Cosmic Forces Trio: Difference between revisions

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* [[La-Mulana]], The Mother (Creator), the Sages (Preservers), and the Lemeza (The Destroyer).
* ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]'' has Triforce as the [[Cosmic Keystone]], with a [[Power Trio]] on either side. There are 3 Golden Goddesses of the Triforce: Din, the Goddess of Power; Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom; and Farore, the Goddess of Courage. In one game the Triforce shatters: Power goes to Ganondorf, Wisdom to Zelda, and Courage to Link.
* [[Kingdom Hearts]], Sora (Preserver), Riku (The Destroyer), and Kairi (Creator) where like this in the first game. Though this franchise has too many examples to list, even averted, zigzag, and whatnot in future games.
* [[Final Fantasy 4]], Cecil Harvey (Preserver), Kain Highwind (Destroyer), and Rosa (Creator).