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** You can make a drinking game for every time [[Heel Face Revolving Door]] characters Loki and Wanda Maximoff face this from protagonists and antagonists alike. Case in point:
*** The ''Thor'' series makes it clear that it was very uncool of Odin to hide Loki's true parentage from him. He's forced to reveal to Loki, after the latter's skin turns blue from touching the Cube, that he basically kidnapped him from Jotunheim and raised him as his son. His intention was that Loki could be a peacemaker between the two enemy races, but both Thor and Loki were raised to see the Jotuns as monsters, something that Loki brings up tearfully. Nevertheless, when Thor finds out, he makes it clear that he doesn't care if Loki is not related to him; they are brothers, and thus Loki has no excuse for his trauma-induced actions. The first movie has Thor call out Loki for sending a Destroyer on Earth to finish him and endanger innocents in the process, and Odin while saving Loki while falling off the Bifrost says he knows that Loki didn't enact this scheme of wiping out the Jotuns to please his adopted father. In the second movie, Odin puts Loki on trial for attempting to invade Earth while allied with Thanos and killing innocents; he says the only reason Loki is not facing the usual sentence of execution is Frigga interceded on his behalf. ''Thor Ragnarok'' has Thor point out, after tazing Loki for a betrayal attempt, that Loki ''chooses'' to be a chronic backstabber rather than the hero he was meant to be. Loki takes this to heart by helping Thor fight Hela, and later in ''Avengers: Infinity War'' {{spoiler|sacrifices his life in a longshot attempt to assassinate Thanos before he can kill Thor}}. The ''Loki'' series has an alternate Loki watch {{spoiler|his prime self's death with a tearful expression, and later apologize to a hologram of Sif for his actions}}.
*** Meanwhile, Wanda's backstory is tragic. She and her brother Pietro lost their parents in a bombing, and Stark missiles destroyed their apartment. When Hydra recruited them, Wanda takes the opportunity to [[Mind Rape]] Tony after he storms their compound, determined to make him suffer as much as she did. Her selfishness leads to Tony creating Ultron, and Ultron going rogue. Pietro was the more reasonable of the siblings, suggesting they just kill him while he's incapacitated and they get their revenge. She does the same to the rest of the team, which leads to Hulk rampaging in Johannesburg while mind-raped. Tony feels guilty on learning why Wanda hates him, but Bruce is not sympathetic when he revives and she tries to stop him from putting Jarvis into the Ultron body they stole from Ultron; he says he doesn't need to turn green to snap her neck and nearly acts on that threat by putting her in a chokehold. Wanda herself gets a horrible [[Heel Realization]] on learning that Ultron is going to wipe out everyone in Sokovia in his quest to make the world perfect, meaning she enabled him to cause much worse collateral damage than Tony ever did directly or indirectly. Clint has a more evenhanded approach when she freezes up during the final battle on sensing Pietro's death; he tells Wanda she has a choice to make, to either stay out of the fight to avoid being a liability or step in to make up for her past harm. In ''[[Captain America: Civil War (film)| Civil War]]'', General Ross says that he knows Wanda didn't mean to cause a fire in Lagos but still injured innocents and that is why the Avengers need accountability. Following the battle with Thanos, {{spoiler|losing Vision and attempting to create an idyllic sitcom-style life where she has children with him and brings back Pietro backfires horribly; Agatha of all people makes Wanda review her life and ask what her excuse is for imprisoning a bunch of people who would have legitimately become her neighbors. [[Your Approval Fills Me with Shame|She admires the power]]}}. Later on, ''Dr.[[Doctor Strange andin the Multiverse of Madness]]'' had Strange himself {{spoiler|call out Wanda for her rampage in an attempt to find her children}}.
** In ''[[Guardians of the Galaxy]]'', Drax the Destroyer essentially drunk-dials [[Big Bad|Ronan the Accuser]] in hopes of avenging his wife and daughter, who Ronan murdered in the past. Instead of getting revenge, Drax's recklessness leads to Knowhere (the Guardians' pit stop) being nearly obliterated by the fleet Ronan sends after them. When Drax explains himself to Rocket Raccoon, the latter isn't impressed and takes him to task over selfishly getting people caught in the crossfire in his quest for vengeance against the hated terrorist. His shaming definitely gets to Drax, and is the thing that kicks his [[Character Development]] into gear.
* While Velociraptors in previous ''[[Jurassic Park]]'' movies were either hungry territorial animals or glorified [[Serial Killer|serial killers]] in dinosaur bodies, the ones in the [[Jurassic Park III|third movie]] are in full-on [[Mama Bear]]/[[Papa Wolf]] mode, and menace Alan Grant's team out of a desire to protect their eggs... which his assistant Billy stupidly stole despite his clear warning against tampering with raptor nests. While Billy did it so he could secure funding for Alan's research expeditions, Alan makes it absolutely clear that good intentions or no, Billy's willingness to compromise their rescue mission and endanger the lives of everyone involved has caused him to lose all respect for his protégé. {{spoiler|While he eventually forgives Billy, it's only after he sacrifices himself to save a young boy from a flock of vicious Pteranodons and barely survives.}}
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