Cool Motive, Still A Crime: Difference between revisions

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** Happens in the season 4 finale. After {{spoiler|Connor kills Jasmine on seeing her true form, and realizing that she used him and Cordelia to come into being, he has a breakdown. Angel sees him holding a store hostage. Connor rants about the fact that Angel let Holtz take him as a baby, condemning him to a torturous existence as Holtz's pawn. Angel tries to point out that's between them, not these people. They end up coming to blows as Connor attempts [[Suicide by Cop]] and it seems to work as Angel slits his throat... only for it to be part of a condition for a reality-warping spell that would give Connor a life with a normal human family.}}
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''
** One of Buffy's childhood crushes Billy Fordham comes to Sunnydale. He's entranced by how Buffy fights vampires and finds reasons to hang with her, while Angel investigates because instinct and jealousy tell him the guy is bad news. {{spoiler|Buffy learns that Billy was going to sell her and several innocent teens called vampire worshipersworshippers out to Spike, in exchange for becoming a vampire. Billy explains he has terminal cancer, and becoming undead is the only way he can live. Buffy expresses pity for Billy, but knocks him out and rescues the worshipersworshippers from Spike's gang. She says that she can't abide by a guy that would sacrifice innocent lives for his gain}}.
** Buffy attempts to do this with Willow in the season 6 finale, along with [[If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him]]. She is grateful that Willow saved her life, and understands that {{spoiler|Warren needs to pay for shooting Tara as well. But she tells Willow that Warren is human, and he needs human justice. That is, the police. If Willow kills him in revenge, Buffy will have to treat her like a criminal}}. [[Wham! Episode|Her pleas don't work]].
* ''[[Brooklyn Nine-Nine]]'' has a few opinions on the tragic excuse for characters being a jerk: