Copyright: Difference between revisions

120 bytes added ,  9 years ago
chipped away at the USA-centric tone of the article
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(chipped away at the USA-centric tone of the article)
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Copyright gives its owner the ability to restrict certain uses of a work of art (generally called just a "work" on this very wiki) for a certain period of time. Once that period of time expires, the work falls into the "public domain" and the ability to enforce restrictions ends. Note that this is the ''ability'' to enforce a restriction; the copyright owner can choose not to enforce some restrictions, which is why [[]] still exists. [[The Grateful Dead]], for example, had a policy to let fans legitimately make recordings of their performances (which would have been bootlegs if the permission had not been granted), even letting them bring recording equipment near the stage to do so.
The copyright owner is granted the ''right'' to stop certain uses, not the ''requirement'' to do so. This is different from [[trademark]]s; if you don't "police" your mark (stop misuse of it), then if there is a lawsuit the court may declare your mark generic (allowing anyone to use it) because you didn't actively protect it, or abandoned (you stopped associating the mark with the good or service). This requirement is not applicable to copyright; the copyright owner is allowed to use that right selectively; they can ignore 4,000 violations and then successfully drop a hammer on the 4,001st; the fact they didn't go after the several thousand other unauthorized uses is not an issue the court is going to notice or care about. For instance, it was okay for [[J. K. Rowling]] to approve the ''HP Lexicon'' when it was just a Web site, but she attempted to throw the book at its author when it was being made into a book. This is due to the fact that, in the United States, Trademark is governed by the Commerce Clause of the Constitution rather than the Copyright/Patent clause. (Other nations have other rules.) Trademarks only have value insofar as they represent ''something else.'' Copyrighted works are valuable as themselves.
The right to stop some uses is not a natural right. Copyright as it exists now is a creation of government, and the rights the copyright owner does have can be and are restricted for some uses and not others. Basically it depends on who has better lobbyists to meet with members of Parliament or Congress and get their side's interests put into law. The very first form of Copyright was [[wikipedia:Statute of Anne|The Statute of Anne]] which applied for 28 years. This law was so popular it was incorporated in the The US Constitution and has been extended several times. The 1976 Act is a complex piece of legislation that made nobody happy because it was the result of a nearly two decade fight between copyright holders and ''librarians'' among others representing the public interest. Nowadays the trend in US copyright law is to pass broad sweeping prohibitions (such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act) and have the Librarian of Congress review the law every three years to issue exceptions. The [ exceptions] released in July 2010 have been seen as [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|positive]] for the general public and believers in [[Fair Use]].
There are six basic rights covered by copyright: reproduction (the ability to make copies), adaptation (translating to another medium, like turning a book into a movie or video game, or vice-versa), public distribution (issuing copies), public performance (performing a play), public display (showing a painting in a museum), and digital (running a computer program). Not every type of copyright work is protected by all rights. For instance, there is no performance right for sculptures. Sound recordings do not have the public performance or display right, the results of a compromise the music industry deeply regrets. The copyright holder can license away any or all of these right to different parties at different times. Further, it can subdivide the rights even further (one company can get the adaptation rights for film, another for television). Finding out who owns what rights and for how long can keep a copyright lawyer busy for a long time.
Also, some rights are lost once used, in particular, the "public distribitiondistribution" right only applies to a work if it hasn't been sold. The copyright owner can set any terms or price for selling a copy, but once someone sells or voluntarily parts company with a copy of a work, they have no right to stop further redistribution or sale of that copy. That's why books, [[CDs]] and other items can be loaned or resold without having to get a license or pay royalties. This is also why software companies try to claim the software is licensed rather than sold; if it's licensed you don't own the copy and can't redistribute it; if you bought it, you own it and you can.
You can lend your copy of ''[[Inception]]'' to a friend and not violate the distribution right because it isn't sufficiently "public." What is considered public is defined by the common law (i.e., court cases). However, if your friend burns extra copies of ''[[Inception]]'' so you both can have one or uses the clips to make an [[Shipping|Arthur/Ariadne]] tribute video, he has violated the reproduction (burning the copy) and adaptation (the music video) rights. Uploading the video onto YoutubeYouTube might be considered violation of the public performance right. The question then become whether these uses can fall under [[Fair Use]].
Certain rights, such as reproduction, do not require a public component—one unauthorized copy is enough to get you in trouble. Distribution though, requires a public component. What this means is that when a TV program uses a song in it, they do not have to get permission to reproduce the recording as part of the program, because that program is only broadcast, it is not distributed to the public. If and when they decide to sell copies of that program, then they do need permission to include the sound recording as part of the video, that's why some shows don't get released because of the additional clearances needed.
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It's a necessary evil if you want to make money off of inventions and entertainment. Stuff like copyright and patents are actually made to ''encourage'' people to actually sell their stuff, especially in a capitalistic society. No matter the society, musicians, inventors, researchers, authors, game publishers & developers, et cetra are people too. They have to have a place to sleep, a place to work, and to put food on the table just like you do. And it costs ''them'' money to make something for you, or for the greater good. There are exceptions such as people who distribute it for free or make it as a hobby, or opt to put it into the [[Public Domain]] rather than copyright it. The major tension in copyright comes from those who believe that copyright protection is a "reward" for creating a popular work or merely an "incentive" to get private individuals to create work for the greater benefit of the public.
One of the biggest exceptions to the exclusive right of the copyright owner is the concept of [[Fair Use]], which allows some uses which the copyright holder would normally be able to stop. You can thank, of all things, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution for this. This is yet another reason Canada's fair use provisions are much narrower than even the United States allows: Canada has much weakernarrower free"freedom speechof expression" rules.
It should be noted that copyright holders often do their best to discourage the concept of fair use. They'd prefer either to get paid for uses which would be considered fair use or even to stop a use they don't like, even where fair use permits it. For that reason, [[Fair Use]] is one of the most amorphous areas of copyright law and it's easy to find a case to support just about any proposition.
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Another special case required the use of the letter M in a circle for the masks used to create semiconductors, the chips used in electronic equipment, including computers.
Over time, the protection of copyright has been greatly expanded. A work is now protected, with limited exceptions, for the life of the creator plus 70 years after they die, or if it's a work of joint authorship, life + 70 years of the last surviving author. For anonymous/pseudonymous works or works made by a corporate entity, the term is 95 years from date of publication (which is what triggered copyright before the 1976 Act passed and has its own complicated set of rules) or 120 years from date of creation. But don't expect that figure to be set in stone; it used to be the life of the creator plus 50 years (and, in Canada, it still is), or 75+publication/100+ creation for works that cannot be attributed to individual creators. The Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act added 20 years to all works still under protection, something that the Supreme Court found to [ Constitutional] because the term was still "limited."
The standard [[Fan Fic Disclaimer]] that you are not doing it for profit may make it less likely that you'll be sued, but it won't rule it out.<ref>the not-for-profit portion of [[Fair Use]] doesn't actually apply here anyway</ref> See [[Digital Piracy Is Evil]] for more on this.
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