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** Easily the worst game in the series, being overly linear with nonsensical additions added to the classic formula, horrible voice acting, and an insulting and [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses|sexist]] plot completely at odds with the rest of [[The Verse]].
* ''[[Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire]]'':
** Some fans consider it one of the best games in the series thanks to the [[Scenery Porn]] and better graphics; others felt it was too much of a [[ReContinuity BootReboot]] and consider it one of the worst in the series. It didn't help that this was also when the [[Nostalgia Filter]] first started to ''really'' kick in, with many older fans drawing the [[Fanon Discontinuity]] line at this, refusing to accept that Hoenn Pokemon are "real Pokemon."
** This was not helped by how some innovations the last set of games brought were stripped out, such as trading pokemon between games, morning/day/night, and being able to visit the previous games region. There were obvious technical reasons for this, but it does make the game feel like a smaller and shorter experience compared to Gold & Silver.
** At least HeartGold and SoulSilver can give those players the chance to relive all those memories again, but this time, in a much more polished fashion. Except of course, they still want to whine about the physical/special attack split.