ''Generals'' features a dam getting destroyed and the water flooding some poor schmucks downriver. Seems the developers liked showing off the effect.