Darkest Dungeon: Difference between revisions

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* [[Combat Sadomasochist]]: Flagellant is a sort of extremist monk who becomes stronger via self-mutilation. It's not pretty, but it works, the pain making him a [[Blood Knight]] bruiser who [[Determinator|does not know when to quit.]]
* [[Cosmic Horror Story]]: Creepy ancient manor? Check. Eccentric ancestor unleashed horrible eldritch things from beneath it? Check. {{spoiler|The end of the world is inevitable, if not now, then some generations later? Check}}.
* [[Damage Over Time]]: The Blight and Bleed effects do this to the heroes, but they can inflict both on monsters too. Bleed doesn't work on skeletons, but it does work on the [[Mushroom Men]] in the Weald.
* [[Deadly Decadent Court]]: {{spoiler|The Ancestor relates stories of how, in his youth, he attended parties with [[Upper Class Twit]]a like himself, which often lasted days or even weeks, and turned into orgies of lust or displays of physical violence. One guest was known to be such a glutton, he'd eat the leftovers at the buffets long after they'd spoiled. It was one of these parties where he confronted and brutally murdered the Countess - while she was no innocent, being a fiendish temptress, this is where his [[Start of Darkness]] began, as the [[Nasty Party]] entry below shows.}}
* [[Dem Bones]]: Skeletons will likely be the first mooks you encounter in the Ruins, which will likely be the first dungeon you tackle. Bone Rabble are the weakest, followed by Bone Soldiers, Bone Courtiers, Bone Arbalists, Bone Defenders, Bone Captains, Bone Spearmen, and Bone Bearers. [[Necromancy|The Necromancer]] is the boss behind all Dem Bones.