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{{quote|'''Detective Del Spooner:''' You are a machine. An ''imitation'' of life. Can a robot write a symphony? Can a robot turn a canvas into a beautiful masterpiece?<br />
'''Sonny:''' [[Armor-Piercing Question|Can you]]?|''[[I, Robot (film)|I Robot]]''}}
|''[[I, Robot (film)|I, Robot]]''}}
[[What Measure Is a Non Super]]? We can't [[Winged Humanoid|fly]], we can't [[Breath Weapon|shoot fireballs out of our nostrils]], and [[We Are as Mayflies|we live pitifully short lives]]. Those [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]]s, vampires, or cyber-humans are so far above us in every respect we should just accept them as a [[Benevolent Alien Invasion]]. And yet every non-human and supernatural creepy crawly without [[Smug Super|its head up its butt]] [[I Just Want to Be Normal|envies us]] and [[Pinocchio Syndrome|wants to be like us]]. Why?
Because we can create.
[[Humans Are Flawed|Despite our flaws]], [[Humans Are Special]] for some reason, and only an unaltered human body, [[Our Souls Are Different|soul]] or mind has the unique ability to create life,<ref>* [[Creating Life|Of the non-Frankenstein sort]]</ref>, art, and science (or work some kinds of magic) that supernaturals seem to lack. For some reason [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul]], vampirism drains your humanity, or being soulless means you're dead inside. Oh sure, a vampire scientist might make great discoveries, but all of them will be of the [[Science Is Bad]] variety whether he likes it or not. A robot can't paint or write a sonnet, and even [[Our Elves Are Better|Elves]] can't seem to make anything that has a deeper meaning behind the generic beauty they're so good at. For some reason a non-human's work is stale, at best a repetition of more creative, emotive, and insightful peers.
This can be an overt or subtle cue that we're dealing with beings that are [[Not Even Human]]. Depending on how it's played in context, it can be used as a negative trait to balance out a race [[Puny Earthlings|much superior to humans]], which does [[Competitive Balance|not make them any better or worse]] than us, just different. It can also lead to [[Cultural Posturing]] on the part of the humans, as the page quote shows, or in more extreme cases serve as an excuse to [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|feel indifferent towards killing them]]. After all, anything incapable of creative endeavors can't be human, and is therefore fine to kill.
This can have interesting ramifications in a plot. They [[Curiosity Causes Conversion|might seek]] to [[Pinocchio Syndrome|become human]] by [[What Is This Thing You Call Love?|learning to feel]] or even [[Humanity Ensues|transforming themselves physically]], hoping [[The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body]] which will allow them to understand us. It may be cultural: [[Humanity Is Infectious|enough exposure to humanity may well "cure" them]], though any of them who resist this change and want to stay uncreative are likely to be [[Obviously Evil]]. It can also lead to more frightening efforts at ''stealing'' that which they lack from us--whetherus—whether it is in the form of "[[Anatomy of the Soul|Creative Energy]]", souls, [[Mars Needs Women|wombs]], or slaves. In this case [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]], and their sterility is self-perpetuating.
If (when) anyone brings up that average humans can be biologically sterile or have little to no [[True Art|"artistic talent"]] the normal response is either: [[Can't Argue with Elves|they get ignored]], point that in comparison humans produce over hundreds of millions of works while the race total work is 0, or point that this is because humans are, in comparison to other races, [[Buffy-Speak|total]] [[Humanity Is Insane|wackos]]. After all, anyone who had visited Myspace or [[Free Journal]] can attest the insane... "imagination" of the average Joe/Jane.
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An interesting thought to consider for readers is that it is an ''author'' who is assigning this trait to the aliens, robots, vampires, or whathaveyou, even if it's only by thoughtless, reflexive imitation of other works. So in a sense, they are cursing these creatures with something any artist would consider a [[Fate Worse Than Death]].
A common variant outside of the development of artificially or supernaturally prolonged life concerns the differences between men and woman, in which it will be observed that, in going through pregnancy and giving birth, a woman is capable of creating life -- perhapslife—perhaps the ultimate form and union of both creativity and fertility -- whereasfertility—whereas a man can not. It is often suggested that men are thus capable only of destroying, not creating, as a way of attempting to compensate for this lack of creativity. This is often used as a way of arguing or justifying [[Women Are Wiser|why women are inherently better than men]], although it can also be used to indicate that the woman in question making this argument is a deluded [[Straw Feminist]] capable only of seeing the worst in men. Furthermore, while men do not actually carry the baby, they do in fact play a fairly important role in conception... something which is rarely mentioned either way.
Compare [[Medieval Stasis]], where elves, aliens, demons and other immortal races far older than humans typically have technology comparable or only slightly more advanced than humans. The most common explanations given, if any are, is either that the other species is creatively stagnant or that they've hit an upper technological limit and it's impossible to advance farther ([[The Singularity]] notwithstanding). If an entire race has stagnated culturally, they may become a [[Dying Race]] - or the fact that they are dying may be the cause of the stagnation. Contrast [[Deaf Composer]], who can ''still'' (probably) create despite lacking a necessary sense.
== Anime &and Manga ==
== Anime & Manga ==
* Though [[Astro Boy (manga)|Astro Boy]] has emotions, he's incapable of appreciating art and music. He gets an upgrade that allows him to at one point, but it has the unfortunate side-effect of making him vulnerable to pain and fear. What's interesting is that he comes to accept his differences and decides being the best robot he can be is better than trying to be a fake human.
** Tezuka is slightly inconsistent on this, perhaps not surprising given A) the manga's [[Continuity Snarl]], which can [[Hand Wave]] quite a lot (the time stream did it!), and B) Tezuka's habit of following the rules unless it's cooler or more fun to do otherwise (see also: ''[[Black Jack]]'').
** Interestingly, he is capable of all of the above, good and bad, in the [[Astro Boy (anime)|1980, 2003]], and [[Astro Boy (film)|2009]] versions. He still seems perfectly happy as a robot, though. The 1980 version at least ''was'' Tezuka-approved.
* OEL manga ''[[Mark Of The Succubus]]'' has demons who, among other things, are extremely pragmatic and don't do anything that is unnecessary. One of the things the main character finds so fascinating about humans is their ability to create beautiful things for no reason at all other than the fact that they can.
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* The Zentraedi in ''[[Robotech]]'' have shades of this. They are kept deliberately ignorant of how to use technology, with all of it being provided by the Robotech Masters. This is a form of control; without the Robotech Masters to guide them, all of the Zentraedi's technology will eventually break down, and they will be unable to fight their wars.
* A major theme in ''[[Chobits]]'', mostly coming out late in the story, is that no matter how human the persocoms look, they cannot have children because they're robots.
== Comic Books ==
* Loki's magic fountain in ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]]/[[Alpha Flight]]'' (1985) can cure people of ailments and make them into super-beings, but at the cost of their creativity.
* In the [[Silver Age]], this was [[Legion of Super-Heroes (comics)|Brainiac 5]]'s limitation - he was utterly brilliant, but he could only modify things that were already invented, such as Mon-El's anti-gravity mineral and his ancestor's force-field. This limitation was eventually dropped.
* In a short story in ''[[2000 AD]]'' set untold eons in the future, humanity has done, created, and experienced everything possible in every possible permutation and variation. There's nothing left to live for. So they do the one thing no one's ever done before to end their unspeakable boredom: end the universe.
* The title character of ''[[Johnny the Homicidal Maniac]]'' was always a little unhinged, but only truly lost it when his ability to create art was taken from him. One of the sequels shows a failed attempt to do this to a more strong-willed artist.
* The Snarks, repeated enemies of the [[Kid Hero]] team [[Power Pack]], are like this. Their species has no imagination, so they copy what they can't steal and steal what they can't copy.
* In a slight wrinkle to the Trope, Destruction from ''[[The Sandman]]'' books is ''capable'' of creating things, and tries his hand at countless forms of art. He's just terrible at all of them. It's implied that the reason is that, being the manifestation of destruction, creation goes against his inner nature.
* The Shaper of Worlds, a sometime adversary of the [[Incredible Hulk]], is a [[Reality Warper]] with nearly unlimited power and one huge limitation: he absolutely lacks imagination. He can only create by copying the desires of others.
== Film ==
* A scene occurs in ''[[The Matrix|Matrix Revolutions]]'', where Neo is [[Dull Surprise|surprised]] to encounter a machine family that understand love better than him.
** Showing more emotion than Keanu Reeves isn't very impressive...
* ''<s>Hardwired</s> [[I, Robot (film)|I, Robot]]'' opens the question about [[Do Androids Dream?|whether robots and AIs can have soul and feelings]] when Sonny, an advanced robot prototype, starts drawing creative artworks. {{spoiler|Which turns out to be a prophecy, or possibly another clue left by his creator}}. Interestingly, ''[[I, Robot (film)|I Robot]]'' paints the eventual ability of robots do to all of this as ''inevitable''. Sonny's just the first.
* [[Tron|Master Control]] andfrom ''[[Tron:]]'' and Legacy|Clu 2.0 from ''[[Tron: Legacy]]'' cannot create new Programs, but they can [[Brainwashed and Crazy|"repurpose"]] them. Creation is something that only "Users" (humans) can do. Justified with some [[Fridge Brilliance]]. They are computer programs with set parameters that not even they can break, no matter how much they'd like to.
* Serendipity, the Muse from ''[[Dogma]]'' got tired of giving everyone else ideas, and asked God to grant her a little vacation on Earth, so she could create herself. Much to her annoyance, she found herself with an annoying case of writers block. Apparently she's not allowed to keep any of the ideas she gives out for herself.
== Literature ==
* In the novel ''[[Never Let Me Go]]'' by Kazuo Ishiguro, this is stated as the reason it's so important for the students at Hailsham to cultivate artistic capabilities. This is because {{spoiler|the students are all clones, and the teachers wanted to prove that they were just as human as everyone else}}.
* [[Mercedes Lackey]]'s ''Bedlam's Bard/SERRAted Edge'' universe: Elves can't create (at least in the artistic/cultural sense), only adapt. Many an elven villain's lair is described as a bad knock-off of a Hollywood horror film.
** One of the funnier moments in this respect was when an evil elf got all huffy because someone saw his throne room and commented, "I think you owe [[Frank Frazetta]] licensing rights." The elf's response implied he'd '''already''' been sued by Frazetta at least once.
** They don't have anything like human imagination. Elven Bards create music and play it very well, but it's not ''new'' music, just minor variations on what's come before. When a human bard created a work for a christening and played it, the elves were astonished. Also, while the elves have extraordinarily long lives, they tend to fall into patterns, and eventually fade away for lack of anything new. A human living with some actually roused a number back into vitality by suggesting that they go and hunt wild monsters in abandoned domains - something which had never occurred to them.
* Mentioned in [[Kim Newman]]'s ''[[Anno Dracula]]'' series; in ''The Bloody Red Baron'', for instance, we learn that [[Edgar Allan Poe]] has not written a word of fiction since he became a vampire. In "Andy Warhol's Dracula", {{spoiler|there's a subversion -- it's widely agreed that the artworks Warhol created after he became a vampire lack an essential spark present in his earlier work, but it turns out at the end that Warhol never actually crossed over, only adopted vampire mannerisms, and remained human his entire life}}.
** The series plays with this trope, in that several other famous celebrities -- includingcelebrities—including Bob Dylan -- alsoDylan—also become vampires, and all suffer from this to a degree. However, several of these criticisms -- includingcriticisms—including those raised in-text about Dylan -- areDylan—are similar to criticisms these artists have faced in real life as they got older and their careers / fields moved on.
* From [[Terry Pratchett]]'s ''[[Discworld]]'' series:
** The elves in ''[[Discworld/Lords and Ladies|Lords and Ladies]]'': they are fascinated by music but they are incapable of creating any of their own.
** An interesting example are the Auditors in ''[[Discworld/Thief of Time|Thief of Time]]''. They do not approve of the untidiness of life, creativity and all that. During efforts to get rid of it, some of them take human form. They cannot eat or drink because the sensory overload would destroy them, yet they consider rules, including protocol, important, so when one of them comes up with the excuse "our religion forbids it" for declining tea it was a stroke of creative genius, for an Auditor.
** Death is frequently reported to have this problem as well. Ysabell and Susan both observe that his house and everything in it is "just a copy of one he's seen somewhere." This is used rather cleverly in ''[[Discworld/Soul Music (novel)|Soul Music]]'': {{spoiler|by playing the guitar that has been causing all the trouble, Death effectively kills the music, forcing it to revive Buddy so he can bring it back.}}
** ''[[Discworld/Thud|Thud!]]'' includes as foreword a religious Dwarven text that says Trolls were created by accident and are doomed to just wander around not able to create or comprehend. It's also very clearly indicated that this particular passage had been added at a much later date as part of the [[Fantastic Racism]]. {{spoiler|Part of the big revelation at the end is that the original version had the creator be absolutely thrilled at the new life that he didn't intend and adopted it along with his intentional creations.}}
* This is toyed with in ''[[Footfall]]'' by [[Larry Niven]] and Jerry Pournelle. The invading aliens use scavenged technology, and only understand how to use what they have, not how to invent anything. This mirrors their military weakness and sociological blind spot; they cannot develop new tactics, nor understand that humans might react to a situation differently than they do. Even our concept of lying boggles their minds.
* This is an important plot point in ''[[Coraline (novel)|Coraline]]'' -- Coraline—Coraline realizes that The Other Mother can't actually create anything genuinely new, just mimic and alter things that already exist... and the implications of this realization allow her to figure out where her parents are being kept.
* The idea is brought up in ''[[Animorphs]]'' - Andalites and Yeerks begin to fear humans once they realize that humans, while much less technologically advanced, made technological progress far faster than their more advanced counterparts. Ax, an Andalite, is astonished to learn that humans went from first powered flight to space flight in under a century.
** The Yeerks are also cited (admittedly, by [[Unreliable Narrator|Andalites]]) as having stolen everything they have from other races, being capable of modification (Dracon beams kill more slowly and painfully than the shredder beams they're based on, for example) but not true creation.
*** Since the Yoort (related to the Yeerks somehow) were at least partially responsible for the mind reading devices that are the basis of their 'memory markets' this spreads further doubt on the Aldalite's claims.
* The protagonist of ''[[The Diamond Age]]'' uses an original poem as an impromptu Turing test, reasoning that a sufficiently advanced Eliza-style chatbot might be able to carry a conversation but couldn't make the creative leaps necessary to interpret, much less create, symbolic language. She's right; in essence, artificial intelligence systems are philosophical zombies in the novel's world.
* Subverted in ''[[Stephen King|]]'s ''[[The Tommyknockers]]'', where the alien-touched become capable of incredible feats of technological jury-rigging and improvisation, yet are such bumbling incompetents at taking practical advantage of their skills that the benefit of such talent is negligible.
** The most extreme example of this is the woman who gains super-intelligence and inventive skill and uses it to make a crude boobytrap to kill her cheating husband. That's it. Even the other alien-influenced people at least had the stones to do something like make laser guns or, she built a crude electric chair. And died too. Literally too dumb to live, in spite of being a super-genius now.
* ''[[The Neverending Story (novel)|The Neverending Story]]'': The creatures of Fantastica are creatures of stories and can't create new stories themselves.
* A core concept of the [[The Lord of the Rings|works]] of [[J. R. R. Tolkien|JRR Tolkien]]. "The Enemy cannot make, he can only mock", and thus any creature he cannot corrupt to his side, he simply makes bad copies of. This started in the very beginning, when the only sound Melkor could add to the music of the Ainur was cacophonic and distorted. Specifically, Orcs are Morgoth's corruption of the elves, trolls are the corruption of the Ents, and dragons are implied to be corruptions of the Maiar with bodies bred from "corrupted stock." Even Gollum is just a twisted version of a {{spoiler|hobbit}}.
** The idea is somewhat undermined by the [[Medieval Stasis]] of everyone else in the setting. Saruman's attempts to industrialize are what first marks him as having fallen to evil.
* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' [[Eighth Doctor Adventures]] novel ''The Year of Intelligent Tigers'', this comes up regarding the Doctor (who's a [[Human Alien]]). The Doctor complains of being like "an idiot savant" because while he's amazing at playing instruments, particularly the violin, he cannot improvise or come up with any of his own material. This is part of an overarching subplot/motif of his being not quite human. And ''Interference'' includes a group of [[Cloning Blues|cloned people]] who are sterile and effectively [[Asexuality]]; one of the Doctor's companions ends up one of them, but [[Chivalrous Pervert|he ain't asexual]] once he's returned somewhat to normal.
* In ''[[The League of Peoples Verse]]'', this is the greatest threat facing humanity: having been given everything they could ever need by [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]]s in the League of Peoples, most of humanity has lost all forms of creative impulse. There is no need to work, because machines handle all industry; there is no hope for scientific research, because League technology is beyond human understanding; there is nothing to do but lose oneself in mindless decadence. This is a fate that has already all but destroyed several other cultures which were "uplifted" by the League.
{{quote| '''Oar:''' What do young people think of this, Nimbus? The young Fasskisters and Cashlings. Do they ever look around and say, ''Why are things not better? What is wrong with us that we cannot accomplish great deeds? Why do we waste hours and days and years on activities we know achieve nothing? How can we stop being broken?''<br />
'''Nimbus:''' Of course they ask such questions. Once in a while. When they can force themselves to concentrate. Out in the depths of space, light-years away from anything, I've watched Cashlings weep over who they are... who they aren't... what their race has become. That's how prophets are born: a moment of clarity, the desire to transform themselves and the universe. But it never lasts. They can't ''make'' it last. They're ''damaged'', Oar -- even if they experience a flash of profundity, they can't sustain it, they can't use it, they can't preserve the desire to change. I've watched them; they can't become anything else, not even with other species to learn from. They simply lack the capacity. The Cashlings are lost, and other races are following them into the darkness. On their best days, they long to be truly alive... but they're physically incapable of pushing themselves past the emptiness. You can't imagine their heartbreak when they realize they can't make it work. }}
* [[Michael Moorcock]]'s [[The Elric Saga|Michael Moorcock's 'Elric'' stories]] state that [[Eldritch Abomination|the Chaos Gods]] cannot create anything truly new or original, only destruction and decay. They can randomly rearrange things and copy things they have seen before, but they cannot truly create in the way humans can.
* [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent|The Race]] from ''[[Worldwar]]'' by [[Harry Turtledove]] are an interesting variation on this. They ''do'' progress and create new things, but do so in such a slow and tentative manner that it ''appears'' like [[Creative Sterility]] to humans.
** How slowly do they advance? They sent a probe to Earth to find out whether it was suitable for conquest 1,000 years ago. When they finally got around to invading (during [[World War II]]), they couldn't believe that humans weren't still wearing metal armor and fighting each other on horseback.
* The [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens|Yuuzhan Vong]] from the ''[[Star Wars Expanded Universe]]'' turn out to be an example this as the NJO series goes on, oddly not due to literally not being able to create new things but being ''unwilling to.'' According to Vong doctrine, the gods blessed them with all the technology they could ever possibly need in the Cortexes, a kind of organic database containing their version of schematics, and that to create new technology of any kind is heresy. Most of the Vong scientists flatly refuse to believe that it's even possible; {{spoiler|Nen Yim is horribly traumatized when she learns the Cortexes do not hold all the answers.}}
* This is a weakness of the Hive in ''[[Tour of the Merrimack]]''. They can adapt their behavior in reaction to tactics used against them, but they are incapable of innovating on their own. They do not create; they only consume.
* [[Dichter Undand Denker|German philosopher]] Oswald Spengler claimed in his non-fiction book ''[[The Decline of the West]]'' that when a culture has explored all possible art forms (first the aesthetic ones, later the offensive ones), they end up reviving old styles or copying exotic cultures (or mixing both).
* In ''[[I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream]]'', its revealled that the supercomputer AM originally went mad when he realized that, for all his vast power and intelligence, he was still bound by his programming as a war machine, and couldn't direct his thinking away from destruction and torture: already teetering on the brink of insanity thanks to his inability to move or escape its original complex, this additional constraint drove him into genocidal madness.
* In Richelle Mead's ''[[Georgina Kincaid]]'' novels, the main character laments that as a succubus, she cannot create any form of art, or conceive a child. The latter is true of all demons, and it is implied (though not proven) that the former is as well. For instance, she can dance with the best of them, but is utterly incapable of choreographing a new routine (a pipe dream of hers).
* In the ''[[Jao Empire]]'' series by [[Eric Flint]] and [[K. D. Wentworth]], this is the major weakness of the Jao, and the reason that some senior Jao want to make an alliance with humanity, rather than simply enslaving them.
== Live-Action TV ==
* The Cylon [[Enemy Civil War|civil war]] in ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]'' can be considered a fight over whether to evolve into life bearing organic lifeforms, or stay as soulless immortal machines. Natalie, the leader of the "pro-life" rebels would later describe their distance from immortality as giving their lives meaning. It helps to consider that those Cylons who formed the rebels had the greatest number of unique individuals develop among their previously uniform [[Cloning Blues|clone-like]] culture. Those that wanted to stay immortal had no "unique" members and were all basically still a [[Hive Mind]]. {{spoiler|They all got blown up, and if any survived they are no longer immortal anyway. Also bear in mind the 'pro-life' Natalie faction only came to that decision when they had in effect already lost immortality by, unless they got Galactica's help, already losing the civil war and so facing permanent boxing (in essence the war broke out before they even considered giving up immortality). The creators of all Cylons, the final five, believed in this trope but also had no problem making themselves and their 'children' immortal, so neither faction really had their mindset down exactly.}}
** The Cylons also believe that the reason they've been unable to bring forth children is that they lack the emotional and spiritual connection of love amongst themselves, which is why they set up Helo with Athena. It worked.
* In ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'', the Goa'uld appear to have stolen or found all of their technology, although we do see a few Goa'uld scientists here and there.
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* In ''Vampire High'', the particularly broody vampire had good artistic abilities, but would accidentally kill anything living that he "captured" in a painting so he gave it up.
* Mentioned in ''[[The Sarah Connor Chronicles]]'' when Sarah states that if the robots ever learn to create art for themselves they won't have to destroy humans, they'll become them. While [[Robot Girl|Cameron]] starts dancing for no practical reason.
* ''[[Star Trek]]'' has this demonstrated all over the place, many alien species have progressed to a certain technological point and just leave it at that. On the other hand humans aggressively adapted alien technology to their own use and quickly become a major player in intergalactic politics. In ''[[Star Trek: Enterprise|Star Trek Enterprise]]'' Ambassador Soval confesses to Admiral Forrest that one reason Vulcans were so condescending to Humans is that when Vulcan suffered through a similar world war it took them nearly 2,000 years to rebuild their civilization. Humans did it within a hundred years and had started the beginnings of [[The Federation|an alliance]] within 3 years of premiering their first warp five ship. Vulcans were scared of what the humans could accomplish.
** In ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'', Data's attempts to create genuinely original creative works are a large part of his [[Character Development]]. Despite having the overall computing power of a fair ''percentage'' of humanity, actual creativity is mostly beyond him, as his efforts are mostly derivative. For example, when writing a poem about his cat, his verse and meter are all technically perfect, but the overall effect is that of scientific term-based [[Purple Prose]]. And when asked to mold clay into a shape that he perceives as music, a task requiring imagination and the ability to connect sound without language into a visual concept, he produces a treble clef note; again, technically correct, but [[Completely Missing the Point]].
*** Discussed at length in the Season 2 episode "Elementary, Dear Data". In an argument between LaForge and Pulaski, LaForge argues that Data is capable of original deduction, while Dr. Pulaski counters that while Data's deductive skills may ''seem'' original, they are in fact only derivative of what he already has in his databanks. To experiment, they LARP through a [[Sherlock Holmes]] mystery, while Data solves in the prologue, having read the story in question before. Upping the ante, they asked the holodeck for an adventure with Holmes-like elements, which Data again solves in the opening minutes, as the computer had created a story featuring story elements from two different books. LaForge argues that Data had deduced a trap in the story using available evidence, while Pulaski counters that he'd simply recognized elements he'd read about before, making the experiment a push. Finally, LaForge asks the computer for an [[Original Flavor]] [[Sherlock Holmes]] holodeck [[Fanfic]] with the difficulty level [[Up to Eleven]] to challenge Data. Their [[Exact Words]] (to challenge ''Data'', not "Holmes") result in the [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|creation of]] [[The Chessmaster|Professor Moriarty]], whose antics quickly push the experiment [[Debate and Switch|to the wayside]].
*** [[Fridge Logic|Interestingly]], this plot also implies that at the same time as discussing whether Data is capable of original thought, both of them implicitly ''assume'' that the ship's main computer is!
** In ''[[Star Trek: Voyager|Star Trek Voyager]]'' the Borg were facing a war against Species 8472, an enemy who was immune to assimilation and their only method they have of adapting and being the malevolent juggernaut they are. The ''Voyager'' crew, on the other hand, took time to study the alien biology and devised a weapon actually capable of harming 8472. Janeway made an explicit observation of the irony.
** The novelization of ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|Star Trek Deep Space Nine]]'' episode "The Search" also implies that Changelings have a rigid and stagnant culture. This is one of the reasons for which {{spoiler|Odo decides to return to Great Link - so he can free the other changeling from this state.}}
** Invoked, explored and ultimately averted in an episode of ''[[Star Trek: Voyager|Star Trek Voyager]]'' where the holographic Doctor creates a holo-novel and sends the first draft to a publisher. Said publisher then publishes the first draft without the Doctor's permission, arguing that, as an artificial intelligence, he isn't capable of being an author. The resulting trial concludes by granting the Doctor rights as an author but stops short of declaring him a person.
** The Pakleds are like this. Their species are under-developed intellectually and are before the point that they could have actually developed warp capabilities on their own. They became a spacefaring race by stealing from other, more advanced species because they would rather have such things now than wait to develop it themselves. When the Enterprise finds a Pakled ship, it's really just a hodge-podge of parts from various different starships.
* In the ''[[Babylon 5]]'' movie ''"In the Beginning"'', Londo states that the Centauri gave humans FTL technology in exchange for artistic works. Here however other civilizations ''can'' create things, humans just do it better. It's not that the Centauri can't create, but that at that time they were a decadent spacefaring "empire", so the baubles they got were seen as amusing trinkets. Londo does go on to note humans were far, ''far'' more vibrant and motivated than Centauri, the (ruinous) extent of which they had trouble grasping.
** A ''[[Crusade]]'' episode involved an alien escapee holding on to a data storage unit, which his government was desperate to get. When [[The Captain]] is forced to hand him over for a "trial", he leaves the unit behind. His shuttle is promptly destroyed by his government en route. The crew loads the unit and realizes it's the recording of their culturecivilization's greatest cultural treasures, which the new government wants to purge in an attempt to impose [[Creative Sterility]]. The man gave his life to ensure these cultural treasures are preserved.
* ''[[CSI]]'' had an... interesting inversion of the battle-of-the-sexes "Men can't create life, so they destroy stuff/invent things as a poor substitute" version of this. A [[Mad Scientist]] Robot Wars contestant ranted at Catherine (after her most recent playing of the Single Mother Card) along the lines of "You think you know what it's like to create something because you popped out a baby? I ''made'' this!". And yes, this grief over his destroyed robot [[Disproportionate Retribution|is his excuse for killing a man]].
* The Time Lords in ''[[Doctor Who]]'' are increasingly characterised over the series as a powerful race who reached a certain peak of advancement and then spent the next few millions years comfortably resting on their laurels, becoming increasingly stagnant and corrupt in the process.
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** The Doctor describes the Cybus Cybermen with this trope in their debut arc, but it doesn't really come up much.
** Comes up again significantly in the [[Big Finish Doctor Who|Big Finish audio production]] "Human Resources" where the Doctor informs the local Cybermen he only saved them by accident, before he realised who they were. When asked why he will extend help to all other species but not the Cybermen he answers "Because other species create. You don't."
* ''[[Highlander the(TV Seriesseries)|Highlander]]'': An immortal impresario kills his gifted proto-immortal protege in the hopes of preserving her talents forever, but she loses her creative spark after she revives (sorely POed at him about it too).
** And Immortals are sterile too.
== Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths and Legends ==
* Many Christian theologians apply this trope to Satan. Devoid of God's endless creative power, the devil is creatively sterile, able only to distort, mock and corrupt the Lord's creation -- humanitycreation—humanity in particular. This may even be the [[Trope Codifier]], particularly in fantasy and/or horror settings --; it is certainly the tack taken by Tolkien in his Middle[[The Lord of the Rings|Middle-Earth]].
== ReligionTabletop Games ==
* This is the problem for most of your [[Mons]] in ''[[Mortasheen]]'', which is why they need a trainer to command them in battle. Though, this isn't quite that clear cut, and one of the game's Gym Leader equivalents is a monster.
* Many Christian theologians apply this trope to Satan. Devoid of God's endless creative power, the devil is creatively sterile, able only to distort, mock and corrupt the Lord's creation -- humanity in particular. This may even be the [[Trope Codifier]], particularly in fantasy and/or horror settings -- it is certainly the tack taken by Tolkien in his Middle Earth.
== Tabletop RPG ==
* This is the problem for most of your [[Mons]] in [[Mortasheen]], which is why they need a trainer to command them in battle. Though, this isn't quite that clear cut, and one of the game's Gym Leader equivalents is a monster.
* In ''[[Vampire: The Masquerade]]'' and ''[[Vampire: The Requiem]]'', vampires suffer from this to a large degree. The reason Vampires haven't taken the world by storm with their stunning works of art and literature is that all vampires find themselves mentally locked into the era in which they lived. Adapting their mindset to account for changing times is a massive effort, and even then they find themselves at least one step behind the human world. Along with that, the creative "spark" that drives the pursuit of art and music is largely extinguished during the Embrace. Many vampires simply cannot break through the ennui they experience to bother practicing their arts.
** Victoria Ash, a Toreador vampire with the voice of an angel and a body to match, had been trying for over a century to burst onto the global music scene. The best she could manage was to become a one-hit pop wonder who blipped onto the public radar for a couple weeks and vanished just as quickly, while other less talented and certainly less beautiful singers continued to drown her out.
** Curiously, Nosferatu vampires who can ''generously'' be described as what happens when [[LookslikeLooks Like Orlock]] and [[Red Right Hand]] have an [[Undead Child|undead baby]], avert this. Their artwork is said to evoke a lot of emotion springing from their alienation from both mortal and vampire society. They create sculpture gardens built underground from raw materials and debris with their [[Super Strength]], and never intended to be seen by anyone, as well as haunting melodies using the acoustics of the subway system. In a twisted way, they're better artists than the clan of artists.
** The same thing goes for [[The Fair Folk|the True Fae]] of ''[[Changeling: The Lost]]''. They can't create works of art that actually ''mean'' anything, and they're infertile. Which is why they abduct changelings, who act as craftsmen, servants, or just plain pets. {{spoiler|And if said changelings get powerful enough and go crazy, then they ''become'' True Fae. That's right; the abduction cycle is how they ''reproduce''.}}
** The Clockstoppers in the fan-made game ''[[Genius: The Transgression]]'' act as actual agents of this, seeking to wipe Inspiration from the world. As [[Empty Shell|empty shells]] with no inner drive to speak of, they are motivated entirely by a mix of spite and envy and despise everything vaguely creative or intellectual in nature. Even their very presence [[Walking Techbane|causes technology of any type to stop working, even from far away]]. Combined with their inability to be harmed by anything "unnatural", their penchant for raising angry mobs, and their capability to disable all attempts at rational thought in an area, they are incredibly dangerous for humanity in general and Geniuses in particular.
* The Soulless in ''[[GURPS]]|GURPS Fantasy II]]'', though in their case it's because they're all so old they exhausted their creativity millennia ago.
* Played with by ''[[Unknown Armies]]'' clockwork automata. While most clockworks have the creativity of a particularly stupid dog, automata, the most advanced kind of humanoid clockwork, have an average Soul score of 95 - 40 points higher than the human average. They still have no souls, though, and they can't learn any other school of magic than the one powering them.
* The Adeptus Mechanica of ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' view any sort of technological innovation as heresy. Somewhat justified, as new ideas could potentially be paths for Chaos to infiltrate, but given that everything is getting worse for the Imperium every year (technologically), this may not be the best policy.
** While Exodite and Craftworld Eldar have access to far more advanced technology than they currently use, they deliberately use less-advanced tech so they don't fall to the temptations of Chaos that doomed their empire. On the other hand, the Dark Eldar, who did fall to Chaos, still use the tech at the level they had at the Fall of the Eldar Empire, which is still far more advanced than most other races.
* One side effect of [[The Corruption|Horror taint]] in ''[[Earthdawn]]'' is that you become incapable of performing precise, detailed work. As a result, most people in the Earthdawn world practice some form of artisan craft, to prove to those around them that they're not infected. In game terms, you're required to take one Artisan skill... and ''Earthdawn'' becomes the only game where your character's life may come down to a successful Needlepoint roll.
* In the ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'', the [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons|most powerful dragon]], possibly [[The Archmage|the most powerful wizard]], and likely the most powerful force of evil currently alive is [ Daurgothoth the Creeping Doom], an ancient [[Our Liches Are Different|red dragon and dracolich]]. Daurgothoth's goal (other than mastering every form of arcane magic in creation) is to sire offspring. Seeing as he is an undead being, he cannot do that the normal way, so he is researching a way to impregnate a potential mate (preferably a female dragon, but he is open to other possibilities) using magic. Daurgothoth is smart enough to realize his goal is likely impossible and also knows that, should he be successful, an heir might inherit his powers and become a threat to him and Faerun as a whole, but his drive to reproduce has become an obsession that he refuses to abandon.
== Video Games ==
Line 137 ⟶ 132:
** [[Lampshaded]] as being religious devotion. Since the Covenant thinks the Forerunners are gods, they feel they have no right to improve on their "perfection". For some reason, the Brutes get a free pass to create new technology, ''and'' improve on Covenant tech (like the brute plasma rifles that shoot faster). One of the novels reveals that the Covenant don't even do things that the technology is already capable of; Cortana greatly improved the firepower of a captured ship's weapons by basically changing the settings, which the local Covenant AI responded to by ''accusing her of blasphemy''.
** This is different from most examples, though. The Covenant races are fully capable of creating new technologies, with the majority of them having already achieved spaceflight before they began using Forerunner technology; in fact, a few of the races, like the Prophets and Elites, had reached roughly the same technological level as 26th century humanity.
*** In ''[[Halo Cryptum]]'', the Forerunners actually note that the Prophets were a scientifically-talented species, to the point where their technology equaled that of {{spoiler|their "prehistoric" human allies, who were advanced enough to be nearly a match for the Forerunner themselves}}.
* The Protoss in ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'' also fit this trope. Although they have access to tons of advanced tech humans don't have, such as advanced psychic powers and incomparable teleportation and shield technology, the human units can still match their theirs in battle. And to drive the point home on how creative terransTerrans can be with Protoss tech, in ''[[StarcraftStarCraft II]]'' the single-player campaign lets the player conduct research into Protoss technology, and some of the results lets them do stuff the protossProtoss can't, like automate their refineries so they can operate without workers, speed up collection rate at said refineries, and instantly deploy troops to any locale from orbit, rather than worry about psionic power fields. There's actually some [[Lampshade Hanging]] when you discover the automated refinery, the descriptive blurb wondering why the Protoss never thought of this, and decides it may be due to their [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens|religionsreligion's traditions]].
** Strictly speaking, though they get new units in the sequel the Protoss still suffer from this, it's their estranged exiled brethren the Dark Templar that have made the innovations. The new Stalker was designed by the Dark Templar, the Immortal is just an upgraded old unit according to the lore, the Colossus and Mothership are old weapons they've just not used until now, and the Void Ray is a joint effort between the Dark Templar and the Khalai. Thus, the only new units the Protoss have that they actually designed themselves are the Phoenix and Void Prism (the Sentry has no unit lore so the jury is still out on how it came about).
* See also the Space Pirates in ''[[Metroid]]'' games, particularly the ''[[Metroid Prime|Prime]]'' series. As their namesake suggests, they are far more inclined to steal technological and cultural ideas from other races than not, though to be fair they will improve on or at least ''adapt'' to such designs when possible.
Line 148 ⟶ 143:
** Although some demons are certainly lacking in this regard, this is more of a rule than anything.
* In ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'', [[The Smart Guy|Mordin]] puts this trope forth as his reason for considering {{spoiler|the Collectors mindless slaves of the [[Eldritch Abomination|Reapers]].}}
{{quote| '''Mordin:''' {{spoiler|No art. No culture. Closer to ''[[Our Zombies Are Different|husks]]'' than slaves. '''Tools''' for Reapers. [[Benevolent Precursors|Protheans]] dead. Collectors just final insult. ([[Beat]], [[Verbal Tic|sharp inhale]]) ''Must'' be destroyed.}}}}
** Also applies to the game universe as a whole as virtually all advanced technology in the series is based off [[Precursors|Prothean]] {{spoiler|and Reaper}} technology. The strict laws laid down by the Council only slow progress more. In this case, the stunted creativity is part of {{spoiler|a [[Xanatos Gambit]] by the [[Abusive Precursors|Reapers]] to ensure all sapient species in the galaxy develop along a predetermined technological path, making them easier to predict and destroy}}.
** This is also alluded to in regards to humanity. Before the appearance of humans on the galactic scene, things were relatively stable, treaties had been crafted to limit military power, and the galactic scale was mostly balanced, having remained unchanged since the Krogan Rebellions. When humanity arrived on the scene, they used bizarre new tactics and unconventional technologies, making the other races scared of them. No other race, for example, would allow a planet to fall under alien control while a rapid reaction force arrived from somewhere else (the other races would instead have significant military forces around each planet they controlled). When humans were told that they couldn't field too many dreadnought-class ships, they responded by obeying the letter of the law and introducing carriers. The concept of a stealth ship never occurred to anyone before the humans developed the Normandy. In effect, human has exploded onto the scene, achieving in 30 years what most races took centuries to do, and it ''scares the crap'' out of everyone else.
Line 154 ⟶ 149:
* In ''[[Assassin's Creed]]'', Warren Vidic advocates that ''humans'' suffer from this, stating that all major technological development in human history has been a result of studying {{spoiler|the artifacts left by [[Precursors|Those Who Came Before]].}} Furthermore, he adds that {{spoiler|[[The Knights Templar|the Templars]]}} were singularly responsible for all of this development. Whether he's telling the truth is up in the air, as [[Villains Never Lie|he is a villain, after all]] (and {{spoiler|a Templar}} as well) and the sequel muddies things further. On the one hand, Altaïr makes several major advancements by {{spoiler|studying the Apple}}, but [[Leonardo da Vinci]] makes countless major, working inventions without it.
** Patently false on the claim that advances were solely due to {{spoiler|Templars. Edison, noted to be a Templar, is increasingly notorious for his habit of stealing ideas and patents from more skilled scientists; his biggest skills seems to have been business and publicity rather than invention. [[Nikola Tesla|Tesla]] is just the victim mentioned in-game.}}
* The Nobodies of ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]'' are mere shells of humans and whatever other things that [[the Heartless]] ravaged. They gain power beyond the normal spectrum, but sacrifice their capacity for emotion. The members of Organization XIII are shown to emulate human behavior.
== Web Comics ==
* Elves in ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]'' fit this trope. Red Mage once lampshaded it by asking Thief why the elves [[Medieval Stasis|had technology on par with humans]] when their culture had had a 7,000 year head start, to which Thief lamely answered "we like it that way." To be fair, we shouldn't expect every species or culture to develop at the same speed or in the same direction. Still, the elves basically just... stopped.
== Webcomics ==
* Elves in ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]'' fit this trope. Red Mage once lampshaded it by asking Thief why the elves [[Medieval Stasis|had technology on par with humans]] when their culture had had a 7,000 year head start, to which Thief lamely answered "we like it that way." To be fair, we shouldn't expect every species or culture to develop at the same speed or in the same direction. Still, the elves basically just... stopped.
** It was also played with earlier, when the Elven King awoke from a long illness, and [[I Want My Jetpack|wanted to know what advancements his society had made]], then was disappointed when the answer was basically 'none'.
* In the long-on-hiatus ''[[Gossamer Commons]]'', this is part of the premise. The protagonist, Keith, falls under a death curse, and [[The Fair Folk]] offer to grant him one boon before he dies. He decides what he most wants is to write a great novel. This is a problem for the fairies, who thought they had figured out all the loopholes in possible wishes; they have no way of making Keith write a great novel, so they're stuck keeping him alive until he accomplishes it on his own.
* In ''[[Sinful]]'', Herbert, a demon stuck in his human glamor, can follow a recipe without mishaps, but the resulting food is never anything more than "bland". He also states outright that demons don't dream like humans do, because, while the human mind creates all sorts of wacky visions, a demon only ever sees an accurate memory, if anything at all.
* Present, though not directly pointed out, in ''[[Homestuck]]''. Trolls find fashion stupid, and only a handful of them are remotely interested in artistic pursuits (and they're kind of considered odd), as opposed to the Kids, who all play musical instruments, and three of them do other artistic endeavors, like creative writing or drawing [[Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff|comics]].
== Real Life ==
Line 169 ⟶ 162:
** Whoa, [[Mystery Science Theater 3000|Joel Robinson]] is the greatest robotics scientist ever.
* Some music composers who work with compositional algorithms hope to create computer programs that know as much about composition as the composers themselves. So far, no one has quite succeeded.
** They have now: [ a computer has had its own albums released.]
* The assumption that this trope exists has historically been one of the great problems AI has faced as a field of study. Despite research in the field leading to many useful real-world technologies (machine learning; theorem provers; speech recognition; ...etc), as soon as any one of these is discovered, the general reaction from investors/backers is "Oh, so it's just ___; you haven't created ''real'' AI after all". This led to the AI Winter in the 90s, and now AI research usually carries on under more marketing-friendly buzzwords.
* [[Adolf Hitler]] apparently believed the Japanese were like this. It is true that most of the things Japan is known for technologically &and culturally are refined versions of things developed in other countries... but then, the same could be said for a lot of places. Similar sentiments exist about the Chinese.
** Which is patently false, given the Chinese -only invention of paper and gunpowder and prior or parallel development of the compass, printing, lacquer (varnish) and any number of other things.
*** It could be argued that given their relatively limited applications of said inventions, this trope still holds true.
* [[wikipedia:Computational creativity|Computational creativity]], while by no means on par with humans, has some success.
* As far as real life goes, though, it raises the question 'By what measure is something creative?' After all, 95% of the 'creativity' humans have is just as much a remix/rehash as what a computer might put together.
* People with savant syndrome and/or autism used to be thought uncreative--butuncreative—but now we know that isn't actually true. Analysis of art, music, etc., produced by these folks shows that they seem to be simply developing in a different way from: Most artists start out with creativity and gain technical skill slowly; savants start out with a high level of technical skill and slowly learn to apply it creatively.
* Automated proofs. There's a reason why computers came into existence: they don't get tired and they don't make mistakes because they are tired. So when you need to cover several millions of variations in a proof... Well, you can do it by hand, but you'd better think about automating it. As [[Science Marches On]], more and more things get automated. Ironically, code optimization was once believed to be purely human domain that should not be given to computers. It was handed over eventually.
* Writers[[Writer's Block]].{{verify}}
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