Contested Sequel: Difference between revisions

Outdated info ripped from old TV Tropes several years ago; at this point Kingdom Hearts II has been so vindicated by history to the point of not applying anymore.
(Outdated info ripped from old TV Tropes several years ago; at this point Kingdom Hearts II has been so vindicated by history to the point of not applying anymore.)
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== Video Games ==
* The first three ''[[Silent Hill]]'' games tend to be liked universally among series fans. Every game since has been controversial to some extent, but ''[[Silent Hill: Shattered Memories]]'' has definitely proven to be the most [[Base Breaker|polarizing entry]]. Half the fanbase dares to consider it to be one of the best ''Silent Hill'' games, and loved how the highly-nuanced story comes together, the other half despises it for abandoning many classic gameplay functions and re-using old characters for no reason. Many saw Shattered Memories (at least in terms of storyline) a return to form for the series' psychological roots. ''Homecoming'' received arguably heavier negativity for starting the [[Replacement Scrappy]] line of developers. ''Downpour'' meanwhile, is getting hammered before it even releases due to the replacement of series composer Akira Yamaoka (who had actually previously offered to score any future SH titles) and gameplay mechanics (side quests, subways, weapon degradation) that many argue have no place in Silent Hill.
* ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]'' is a perfect example of this. The action was expanded upon, with new abilities like "merging" with teammates, and just an overall greater focus on the action. On the other hand, the platforming elements and secret out-of-the-way treasure chests were greatly reduced. Some say ''Kingdom Hearts II'' is a great sequel and use the action as their main argument, others argue that part of what made the first game so great is gone, complaining about the less exploratory level design and accusing the game of having an extremely weak and [[Kudzu Plot|complicated]] story in which the characters we love [[Badass Decay|just don't seem to]] [[Not as You Know Them|be themselves.]]
** Chain of Memories gets this for its card based battle system, and 358/2 Days for the character portrayal of several fan favourites, a potential [[Mary Sue]] and the new ability system.
* ''[[Sonic Adventure 2]]'':
** It is another one. Some liked the level-by-level play as well as the longer levels, and the gameplay variety. Others preferred the over world hub linking to each level and even the shorter levels of the first game, and the other playable characters being optional.
Anonymous user