Danny Phantom: Difference between revisions

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* [[Backstory]]: While we do know the basics of how Danny got his powers from the [[Expository Theme Song]], it isn't until the episode "Memory Blank" that we actually learn it was Sam that persuaded him to enter the portal in the first place.
* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]]: Danny and Skulker in "Prisoner of Love".
* [[Bad Future]]: The premise of "The Ultimate Enemy". As we see in the [[Action Prologue]], Valerie ten years later is the protector of Amity Park. She and her father {{spoiler|found the Fentons' anti-ghost technology and use it to protect the city from Dark Danny. And to her credit, she does a decent job until Dark Danny discovers a ghostly wail that can break her ghost barrier. She nearly has a breakdown seeing past!Sam and past!Tucker begging her not to shoot past!Danny, saying she ''knows'' they died ten years ago. One can hope that with Clockwork imprisoning Dark Danny that this tmielinetimeline ends better.}}
* [[Bad Job, Worse Uniform]]: Valerie works at Nasty Burger--as its mascot.
* [[Badass]]: Long list, including Vlad, Skulker, and a purple-backed gorilla.
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* [[Infant Immortality]]: Averted hard in "[[The Movie|The Ultimate Enemy]]" which shows the only cold-blooded murder committed in the series and the accidental deaths of {{spoiler|Jack, Maddie, Mr. Lancer, Jazz, Sam and Tucker}}. Sidney Poindexter may also be an aversion, but he's already a ghost. An annoying one at that.
* [[Informed Judaism]]: Actually averted, if you pay attention - Grandma Manson occasionally uses Yiddish words when she's otherwise speaking English, and Manson is a fairly common Jewish last name. Ironic since Sam's parents are characterized as WASPs.
* [[In Spite of a Nail]]: "The Ultimate Enemy" shows Danny that just as there's a chance for him to go bad, there's a chance for Vlad to become good. In a later episode when Vlad blackmails him to get rid of his ghost acne by infecting Sam and Tucker, Danny asks Clockwork's permission to go back in time and stop the accident that caused Vlad to get ghost powers, hoping it will save his friends and give Vlad a second chance. In the new timeline, however, Vlad is a jerk who treats Maddie as a [[Stepford Wife]], making her give up ghost research in favor of cultivating cheese. He also broke her and Jack up since Jack was the one who got the ghost powers this time and became a recluse as a result. When Jack and Maddie get wind of this thanks to Danny, Vlad ''kills'' Jack off and gloats to Maddie that she can't do anything because they're still married. (Turns out this was Clockwork's intention when Danny returns to him to fix things back to normal; he says some people just turn out to be jerks regardless of their circumstances and blame other people.)
* [[Invocation]]: Danny's "Going Ghost!" is just a habit to say when he changes, it's not necessary.
** Lampshaded the first time he meets Vlad.