Darkest Dungeon: Difference between revisions

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* [[Body Horror]]: Many of the enemies (especially the swinefolk) are quite horrific. {{spoiler|The Ancestor and Heart of Darkness can also inflict [[Body Horror]] ''on the heroes'' as an attack}}.
{{quote|{{spoiler|Ancestor}}: "The flesh is fluid, it could be changed, reshaped, remade!"}}
* [[Blood Magic]]: Blood is a rare drop that can be found anywhere, but it is only usable - via this Trope -Court DLC. during the Crimson
* [[Book Ends]]: "Ruin has come to our family."
* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]]: One of the apocalyptic logs that the heroes can find is {{spoiler|a note from Red Hook thanking the player}}.
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* [[Go Mad from the Revelation]]: Several enemies (Madmen and the Prophet {{spoiler|and perhaps the Ancestor}}) already ''have'', and as stress mounts, the heroes run the risk of following them. Some enemy attacks explicitly revolve around revealing unsettling things to the heroes to increase their stress and ''provoke'' their fall into madness. {{spoiler|In the ending, the Ancestor implies that the Heir is next}}.
* [[Hearing Voices]]: Maybe, maybe not. It is left ambiguous whether the Ancestor's words are being read from a text or whether the Heir is hearing his voice due to an actual curse, [[Sanity Slippage]] or both.
* [[Human Shield]]: A common strategy in this game. You should ''always'' have the tanky bruisers in the front two slots and the healers and spellcasters in the back two. This is why attacks that shuffle your positions are such a pain. Monsters tend to use this strategy too, but the shuffling techniques can also work for the heroes.
* [[Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels]]: Dungeons are labeled as Apprentice (balanced for heroes of resolve level 0-2), Veteran (2-4), Champion (4-6) and [[Harder Than Hard|Darkest]] (challenging even for 6's). The game itself can be played in Radiant, Darkest and Stygian modes. Radiant isn't really "easy", ''per se'', but some mechanics are changed to allow the game to be completed more rapidly (e.g. experience gain is increased, reducing the number of missions required to level up heroes). Darkest is the normal difficulty, and Stygian (the former [[New Game+]] mode) makes the enemies tougher, locks the difficulty options to maximum, and places a timer and death limit before {{spoiler|the Heart of Darkness wakes up and the player loses}}.
* [[Interchangeable Antimatter Keys]]: Not only are they single-use, but each one costs money during provisioning. Sometimes the [[Random Number God]] will smile and bestow extras during a dungeon, but in general, it's up to the player to guess how many they will probably need for the coming mission and purchase accordingly.
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* [[Metal Slime]]: To be frank, the first time you fight the Collector isn't going to be the last. The Shambler is almost as bad, but at least you are guaranteed to gain an Ancestral Trinket if you defeat him.
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: For one thing, they're [[Not Using the Z Word|Not Using the V Word]]. Vampirism is referred to as the "Crimson Curse", and enemy vampires have the "Bloodsucker" type. The bloodsuckers themselves are themed after insects rather than bats. Some of the enemies are simply giant insects, while others initially appear human but then morph into insectile forms after drinking the heroes' blood.
* [[Pig Man]]: The Swine King and his minions are incredibly ugly versions of this found in the Warrens. According to the Ancestor, these are the result of his attempts to summon beings from the "outer spheres" using common pigs as vessels. Clearly, it didn't go as he planned...
* [[Posthumous Narration]]: The Ancestor is implied to have committed suicide shortly after writing the letter that summoned the Heir, but that doesn't stop him from commenting on everything that his Heir does. {{spoiler|Or maybe he's not so 'posthumous' after all}}.
* [[Random Number God]]: Hitting, critting, dodging, blighting, bleeding, debuffing, stressing, hero deaths and in some cases ''healing'' are all based on rolls of the dice. The player can upgrade hero equipment and skills, and use trinkets or certain supplies to improve their odds, but rarely is any action truly ''certain'' to succeed.