Fridge Brilliance

  • Courage is not a lack of fear. Courage is facing your fears despite being scared.
  • In the episode "Courageous Cure" Eustace and Muriel are abducted by multi-armed aliens so they can get a cure for a strange disease that causes them to punch themselves. By the end of the episode, it turns out that Courage's DNA was the one with the cure. This was because the disease causes people to punch themselves and 4 legged animals such as dogs do not have arms.
  • Courage jumping to the conclusion that Kitty is evil and being horrified when she takes off her mask for the first time in "The Mask" makes a lot more sense when you remember the only other humanoid cat he knows is Katz, who Kitty even somewhat resembles with the same fur color. The theme of the episode deals a lot with Kitty's belief all dogs are evil because the only ones she knows are Complete Monsters as well. Courage's assumptions of Kitty's true nature are partially blurred by his own encounters with Katz just like Kitty's are by her history with Mad Dog and his gang. In the end, they both learn the other really wasn't evil to begin with.
    • Other than that, Kitty spend most of the first half of the episode LITERALLY beating the sh*t out of Courage, when all he was doing was minding his own business. His scream reaction to her identity was a TWO PARTER, if that needs any more indication.

Fridge Horror

  • The Bagges are not always the first victims to fall into the enemies traps. Katz seems to provoke this the most which is evident with the bones littered all over the hotel in "A Night At the Katz Motel", the broken machines in "Klub Katz", and questionably the candies in "Katz Kandy". There are also other villains who have shown past victims as well, such as the skulls from "The Queen Of the Black Puddle", the puppets from "The Great Fusilli", the banana peel skins from "1000 Years Of Courage", and most infamously, the monster, bones, shackles, and "help" message from "Courage In the Big Stinkin' City".
  • Just what did Mad Dog do that made Kitty such a depressed wreck?
    • Aside from keeping her best friend a prisoner? ... Possibly a lot, actually.
  • Freaky Fred is freaky enough, and then you realize that he's an inmate in an asylum specifically for insane barbers, and Fred is the one they consider sane enough to be let out on furloughs!

Fridge Logic

  • Eustace called in the Cajun Fox along with the rest of the villains in "Ball Of Revenge", despite the fact that the Cajun Fox episode was the only episode Eustace doesn't appear in. And he also calls in The Big Toe, even though he himself was The Big Toe.
  • The banana salesman appears in a later Katz episode even though he's supposed to be stuck in the next millennium.