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** From the same publisher, ''[[Twilight X]]'' has an interesting variant in which the human men are drawn with fairly unattractive faces, not to mention blank, inhuman eyes, while the women are all drawn in the classic sexy anime girl style.
* [[Marvel Comics]]' Skrull would often fit, with the males being bug eyed and inhuman, while their princess was quite fetching, and even bereft of the Skrull chin ripple. Later artworks shows the males as more human-looking, and the females having unusually large eyes. (But there was still some gap in attractiveness.) Since they're a whole species of [[Voluntary Shapeshifting|shapeshifters]] though, they can look however they want, and as ''[[Runaways]]'' shows they can even switch genders at will (appearance-wise, at least, if not functionally).
* While the regular [[Incredible Hulk (Comic Book)|Incredible Hulk]] is generally seen as a berserk, hideously muscular, unintelligent monster when in Hulk form, [[She Hulk]] is basically just a somewhat larger, stronger, greener version of her human counterpart. The whole thing doesn't seem like too big a deal, and many would even consider her monster form sexier, in a cave girl sort of way (if cave girls dress like a New York fashion plate, that is). Originally, the explanation was that an individual mutated by gamma rays subconsciously determines their transformed appearance; the Hulk transforms into a hulking angry brute because of Bruce Banner's repressed anger, the Abomination transforms into a hideous freak due to his inner self-loathing, and She-Hulk transforms into an [[Amazonian Beauty]] because of her subconscious desire to look like the ideal woman.
** You could argue that Hulk fits as well. His love interests do find his Hulk form to be handsome. Especially Jarella and Caiera ([[You Sexy Beast]] effect?).
* Miss Martian from ''[[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]]'' looks like a cute [[Green-Skinned Space Babe]], but her true form is that of a ravenous, blood-thirsty alien monster. It was implied in one issue that if she ever lost control and reverted to her true form, she'd be powerful enough to slaughter her teammates in a matter of minutes.
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** Also applies to NPC enemies. Most of the various demons the you can fight are grotesque monsters, except for the succubi.
* A large number of the enemies and villains in ''[[Shantae]]'' are Cute Monster Girls. Among them: Cute Scorpion-Girls, Cute Water Lobster Thing Girls, Cute Snake Girls, and even ''Cute Zombie Girls''.
* Nearly every single ''[[Touhou]]'' character ([[Loads and Loads of Characters|and there are a lot]]) is one of these, with [[Little Bit Beastly]] individuals rampant, and even some of the most horrendous mythological creatures appearing [[Human Aliens|almost indistinguishable to humans]]. For only some examples, Nitori is supposed to be [ a kappa], Aya and Hatate are supposed to be [ (crow) tengu], Suika and Yuugi are supposed to be [ oni], Mamizou is supposed to be [ a tanuki], [[Species Surname|Satori]] and Koishi are supposed to be [[wikipedia:Satori chr(28)folklorechr(29folklore)|Satori]], and Yamame is meant to be a [[Giant Spider]], and yet at most they only have one or two features that indicate them as such. The few male characters in the series tend to appear more monstrous (and old), with Genji being a talking turtle and Unzan being a cloud.
** With so many examples of this trope, inevitably it is occasionally subverted. Kogasa ([ a karakasa]) is often thought to be ''not'' the girl with the blue dress and [[Mismatched Eyes]] but instead the umbrella she's holding, the girl simply a projection. In one of Maribel's dream-excursions to Gensokyo she is attacked by a youkai rabbit which she describes as looking like a monster rather than a girl. The various beast-type youkai have shown the ability to transform back into an animal form, though this would probably only make the spidergirl more frightening. Played with by Nue (a, well, [ nue]), who is embarassed by how unscary her [[Shapeshifter Default Form]] is and goes to great lengths to hide it.
*** The characters you meet are humanoid because they possess large amounts of magic allowing them to shift form. Most other Youkai act more like beasts and animals. In fact Youkai are a result of magic power influencing life forms (Souls in terms of ghosts) or even inanimate objects like Kogasa. Only those that receive a high amount of it would most likely attain a human form. {{spoiler|One example is Utsuho's origin: She ate a Yatagarasu and transformed into what she is now}}. [[God Needs Prayer Badly|Even the Gods themselves fall under this principle]]: Sikieiki being one who was born from the faith of humans (She was originallly a jizou statue).
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** ''Disgaea 2'' introduces the Flora Beast (something similar to a Nymph). There's one named Bridget, with all of the traits you would expect from ''[[Guilty Gear|that]]'' [[Unsettling Gender Reveal|Bridget]].
** [[Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice|Raspberyl]] is a [[Fun Size]] loli [[Cute Monster Girl]].
** And now we have [[Disgaea 4: aA Promise Unforgotten|Desco]], the Netherworld's most adorable [[Eldritch Abomination]].
* ''[[Planescape: Torment]]'' features a number of odd [[NPC|NPCs]] you can add to your party. Only two are female, and both of them are conventionally very attractive, with some add-ons (a tail in the case of Annah and wings in the case of Fall-From-Grace). With Grace it's expected; she ''is'' a demon, and a [[Horny Devils|succubus]] at that. However, Annah is a tiefling; that is, someone descended from a fiendish grandparent (possibly with a few "greats" thrown in), and most fiends in ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'', even female ones, aren't very attractive.
** Annah also wears a leather version of a [[Breast Plate]], including hooker boots. The PC can [[Lampshade Hanging|hang a lampshade]] on this by suggesting she strip it down further, adding a few more slashes, to distract her marks. She gets flustered by this remark, and he comments he thought that's what it was for in the first place. She claims she gets hot, and "suspects it's the fiend blood in me".