Crazy Homeless People: Difference between revisions

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== [[Video Games]] ==
* The Lost from ''[[City of Heroes]]'' are a villain group consisting of homeless people who are in varying stages of being mutated into {{spoiler|Rikti}}. In the lower levels, they talk like the typical portrayal, ranting about "the Change", but as their levels and rank increase, the Lost start to bear a closer resemblance to them in powers, weaponry, and speech patterns, and at about Lv. 30, the transformation is complete and the Lost faction is completely replaced by them.
* theThe [[Condemned]] games are all about beating up crazy homeless people.
* Several in ''[[Grand Theft Auto IV]]'' - one of whom lives well within earshot of your apartment.
* The hobos in ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]''.
* Ollie the Bum from ''[[Tony Hawks Pro Skater]]''.
* Crazy Dave in ''[[Plants vs. Zombies]]''. Maybe. He calls himself your neighbor, which suggests that he has a home, but he runs a shop out of his car, wears a pot on his head, and speaks in gibberish.
* Spamton from ''[[Deltarune]]'' is a disgraced salesman who talks like a spambot, lives in a dumpster, and is both parts psychotically violent and borderline incoherent (not unlike a stereotypical homeless coke fiend). {{spoiler|It turns out that he's one of several people who had their lives and minds ruined after a chance encounter with [[Eldritch Abomination|Gaster]]}}.
== [[Web Comics]] ==