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* Averted with the first ''[[Resident Evil]]'' game. During the events of the game, either Barry survives and Wesker sets off the mansion's self-destruct sequence (if you used Jill as your player character), or Rebecca lives and Wesker's slaughtered by the Tyrant (if you used Chris instead). Future games show that BOTH endings are canon: both Barry and Rebecca survived and Wesker got slaughtered by the Tyrant (so we can assume it was Chris who blew the Tyrant up).
* ''[[Neverwinter Nights 2]]'' and its two expansion packs allow for quite a few possibilities between them, but ultimately hints towards one set of events for the Knight-Captain. The main character canonically has to have gotten the good ending for the original campaign in order for references {{spoiler|Ammon Jerro}} made in Mask of the Betrayer to make any sense; likewise, the presence of {{spoiler|One of Many in Storms of Zehir and some of its allusions imply that the character then succumbed to the spirit eater and became evil, killing Okku and rampaging across Rasheman.}}
* ''[[Star Wars]]: [[Knights of the Old Republic]] II'' allows the player to choose the gender and alignment of Revan from the first game. In either event, the changes are largely cosmetic, pretty much only affecting the gender Revan is referred to as and whether the Republic admiral appearing in certain cutscenes is Carth or not. It should be noted that, since both games are part of the ''[[Star Wars]]'' canon, only one ending for each game (light side male for the first, light side female for the second) is considered the version that "really" happened.
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* ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' goes with the [[Old Save Bonus]] approach. Unfortunately, if you don't have a save to import, the game gives you default choices that are not only mostly [[Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism|Renegade]] such as {{spoiler|killing the Rachni and the Council}}, but also some of the worst ones that very few players ever choose, such as {{spoiler|killing Wrex on Virmire and electing [[Jerkass|Udina]] to the council}}. Some fans speculate this is a sneaky way of encouraging players to play the first game instead of jumping into the sequel blind. The [[Play Station 3]] version, due to the first game never being released for that system, includes an interactive comic book that allows the players to make decisions about major events. This feature was later released as DLC for the Xbox and PC versions.
** ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'' requires that Shepard survived the suicide mission of ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' (you can't import a save game where Shepard died). This should be fairly obvious, as Bioware said when the second game was released that the trilogy is less about the universe and more about Shepard's story and how it affects the galaxy. {{spoiler|[[The Stinger]] of the third game drives the point home.}}
** The [[Mass Effect: Deception|''Deception'']] cut off some branches for 2 sets of players. The first set are players in the first game, chose any option that allowed the Asari flagship, the ''Destiny Ascension'', to be destroyed, killing the council members, leading to either a human-led council, or an all-human council. The second set of players are those of the following: PC and 360 players without the ''Mass Effect: Genesis'' graphic novel (which is included with the [[Play Station 3]] version because the first game was never released on that platform, and subsequently available as paid DLC for the other 2 versions) who made complete fresh starts in the second game. Without the graphic novel, the game then assumed you made the worse choices in the first. ''Deception'' also cut off branches for players who saved the council and nominated Anderson as councilor, as during the events of the novel, Anderson re-linquishesrelinquishes his position, and Udina takes over.
* [[Nippon Ichi]] has a history of throwing their game leads as cameos and [[Bonus Boss]]es of later works, which inevitably throws Road Cones into several of their works. ''[[Disgaea]]'' carries on from the good ending, as does its sequel, ''Disgaea 2''. ''[[Soul Nomad and The World Eaters]]'' uses its normal ending with a female Revya {{spoiler|although Revya's appearance in ''Disgaea 3'' has a nod to the Demon Path in her description}}. ''[[La Pucelle Tactics]]'' uses the [[Nonstandard Game Over]], however. For the most part these choices are understandable, as the less good endings tend to involve character deaths, depression and [[Eldritch Abomination]]s all around, which would make for poor cameos -- {{spoiler|with the exception apparently being made for Prier, who was apparently deemed better as an Overlord}}.
** An exception, as far as [[Disgaea]] goes: ''[[Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?]]'' uses the normal ending of Disgaea in which {{spoiler|Laharl is dead. You later see him reincarnated as a Prinny, which also happened in that ending.}}
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* In ''[[RuneScape]]'', the "Temple of Ikov" quest has you choose whether to protect the Staff of Armadyl or steal it and give it to the bad guy. When the developers made the sequel quest, "While Guthix Sleeps", they realized the plot sort of hinged on the bad guy having the staff, so everyone who chose to protect it received a note from the guardians that it had been stolen by somebody else.
* ''[[Shin Megami Tensei I]] ''had 3 endings. The sequel takes place under the premise of the Neutral ending having occurred.
** Similarly, ''[[Persona 4]]'' operates as if (obviously) {{spoiler|[[EndoftheThe End of the World Asas We Know It|The Fall]] had been prevented in ''[[Persona 3]]''}}.
** ''[[Shin Megami Tensei II]]'' handled this weirdly - all three paths had similar endings, and regardless of events [[God Is Evil|everyone turns against God.]]
** According to [ some fans] and the fanbook for ''[[Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army]]'', there are three different main timelines to the Shin Megami Tensei multiverse, and each branch assumes you got a different ending in ''[[Raidou Kuzunoha VS King Abaddon]]''
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