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#'''[[Spaceballs (Film)|"Evil will always triumph, because]] [[Good Is Dumb|Good is dumb!]]"''' ''If the villain needs all ten legendary medallions to attain world domination and you have nine of them, [[Hostage for McGuffin|everybody in your party still thinks it is necessary to bring the nine to the villain's castle and get the final one]], instead of hiding the ones they've already got and spoiling his plans that way. After you foolishly bring the legendary medallions to the villain's hideout, he will kidnap one of your companions (usually the main love interest) and you will [[Always Save the Girl|trade the world away to rescue your friend]].''
#'''[[Spaceballs (Film)|Dark Helmet's]] [[You Said You Would Let Them Go|Corollary]]:''' ''After you give up the medallions to save your friend/parent/lover/other miscellaneous party member, don't expect to actually get that person back. [[I Lied|Sucker]]!''
#'''[[ItsIt's Going Down|It's Not My Department,]] [[Tom Lehrer|Says Wernher Von Braun]]:''' ''All space stations, flying cities, floating continents and so forth will without exception either be blown up or [[Colony Drop|crash violently to earth]] before the end of the game. ''
#'''[[Pull the Thread|The Best-Laid Schemes:]]''' ''The final villain's grand scheme will have involved the deaths of thousands or even millions of innocent people, the clever manipulation of governments, armies, and entire populations, and will have taken anywhere from five to five thousand years to come to fruition. The hero will come up with a method of undoing this plan forever in less than five minutes.'' (Compare [[Spanner in The Works]])
#'''[[Pyrrhic Victory]]:''' ''By the time you've gotten it in gear, dealt with your miscellaneous personal crises and are finally ready to go Save the World once and for all, nine-tenths of it will already have been destroyed. Still, you've got to give your all to save the remaining one-tenth.''
#'''Poetic Villain Principle ([[Final Fantasy VI|Kefka]] Rule):''' ''All villains will suddenly become [[Poetic Serial Killer|poets]], [[Nietzsche Wannabe|philosophers]], and/or [[Large Ham|dramatic actors]] when a) [[Establishing Character Moment|they first meet the hero]], b) [[Just Between You and Me|they are about to win or their evil plan is finally ready]], c) [[Wham! Episode|some major event in the game is about to begin]], d) [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner|right before the final battle]], and e) [[Facing the Bullets One-Liner|right before they die]], when they will frequently be feeling generous enough to reward you with [[Fauxlosophic Narration|some homespun wisdom about making the most of life while you have it]]. ''
#'''[[Cosmic Deadline|Compression of Time:]]''' ''As you approach the final confrontation with the villain, events will become increasingly awkward, contrived and disconnected from one another -- almost as if [[Writer On Board|some cosmic Author]] was running up against a deadline and had to [[Ass Pull|slap together the ending at the last minute]].''
#'''[[No Hero Discount|Adam Smith's Revenge:]]''' ''By the end of the game you are [[Famed in Story|renowned everywhere]] as the Legendary Heroes, every surviving government and [[Reasonable Authority Figure|authority figure]] has rallied behind you, the fate of the world is obviously hanging in the balance, and [[Hundred -Percent Heroism Rating|out of nowhere random passers-by give you a pat on the back and heartfelt good luck wishes]]. However, shopkeepers won't even give you a discount, much less free supplies for the final battle with evil.''
#'''Adam Smith's Corollary:''' ''No matter how thoroughly devastated the continent/planet/universe is, there's always some shopkeeper who survived the end of the world and sits outside the gates of [[The Very Definitely Final Dungeon|the villain's castle]], selling the most powerful equipment in the game, like nothing ever happened.''
#'''The Long Arm of the Plot:''' ''Any bad guys, no matter how far they run, will always end up in one of two ways by the end of the game: [[Karmic Death|obviously dead,]] or [[Heel Face Turn|on your side.]] [[Black and White Morality|There is no in-between]].''
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[[Category:The Grand List of Console Role Playing Game Cliches]]
[[Category:Console RPG Cliches 169 To 192]]