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{{quote|''"Basically you're fucked like in [[Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay]], only instead of dying from blood poisoning caused by a dirty pitchfork you get to have your innards blown across the wall and then subsequently set on fire by a plasma gun (probably your own)."'' |[http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Dark_Heresy 1d4chan]}}
''Dark Heresy'' is athe ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' [[Table Top Role Playing Game|pen and paper]] roleplayingfirst game published by Fantasy Flight Games using a mechanical system similar toof ''[[Warhammer Fantasy40,000 Roleplay]]'' series. It has the players assume the role of Acolytes of the Holy Inquisition in the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium, rooting out heresy among the Imperium wherever it may be arise. Notable for having over five consecutive pages entirely filled with Critical Hit Charts.
''Dark Heresy'' is also the basis for a series of novels written by [[Sandy Mitchell]], of ''[[Ciaphas Cain]]'' (HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!) fame. The novels star the "signature characters" used by the rulebook for its gameplay examples: former arbitrator Mordechai Horst, tech-priest Hybris Vex, sanctioned psyker Elyra Yivor, Redemptionist assassin Keira Sythree, and guardsmen Danuld Drake and Vos Kyrlock. So far ''Scourge the Heretic'' and ''Innocence Proves Nothing'' have been released.
SeeThe alsofirst game of ''[[Warhammer Fantasy40,000 Roleplay]]'' (itsseries, fantasyalso including counterpart); ''[[Rogue Trader]]'', ''[[Deathwatch (game)|Deathwatch]]'', and ''[[Black Crusade]]'' (its sister games); and of course ''[[WarhammerOnly 40000War]]'', as ''Dark Heresy'' (unsurprisingly) shares a great number of tropes with its parent game.
See also ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay]]'' (its fantasy counterpart), and of course ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'', as ''Dark Heresy'' (unsurprisingly) shares a great number of tropes with its parent game.
Also check out ''[[Adeptus Evangelion]]'', a fan-made conversion for running games set in the ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' universe.
Nit to be confused with [[Dark Heresy (band)|the death metal band of the same name]].
Also check out [[Adeptus Evangelion]], a fan-made conversion for running games set in the [[Neon Genesis Evangelion]] universe.
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* [[Anti-Hero]]: At their best, player characters will be [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|type III.]] At their worst, well, see [[Villain Protagonist]]. The Inquisition as a whole considers itself type IV.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: ''Ascension'' gives us [[Reasonable Authority Figure|Imperial Governor Malaki Vess]] of Zweihan’s World, one of the few hive worlds in the Imperium that ''isn't'' a [[Crapsack World]]. However, the Administratum is planning to levy heavier tithes that will change all that, and so Vess {{spoiler|is planning to secede from the Imperium in a desperate attempt to keep his world from falling apart}}.
* [[A-Team Firing]]: This is the case when any character who is not optimized for gun skills makes attacks with weapons firing on fully automatic. Surprisingly, this is actually one of the more effective combat strategies, as the application of [[More Dakka]] to intentionally suppress targets will give the opposing force penalties regardless of how much actual damage it does, allowing those characters in the party who '''are''' optimized for gun skills to take careful aim to finish off suppressed foes.
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: Plasma guns shoot ''miniature suns'' as ammunition. Unfortunately, the ones in the corebook are also hideously expensive, slow to reload, prone to disastrous overheating, require time to recharge between each shot, and (as of Errata 2.0) only do about as much damage as a bolter. Luckily, the plasma weapons included in the ''Inquisitor's Handbook'' have a bit more bite to them, and ''Ascension'' introduces the rules for "military-grade" plasma weapons included in ''[[Rogue Trader]]''.
** If the GM is being stingy with the Thrones, even the iconic bolter can descend into [[Awesome but Impractical]] territory, since each individual bolt round costs the same as ''three hundred and twenty'' bullets -- leavingbullets—leaving the poor Guardsman to decide whether he wants to shoot the giant gribbly monster with his bolter, or ''eat'' for the next two weeks. And that's before you get to the fully-automatic heavy bolter. [[Team Fortress 2|It costs four hundred and eighty Thrones]] [[Memetic Mutation|to fire this gun for fifteen seconds]]. When the rulebook says that "a man might beggar himself to own one," it is '''not''' kidding.
* [[Background-Based System]]: Homeworld/Origin + Characteristics + Career Path + [Background Package], then Advances (from path + from packages + Elite) + [Alternate Career Ranks] + [Elite Advance Packages]. Then the Ascended options for high-level campaign.
* [[Badass Normal]]: All player characters besides [[Squishy Wizard|Psykers]] and, [[Cyborg|Tech-Priests]] and those with Pure Faith abilities (mostly Sororitas).
** [[Badass Abnormal]]: Some of the Ascended Career Paths lead to this, such as the Inquisitor, the Sage, and (especially) the Vindicare Assassin.
* [[Black Magic]]: Chaos rituals and sorcery, as described in ''Disciples Of The Dark Gods'' and ''The Radical's Handbook''. Leads to [[Explosive Overclocking]] when combined with [[Psychic Powers]].
* [[Body Snatcher]]: A disturbingly large number of the given antagonists are these.
* [[Brown Note]]: Komus, the Tyrant Star, whose appearance in a system has been known to drive entire ''planets'' insane.
* [[By-The-Book Cop]]: Any ArbiterArbitrator class character who is played straight will necessarily be one. However, Imperial law tends to be pretty permissive about brutal enforcement as it is, "always err on the side of harshness" being a sanctioned policy. That said, ArbitersArbitrator might take issue with some more [[Cowboy Cop|Radical Inqusition operatives]] if those Radical options take them on the bad side of Imperial law.
* [[Bulletproof Vest]]: Although Imperial Guard issue flak armor is derided in the wider fandom as having [[Memetic Mutation|the protective qualities of a t-shirt]] against military-grade weaponry, it is actually some of the better armor that an acolyte can start with. Further, it is common and inexpensive enough that a group pooling its resources should be able to afford to equip every member with at least this, it is light enough that even physically frail characters can comfortably wear it, and it provides fair protection across the entire body. Considering how deadly combat is in this game, almost everyone needs some fair protection. This tends to put it into [[Boring but Practical]] territory.
** That said, there are variants of "the ends justify the means" - such as a background plainly named "Justice, Not Law", and (in Calixis, recently) the whole Divisio Immoralis - which works on the principle that since heretics are here and Inquisition is yet to arrive, it's better to assassinate one demagogue now than let a heretical cult spread and then have to purge the whole crowd later, and it's better to shoot a whole crowd now than purge the hive of billion people even more thoroughly later.
* [[By-The-Book Cop]]: Any Arbiter class character who is played straight will necessarily be one. However, Imperial law tends to be pretty permissive about brutal enforcement as it is, "always err on the side of harshness" being a sanctioned policy. That said, Arbiters might take issue with some more [[Cowboy Cop|Radical Inqusition operatives]] if those Radical options take them on the bad side of Imperial law.
* [[Canon Immigrant]]:
** One in particular is a quote from a Vindicare Assassin designated LIIVI, who ([[Ascended Fanon|probably]] [[Epileptic Trees|just]]) shares a name with a character from one of 40K's most popular fanfics, ''Love Can Bloom''. And the target matches: the cover picture of the Ascension GM section has a Vindicare stalking a Farseer... [//www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/ffg_blog/20573/original_content]
** Adept Castus Grendel, a character from a famous /tg/ copypasta was featured on the ''Radical's Handbook'' preview [//www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/ffg_blog/20554/original_content] (along with some exploits and companions). To muddle the water a little, ''Knowledge is Power'' mentions some Adept Grendel working for Malleus in the same area, but he's a psyker.
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]: The Pilgrims of Hayte, the iconic example of a Chaos cult in it [[For the Evulz]].
* [[Church Militant]]: In addition to the standard Cleric career path, the ''Inquisitor's Handbook'' offers Sisters of Battle as a character class option. The ''Blood of Martyrs'' sourcebook offers expanded options for both.
* [[Church of Happyology]]: One adventure includes a particular Cult of the Emperor called "The Joyous Choir" with a central dogma that the [[God-Emperor]] wants his subjects to be happy, and they can be happy by finding their true place in His plan. People are judged on how close they are to their place in the Emperor's will by use of an electronic scanning device, and based on the results of that scan they receive coaching from the cult's priests. Many young planetary nobles have joined, and have indeed enjoyed greater prosperity for themselves since joining. Of course, a rational-minded Inquisitor will point out that by forming various cooperative and trade agreements between nobles who are members, of course they will find their fortunes benefit. Said cult also has some records it would very much like to keep from public exposure...
* [[Class and Level System]]:
** Adept - experts in lore and suchlike.
** Arbitrator - investigation and clobbering.
** Assassin - as expected, stealth plus either sniping or stabbing.
** Cleric
** Guardsman
** Imperial Psyker
** Scum - denizens of the underworld with useful skills.
** Tech-Priest
** Adepta Sororitas (from ''The Inquisitor’s Handbook'')
* [[Cold Sniper]]: The ''Ascension'' [[Splat]] book mentions that Vindicare Assassins tend to be very detached, methodical, and [[The Stoic|stoic]] thanks to their discipline and training, though they are known to sometimes express [[Deadpan Snarker|a very dry and fatalistic sense of humor]].
* [[Conditioned to Accept Horror]]: The "Jaded" trait. Through either a lifetime of bad experiences, careful training, or just a callous nature, characters with this trait never have to take insanity checks from "mundane" sources of horror. Supernatural sources can still druge up their fears though.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: Two of the characters pictured in ''Ascension'' are easily recognizable to veteran [[Gaiden Game|Specialist Game]] fans as [[Wide-Eyed Idealist|Inquisitor Covenant]] and [[The Gunslinger|'Slick' Devlan]], characters introduced in ''Dark Heresy'''s spiritual forefather ''[[Inquisitor]]''. ''Ascension'' also finally attributes the "only the insane have strength enough to prosper" quote from the start of the ''Inquisitor'' rulebook to a specific individual: the rogue Inquisitor Felroth Gelt.
* [[The Corruption]]: The [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Corruption Points]] mechanic.
* [[Critical Hit]]: ''Eight pages'' of blood-spurting, limb-severing, organ-cooking, bone-exploding charts, though generally these only apply once a character drops below zero <s>[[Hit Points]]</s> [[Call a Hit Point a Smeerp|Wounds]]. Also includes the more traditional "extra damage on a good die roll" version as Righteous Fury: rolling a natural 10 on a damage die gives a player the chance to continue rolling damage dice until they stop rolling a 10.
** [[Chunky Salsa Rule]]: Taking more than eight cumulative points of Critical Damage ''will'' kill you in some horrendously gruesome and awe-inspiring way. Such as, oh say, "''Both head and body are blown into a mangled mess, instantly killing the target. In addition, if the target is carrying any ammunition it explodes dealing 1d10+ 5 Energy Damage to anything within 1d5 meters.''" And that's just at 7.
** As [http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Dark_Heresy 1d4 Chan] puts it:
{{quote|"It has the best critical hit charts ever made. You don't even need the rest of the game (although it is all good, it's just a LOT). Just start a campaign, wing it, and whenever anyone gets a good hit, roll on the critical hit charts. Holy fucking hell, did boiling bone marrow just turn my femur into a frag grenade? Fuck."}}
* [[Crapsack World]]: In addition to the general crapsackiness of the 40k universe in general, you have the [[Urban Segregation|feudal hell]] that is Sepheris Secundus, the "Scrivener's System" of Prol (where a civil war is brewing because [[Obstructive Bureaucrat|they're running out of places to store all the paperwork]]), and Klybo, where various settlement attempts have been so spectacularly unsuccessful that the planet's name has become the Calixian equivalent of "SNAFU."
** Read the Prol example again. Every word is LITERAL.
* [[Feudal Future]]: In line with [[Warhammer 40000|the wider setting]], but* Sepheris Secundus [[Planet of Hats|takes the cake]]. The [[Urban Segregation|gap between the nobility and the serfs]] is wide [[Up to Eleven|even by Imperial standards]], the world is technologically barely above [[Medieval Stasis]], and yet is tithed more heavily than most worlds in the sector, for its minerals are quite valuable. While most serious mining worlds in the Imperium use powered mining tools and explosives for excavation, Sepheris has to get by on [[We Will Use Manual Labor in the Future|hand tools and backbreaking labor]]. While most populated worlds give their population some [[Bread and Circuses]], the serfs on Sepheris get more work. While other Imperial citizens get to go to temples to worship, the Sepheris serfs get yelled at by lay-preachers while they push heavy mining carts. While other Imperial commoners have some flexibility in how they choose to serve the [[God-Emperor]], vocation on Sepheris is determined [[Fantastic Caste System|exclusively by birth]]. The one time a local noble did try to introduce more advanced mining techniques, education, and progressive social restructuring, [[Tall Poppy Syndrome|he was brought down by other nobles who thought he was making a power-play]]. Granted, if a heretical cult didn't make it there and piggyback on his faction, the call for intervention would probably not have succeeded - and then he was the one dealing with cog-boys, while only the royal [[Praetorian Guard|elite force]] had common lasguns. In 40k your "allies" are more dangerous than enemies about half of the time.
* [[Cult]]: Everybody, including the player characters. "The only cult that we do not abhor is that of the Emperor!" (not really - a lot of those are extremely heretical, too).
* [[Deadly Decadent Court]]: Par for the course among the Imperial nobility on more established worlds, but this is the [[Planet of Hats|particular hat]] of the hive world Malfi, who take it [[Up to Eleven]]. They are not necessarily [[Aristocrats Are Evil|all evil]], but it is an environment in which one must lie, mislead, [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|backstab]], and maintain the courtly [[Masquerade]], or suffer long torments as those who do rip their rivals' houses apart over the course of years.
* [[Death World]]: The Calixis Sector has its fair share. Of particular note is the planet [[Stealth Pun|Phyrr]], where [[Everything Trying to Kill You|literally every living organism and organic by-product on the planet is profoundly toxic to humans]].
** As well as Woe, which is listed in the core rule book as ''"A death world. Extremely hazardous."'' Sounds nice, doesn't it?.
*** Woe is later explained to have nothing but plant life on it. All of which are omnivorous, and can also move about, albeit rather ''slowly''. These ultra deadly trees have been noted to not only shift around overnight like The Brothers Grimm trees, but are also smart enough to team up on larger trees. As far as the foliage is concerned, you are food.
* [[Dodge the Bullet]]: Every character gets one "Reaction" move during their enemy's turn. Among other things, this can be used to parry an opponent's attack, or in gun fights used to dodge an enemy's shot. Of course, characters do only get ''one'' Reaction per round, which means it can be overcome by [[More Dakka]] on their enemy's part, unless that combat dodge is used to [[Take Cover]], which is the practical option when being shot at.
* [[Dying Town|Dying Planet]]: The world of Sinophia at the edge of the Calixis Sector was the staging point for the Angevin Crusade that brought the sector into the Imperium millenia ago. At that time, Sinophia's infrastructure and economy were greatly expanded to support the crusade, and the world benefitted as immigrants arrived, industry flourished, and the planet became wealthy and influencial. However, as the crusade wound down and the conquered worlds settled fully into the Imperium, the importance and influence of Siophia declined. These days, the world is slowly decaying, in a perpetual economic downturn, with a shrinking population, an unmaintained infrastructure, and various noble houses bickering among one another with none able to wield the influence to steer the planet to recovery.
* [[Everything's Better with Dinosaurs]]: Admit it, GMs, you're all waiting for an excuse to sic a Saurian Carnosaur or two on your hapless Acolytes.
* [[Explosive Leash]]: Explosive collars are an available piece of equipment. If you play a Guardsman, you can elect to start with one ''still attached''.
* [[For Science!]]: The Logicians cult, perfectly happy to slaughter millions of people (at a time) [[Utopia Justifies the Means|in the name of returning humanity to its technological golden age]].
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Much of the Inquisition, given that investigation is a big part of the job. In case of Scholariate at Arms it's right in the name.
* [[Feudal Future]]: In line with [[Warhammer 40000|the wider setting]], but Sepheris Secundus [[Planet of Hats|takes the cake]]. The [[Urban Segregation|gap between the nobility and the serfs]] is wide [[Up to Eleven|even by Imperial standards]], the world is technologically barely above [[Medieval Stasis]], and yet is tithed more heavily than most worlds in the sector, for its minerals are quite valuable. While most serious mining worlds in the Imperium use powered mining tools and explosives for excavation, Sepheris has to get by on [[We Will Use Manual Labor in the Future|hand tools and backbreaking labor]]. While most populated worlds give their population some [[Bread and Circuses]], the serfs on Sepheris get more work. While other Imperial citizens get to go to temples to worship, the Sepheris serfs get yelled at by lay-preachers while they push heavy mining carts. While other Imperial commoners have some flexibility in how they choose to serve the [[God-Emperor]], vocation on Sepheris is determined [[Fantastic Caste System|exclusively by birth]]. The one time a local noble did try to introduce more advanced mining techniques, education, and progressive social restructuring, [[Tall Poppy Syndrome|he was brought down by other nobles who thought he was making a power-play]].
* [[Gorn]]: Just read the descriptions in the [[Critical Hit]] tables. Combat in this game is not only ''[[Everything Is Trying to Kill You|deadly]]'', it is ''[[Ludicrous Gibs|messy]]''.
* [[Hand Cannon]]: One of the handguns described in the game is literally referred to as a Hand Cannon. It's a solid-projectile firearm with recoil so powerful it requires a two-handed grip (or special gloves) to be used effectively. It is also the ''smallest'' pistol in the game that qualifies for this trope.
* [[Hazmat Suit]]: The Vile Savants, daemons of Nurgle responsible for one of his [[Zombie Apocalypse]] plagues, take the form of a [[Animated Armor|walking hazmat suit]] filled to the brim with pestilent filth and [[The Worm That Walks|diseased maggots]].
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Encouraged in the [[Game Master|Game Mastering]]ing section of the rulebook. The system is already pretty deadly, [[Player Character|Player Characters]]s have uncertain life-expectancy, and the GM is discouraged from softpeddling that, in order to underscore [[Darker and Edgier|the brutality of the setting]]. However, the GM is encouraged to bend the rules a little when a character is facing certain death in order to [[Invoked Trope|make that death spectacular]], with the explaination that a player should not be afraid of their character's death, but they should not feel like their character can expect to "die like a chump".
* [[Heroic Willpower]]: The Inquisitor class gets the special ability "Indomitable Will of the Inquisition"; which allows them to pass a willpower test perfectly once per session.
* [[He Who Must Not Be Seen]]: The Unknown Heretic is an in-universe example of this -- thethis—the only person in existence to be branded Excommunicate Traitoris by the Inquisition without anyone being certain he actually ''exists''.
* [[Horde of Alien Locusts]]: The ''Creatures Anathema'' supplement gives us the Xothic Blood Locust, a ''literal'' case of this trope. Intersteller travelers may unknowingly carry their eggs on their clothes or in cargoes they pick up, which can lead to [[Explosive Breeder|disastrous swarms]] when they hatch on some other world. Their name comes from their preference for draining blood from living creatures, which a swarm of them can do completely in a matter of seconds, though [[Extreme Omnivore|they will consume almost any organic fluid they can find]]. The same supplement also gives profiles for Genestealers and Lictors, which are the harbingers of alien locusts [[Bug War|orders of]] [[Planet Eater|magnitude]] [[It Got Worse|worse...]]
** The same supplement also gives profiles for Genestealers and Lictors, which are the harbingers of alien locusts [[Bug War|orders of]] [[Planet Eater|magnitude]] [[It Got Worse|worse...]]
* [[Horror Hunger]]: An early side effect of the use of a Halo device (see below.) [[It Gets Worse]] [[Body Horror|from there]].
* [[Identity Amnesia]]: One of the possible character origins introduced with ''The Inqusitor's Handbook'' [[Splat]] is that of a "[[Brainwashed|mindwiped]]" character. This is generally done deliberately by the Inqusition for agents who have witnessed too many [[These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know|Things Man Was Not Meant To Know]], but who have skills that would be wasted by the [[He Knows Too Much|expedient of execution]]. While they are at it, the mindwipers add some [[Conditioned to Accept Horror|Conditioning To Accept Horror]] and a few basic survival skills. However, such characters might be subject to unpleasant flashs of half-memories, and have a built-in [[Trigger Phrase]] to prevent them going rogue.
* [[Immortality Immorality]]: [[Deal with the Devil|Dark Pacts]] of Longevity, which involve selling your soul to a daemon, and the [[Applied Phlebotinum|Halo Devices]], which turn you into an inhuman, cannibalistic monster.
* [[Knight Templar]]: The Inquisition's stock in trade.
* [[Machine Worship]]: Tech-Priests.
* [[Magic From Technology]]: Some of the "miracles of the Omnissiah" that Tech-Priests get access to.
* [[Memory Gambit]]: The ''Ascension'' [[Splat]] introduces options for character to enter trances when at the time they snap out of it, [[Laser-Guided Amnesia|that character will forget everything that happened since the trance began]]. This forefits any experience they might have gained during this time, but also allows them to confront [[These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know|Things Man Was Not Meant to Know]] or other such things that might cause them to [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]] without suffering their permanent effects.
* [[Milkman Conspiracy]]: In the ''Scourge the Heretic'' novel, briefly mentions this when it becomes apparent that a people-smuggling conspiracy has its hideout in a former mining shaft now in use for growing mushrooms (by the Fraternity of Comestibles for the Cultivation of Edible Fungi), though it's immediately noted that they probably just don't have any idea what goes on in their holdings.
* [[Mind Control Device]]: Invoked with ''Oblivion Volitors'', Heretek brain implants that ''literally'' [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul|eat your soul]].
* [[Mind Control Device]]: Volitors.
* [[Mushroom Samba]]: Hallucinogen grenades, whee!
** [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul]]: Normally not, but invoked with ''Oblivion Volitors'', Heretek brain implants that said to ''literally'' [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul|eat your soul]] (people who know about such things say it's much the same old servitor implants, only crude, but now they cannot say it openly... which tend to hinder the investigations).
* [[No Range Like Point-Blank Range]]: Shotguns are most effective at short range.
* [[The Paladin]]: The [[Amazon Brigade|Adepta Sororitas]] career introduced with ''The Inqusitor's Handbook''. Each is an [[Action Girl]], to varying degrees, and they can use Fate Points in unique ways to manifest "[[White Magic|acts of faith]]." However, they lose these abilities if they gain more than a small amount of [[The Corruption|corruption points]], and the very fact of who they are limits and dictates how they behave and what they do. For this reason, the book recommends limiting this class to experienced roleplayers.
** Furthermore all ranged attacks get a +30% to hit at point blank range.
* [[Off with His Head]]: Happens when one scores high on a head critical hit chart. Scoring even higher leads to such pleasant outcomes as nearby combatants being showered with skull fragments and brain matter, the local area becoming difficult to walk through for all the gore on the ground, and the victim being killed so gruesomely that his friends must fight the urge to flee from his killer for a couple of Rounds.
* [[The Paladin]]: The [[Amazon Brigade|Adepta Sororitas]] career introduced with ''The Inqusitor's Handbook''. Each is an [[Action Girl]], to varying degrees, and they can use Fate Points in unique ways to manifest "[[White Magic|acts of faith]]." However, they lose these abilities if they gain more than a small amount of [[The Corruption|corruption points]], and the very fact of who they are limits and dictates how they behave and what they do. For this reason, the book recommends limiting this class to experienced roleplayers.
** For ''Ascension''-level games, the ''Daemon Hunter'' sourcebook includes the Grey Knights, [[Space Marines]] who [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|hunt daemons.]] They have similar roleplaying limitations as the Adepta Sororitas; the book actually suggests using them more as an occasional [[And Now for Someone Completely Different]] break than as permanent player characters.
* [[Power Perversion Potential]]: Biomancers can do some... ''interesting'' things with their abilities. They also have a tendency to be huge party animals, as they can engage in gluttony and debauchery and still remain fit and healthy through use of their powers.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: Stands out as a games system where having Paranoia is not a character flaw, but a purchasable Talent that grants bonuses (namely, +2 to initiative and the ability to make awareness checks in situations normal people couldn't). A number of role-playing suggestions are given for people who take the Talent but nothing that mechanically impairs you in any way.
* [[Religion Is Magic]]: Faith Talents. The ''Blood of Martyrs'', supplement''Daemon includesHunter'' aand lot''Heresy ofBegets Retribution'' include extra options of this nature.
* [[Psychic Powers]]: Psykers are available as a career path. They're powerful, but using psychic abilities has a chance of [[Superpower Meltdown|going]] [[Demonic Possession|horribly]] [[Your Head Asplode|wrong]] if the [[Random Number God|Random Number God-Emperor]] does not smile upon you.
* [[Religion Is Magic]]: The ''Blood of Martyrs'' supplement includes a lot of options of this nature.
* [[Short-Range Long-Range Weapon]]: Very much averted, especially when compared to equivalent weapons from the tabletop game. However, thanks to their special rules, [[Short-Range Shotgun|shotguns]] are still most effective at point-blank range.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Numerous.
** One in particular is a quote from a Vindicare Assassin designated LIIVI, who ([[Ascended Fanon|probably]] [[Epileptic Trees|just]]) shares a name with a character from one of 40K's most popular fanfics, ''Love Can Bloom''.
*** A name and a target: The cover picture of the Ascension GM section has a Vindicare stalking a Farseer...
** One example from the core rulebook: [[The Usual Suspects|"'Verbal' Boze, Scum"]]
** Who was the rogue trader who discovered the Calixis sector, and whose family line continues to cause trouble there to this day? [[Captain Harlock|Captain Haarlock]].
** [[Blues Brothers|We're on a mission from the God-Emperor.]]
** The Skin Taker of Fedrid is an invisible monster that kills for no apparent reason and takes grisly trophies from its prey. [[Predator|Sound familiar?]] (Curiously, while "technologically-advanced alien big game hunter" is implied as a possible identity for the Skin Taker in its description, neither of the two writeups provided for it take this form. Amusingly, it's not too hard to "build from parts" in equivalents of ''human'' technologies, from chameleoline and blur field enhanced armor to synth-skin spray (though you may have to borrow buzzsaw chakram and some other things from ''[[Rogue Trader]]'').
** Adept Grendel, a character from a famous /tg/ copypasta was featured on the Radical's Handbook preview.
** The Skin Taker of Fedrid is an invisible monster that kills for no apparent reason and takes grisly trophies from its prey. [[Predator|Sound familiar?]] (Curiously, while "technologically-advanced alien big game hunter" is implied as a possible identity for the Skin Taker in its description, neither of the two writeups provided for it take this form.)
** The writeup for the Menagerie takes strong inspiration from ''[[The King in Yellow]]''.
** Among the Daemon Hunter career options is "Agent of [[Warehouse 13|Reliquary 26]]".
** One of the Sanctioning side effects - [[Dune|Pain through Nerve Induction]]: "The skin on the back of your right hand is horribly scarred. You are uncomfortable around bald, robed women".
** The world of "[[Schizo-Tech|Feudal-tech experiment]]" under rule of the Mechanicus? [[Girl Genius|Heterodyne]].
* [[Small Girl, Big Gun]]: The cover of ''The Inquisitor's Handbook'' [[Splat]] features a [[Amazon Brigade|Sister of Battle]] (unusually fully helmeted) carrying [[BFG|a boltgun so over-built]] that it looks like she would have difficulty lifting it without her [[Powered Armor]].
* [[Splash Damage Abuse]]: An advantage of grenades is that they do not need to land at a target's feet to do their damage, they just need to land in the target's general area. This makes them ideal for cell members who lack combat specialization to still contribute in a fight. Hucking a grenade into the cover enemies are using will either signifigantly damage those enemies, or flush them into the open for the thrower's more combat-skilled teammates to finish off. Grenades scatter, but blast radius makes it less of an issue.
** Much the same goes for flamers, except scatter. The shooter requires training to use it effectively, but doesn't need to check anything each shot, it's the target who have to dodge.
* [[Splat]]: The different character classes/career paths (Adepts, Arbiters, Assassins, Clerics, Guardsmen, Sanctioned Psykers, Scum, and Tech-Priests), as well as splats for world of origin (Feral, Imperial, Hive, or Void-Born). ''The Inquisitor's Handbook'' adds the Adepta Sororitas career path, rules for alternate homeworld types and specific homeworlds, and sub-splats (Background Packages, Alternate Career Ranks, and Elite Advances) dedicated to covering world-specific variants of the greater career paths and life-changing events in an acolyte's career. ''Ascension'' adds "ascended" versions of all the base classes (Sages, Judges, Death Cult / Vindicare Assassins, Hierophants, Storm Troopers, Primaris Psykers, Desperados, and Magi respectively, though there is some overlap), as well as the Crusader, Interrogator and Inquisitor ascended careers. And then there's ''The Radical's Handbook'', which adds ''[[Evil Is Cool|evil]]'' versions of a lot of these splats. [[Special Snowflake Syndrome|Is your snowflake special enough yet?]]
* [[State Sec]]: The [[Player Character|Player Characters]]s are members, ranking from an operative cell in the base book to high peers in ''Ascension''.
* [[Super Soldier]]: If the Vindicare Assassin wasn't enough, the ''Daemon Hunter'' supplement includes rules for Grey Knights, the most superior of the Imperium's [[Super Soldier|Super Soldiers]]s. (This also encourages further crossover between ''Dark Heresy'' and ''[[Deathwatch (game)|Deathwatch]]''.)
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: The ''Ascension'' supplement, which allows players to become Inquisitors and Throne Agents a la ''[[Eisenhorn]]'' or ''[[Ravenor]]'', is this for the entire line as a whole. Any character carried over from the stock leveling system will '''literally''' be taking a level in some variety of badass when they make the transition.
* [[Take Cover]]: Given how deadly combat in this game is, and how effective cover is at preventing a character from getting hit, this is practically a necessity against opponents with guns. Even well-armored characters will usually want to get into cover to prevent a [[Death of a Thousand Cuts]] from the little [[Scratch Damage]] that manages to get through their protection.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: The ''Ascension'' supplement, which allows players to become Inquisitors and Throne Agents a la ''[[Eisenhorn]]'' or ''[[Ravenor]]'', is this for the entire line as a whole. Any character carried over from the stock leveling system will '''literally''' be taking a level in some variety of badass when they make the transition.
* [[Uncancelled]]: The unusual circumstances behind the game's cancellation and uncancellation, both within a month of its initial release, are explained more fully on that page.
* [[Urban Segregation]]: Sepheris Secundus is a particularly extreme example of this, even by typical ''Warhammer 40,000'' standards.
Line 104 ⟶ 103:
* [[Zombie Apocalypse]]: Outbreaks of the walking dead are frightfully common in the Calixis Sector.
=== The novels provide examples of: ===
* [[Berserk Button]]: Keira's is impiety (usually in the form of Drake's off-color sense of humor), though most of the time circumstances force her to restrain herself when the button is pressed, rather than giving in to her murderous instincts.
Line 120 ⟶ 119:
* [[Fantastic Caste System]]: Shipboard in ''Innocence Proves Nothing''.
* [[Feudal Future]]: ''Scourge the Heretic'' takes place virtually entirely on Sepheris Secundus. See this trope's entry further up the page for details on that world.
* [[The Fundamentalist]]: Keira, by her [[Kill It with Fire|Redemptionist]] upbringing. Her training has allowed her to "focus her zeal" so she can keep perspective on the big picture, going after the "bigger fish" instead of wanting to smite '''every''' sinner she encounters. Her own coming of age and experience [[Character Development|begin to soften her views somewhat]], a development that [[Sex Is Evil and I Am Horny|causes her no end of confusion]].
* [[Giant Wall of Watery Doom]]: Horst and Vex narrowly avoid being flattened by one in the first novel, an event that gives Horst nightmares long after the fact. {{spoiler|The Angelae use one to kill a powerful rogue psyker in the second novel.}}
* [[Good Shepherd]]: Keira runs into a young priest who tries to be an example of this trope in ''Innocence Proves Nothing,'' but he comes off as well-intentioned and simple-minded.
Line 129 ⟶ 128:
* [[The Infiltration]]
* [[Insufferable Genius]]: The Navigator aboard Inquisitor Grynner's ship.
* [["Join the Army," They Said]]: The first time we meet Drake, he's complaining about his decision to join the Guard.
* [[Knight Templar]]: Keira. And she used to be ''worse''.
* [[May-DecemberMay–December Romance]]: Keira and Horst. Keira is explicitly described as a teenager, while Horst is probably at least in his early thirties (given his level of experience both as an arbitrator and as the leader of the Angelae cell).
* [[Military Moonshiner]]: Kyrlock got some alcohol from one.
* [[The Men First]]
Line 139 ⟶ 138:
* [[Playful Hacker]]: Vex is decidedly [[The Stoic|not]] [[Deadpan Snarker|playful]], but this is one of his major skills.
* [[Playing with Fire]]: Elyra is a pyrokine.
* [[The Power of Trust]]: Elyra and Kyrlock both pull this on the other.
* [[Power Perversion Potential]]: ''Innocence Proves Nothing'' includes a semi-explicit example when Elyra reminisces on the last night which she spent with another psyker who used his telekinetic powers in somewhat... interesting ways.
* [[Punny Name]]: 'Danuld Drake'. Hmm, [[Donald Duck|remind you of anything?]]
Line 152 ⟶ 151:
** There's another one: Inquisitor Jorge Grynner (Ordo Xenos) is a reference to [[John Le Carre|George Smiley]]. Smiley has a protege named Peter Guillam; Grynner has Pieter Quillem. And Grynner shares Smiley's habit of polishing his eyeglasses with his necktie.
** And slightly shady bar owner [[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|Muon]] in ''Innocence Proves Nothing.''
** Still another: the xenos-tech-collecting organization that seems, to Inquisitor Grynner, to be behind all this is the Faxlignae -- HighFaxlignae—High Gothic for "[[Torchwood]]."
** Inquisitor Karnaki of the Ordo Malleus may be a reference to [[Carnacki, the Ghost-Finder]], occult detective in a series of short stories from the early 1900s. Supporting this is the inquisitor's reference to bringing his "plasma pentacle"; the detective sometimes used an "electric pentacle" in his investigations.
** And who can forget [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Danuld]] [[Donald Duck|Drake]]?
Line 165 ⟶ 164:
** Drake realises that it's impossible to resolve his end of it, since it's obvious to him that Keira likes Horst, and that he's not stupid enough to even try anything. By the time of ''Innocence Proves Nothing'', the Keira/Drake UST has mostly dissipated.
* [[We Named the Monkey "Jack"|We Named The Pony Mordechai]]
* [[Whole Plot Reference]]: A new moon appears in the sky, it tugs at people's brains, suddenly riots and attempted random murders… Tyrant Star? ''Nexus: Bad Moon Rising'' from [[Dark Horse Comics]].
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