Could Have Avoided This Plot: Difference between revisions

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** While Spike ''did'' try to take steps to prevent a bad outcome, much of "Lesson Zero" could've been avoided had Twilight simply accepted Spike's advice that missing one letter to Celestia wouldn't doom her to Magic Kindergarten. More significantly, Twilight's friends realized that if they had taken Twilight's worries seriously from the start (even if they ''did'' think she was blowing things out of proportion) they could've acted to help Twilight and avoid the [[Hilarity Ensues|hilarity]] that ensued at episode's end.
* ''[[The Pagemaster]]'': In a similar subversion to ''[[The Wizard of Oz (film)|The Wizard of Oz]]'', when Richard Tyler, Adventure, Fantasy, and Horror all reach the Exit and meet the Pagemaster, Richard inconclusively berates the Pagemaster for making him go through all the hell he had to go through until the Pagemaster points out that he sent Richard through it all for a purpose: if Richard had been brought to the Exit, let alone gone home, right from the start, he wouldn't have learned how to face his own fears and his friends still wouldn't have been checked out.
* Happened a lot in the old ''[[Super Friends]]'' cartoon where the [[Villain of the Week]] was some [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] with a benign motive that could have been accomplished easily had he simply ''asked'' the heroes for help.
* An episode of ''[[Star Wars Ewoks]]'' features the evil Dulocs trying to steal some of the Ewoks' soap. By mistake they steal a magical invisibility formula that the shaman Logrey has developed to help the Ewoks hide their food supply from another enemy. This not only allows them to cause all sorts of trouble, but also leaves the Ewoks no way to protect their food. Upon learning of the theft, Logrey fumes that the he would have shared the regular soap with the Dulocs if they'd only just asked.
* In ''[[He-Man and the Masters of the Universe]]'' (2002), a technomancer named Sortek disrupts all the technology on Eternia in order to force He-Man and Skeletor into assisting him with a task. The task turns out to be so trivial that He-Man tells Sortek he would have helped if he'd just asked nicely.