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** Sadly, these sort of entrapment schemes have been the bane of the Internet since the [[Eternal September]] of 1993. Any middle-age, obese police officer that's too fat to chase criminals on foot could sit behind a desk and post to the [[UseNet]] alt.sex.* hierarchy as a seventeen-year-old girl. At some point, anyone claiming to be seventeen in these groups was routinely met with "yeah, right offisher... [[Sarcasm Mode|whatever you say]], offisher".
** It's only gotten worse since then. The scam has merely shifted to web, e-mail or social media now that Usenet is too overrun with spam to be usable. Adding to the problems, every two-bit crackpot vigilante group has taken this scheme into their own hands, [[To Catch a Predator]] style. A few of them are doing more harm than good.
** And then there were the incidents where criminals were posing as young women on dating apps, approaching men (often soldiers) online and sending explicit photos, before making a fraudulent claim to be seventeen and engaging in blackmail and extortion. One such scheme [https://www.themarshallproject.org/2019/11/11/how-did-they-run-an-elaborate-sextortion-scam-from-prison-cellphones was being run by convicts while in prison].
** And yes, the actual predators are likely also hiding behind a computer, pretending to be seventeen. The presumption is that the only way to gain the trust of a seventeen-year-old girl is to pose as a seventeen-year-old boy.
** The only people not pretending to be seventeen (if the age of consent is [[Totally Eighteen|eighteen]] in some jurisdiction)? Actual seventeen-year-olds, who are too busy claiming to be eighteen, nineteen, twenty-one or whatever other arbitrary age one has to claim to be to buy a bottle of beer. There are priorities, after all...