Cybernetics Eat Your Soul: Difference between revisions

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** Played straight with the Collectors {{spoiler|and Saren}}, though, but {{spoiler|considering [[Eldritch Abomination|who designed them]]}}, the soul-eating may well have been intentional in this case:
{{quote|'''Mordin''': "No glands, replaced by tech. No digestive tract, replaced by tech. No souls... replaced by tech"}}
**:* That being said, purely mechanical beings like the Geth seem to have their own sense of sublime consciousness, so it's less Cybernetics Eat Your Soul and more [[Artifact of Doom|Reaper-Tech that eats your soul]].
***:* The Geth, if they do not already have a soul, are certainly on their way to getting them. How do we know this? [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|They actually miss and deeply care for their creators, who tried to kill them all. They understand fully why they did what they did, and hope that someday they'll realize they made a mistake and come back. They look forwards to this enough that the Quarian homeworld is both crawling with Geth...and has all of the old buildings intact for when the Quarians come back home]] granted, not ALL of them are like this, but most of them are.
* [[Body Horror|Combine]] [ Advisors] from ''[[Half Life]]''. Thanks to their dependence on technology, they've evolved into large slug / larva like creatures, their only remaining appendage being a long snaking tongue [ which they use to feed].
** Likewise [ The Consul], who was a predecessor to Breen before getting cut. Over the course of the game, the Consul was going to slowly implant himself with more and more Combine life-support technology, eventually becoming [[Who Wants to Live Forever?|immortal]]. All this would be unbeknownst to player until the end of the game, only seeing his unaltered face in the meantime.