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* Trying to keep track of everything that happened after the death of [[Alexander the Great|Alexander of Macedon (aka the Great)]] is almost impossible for anyone, even those with higher degrees in Classical History. The scale of the political maneuvering between his putative successors is too large to summarize. Suffice to say that one Classical Historian has described the carnage and politics between Macedon, Persia, the Ptolomaic Empire, and all the others, as a 'Macedonian Soap Opera'.
* Similarly, the Mexican Revolution. Once the United States got involved, it gets even more confusing because the [[William Howard Taft|Taft]] and [[Woodrow Wilson|Wilson]] administrations supported opposite sides of the conflict. And this is leaving out historilogical debates over the whole mess.
* [[wikipedia:Schleswig-HolsteinSchleswig–Holstein question|The Schleswig-HolsteinSchleswig–Holstein Questionquestion]]. Lord Palmerston is said to have remarked of it, "Only three people have ever really understood the Schleswig-Holstein business — the Prince Consort, who is dead, a German professor, who has gone mad, and I, who have forgotten all about it."
** As a result of a [[Gambit Pileup]] that's been going on for centuries.
* Any time a city has [[Name's the Same|two teams with the same name]] at different times, it can lead to this. A good example in the [[National Hockey League]]: from 1971 to 1996 there was a team called Winnipeg Jets, who has since moved to Arizona as the Phoenix Coyotes. In 2012, the Atlanta Thrashers moved to Canada, where they were rechristened... Winnipeg Jets!