Cute Monster Girl: Difference between revisions

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** [ SCP-2396] (“Ms. Sweetie”) is a [[Statuesque Stunner]] of an [[Artificial Human]], intended as a [[Living Toy]] for girls. She seems to hate men and can turn them into [[Slave Mook]]s made of candy, claiming this is in order to deal with annoying brothers and their friends.
** [ SCP-1471] (another fan favorite) was originally ''not'' this. The SCP is a cursed mobile ap with a thumbnail depicting a humanoid monster covered with black fur with a fox's skull for a head. The ap promises companionship to whoever downloads it, but whoever does so will find himself forever stalked by a spiritual depiction of the monster on the thumbnail, which only he can see. The file does not specify gender or what motivations this creature may have, but [[Memetic Mutation]] (often by [[Furry Fandom]]) labeled the monster a female [[Yandere]] type, and plenty of fan art that used this Trope, often of the [[Rule 34]] variety.
** [ SCP-179] fits the "monster" category the same way [[Galactus]] might, being a colossal (34 kilometers tall) [[Cosmic Entity]] with a nude, female body with [[Chrome Champion| jet-black metallic skin]] covered with alchemical symbols. [[Everything Sounds Sexier in French|And she is also French]] (given her voice). A Thaumiel Class (as in, helpful) SCP, she is known to warn the Foundation if the Earth is in the path of anything that might harm it.
== Western Animation ==