"You see a small doll with a big red nose. For some reason, you don't trust this seemingly-innocent child's toy."
—Analysis of the "Mr. Nixon Doll" in Fallout 2
My name is Talky Tina, and I don't think I like you.
The Twilight Zone, episode 126, "Living Doll"
"A wind-up cymbal-clashing monkey. Sometimes, it moves even when not wound up. Spooky."
—Item description of Creepy Cymbal-Clashing Monkey, Kingdom Of Loathing.

The previous owners of this doll would probably have some spine-chilling stories to tell.

You know, if they hadn’t disappeared without a trace.
—Item description of Haunted Doll, Forum Warz
obscene dolls bare their predatory eyeballs.
—Gwen Harwood, 'Lay-By'