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Through a glitch or various methods, one of game characters is supposed to die, but somehow is kept alive, possibly with bizarre effects. Applies to players where Game Over normally happens, or able to do unexpected actions like ''[[World of Warcraft]]'''s "travel by suicide". Applies to enemies or [[NPC|NPCs]]s if they are not supposed to be immortal. Does not apply if when fatally hit, die after scripted period of time or script saved.
This is often considered a [[Good Bad Bug]].
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* ''[[Final Fantasy VI]]'' has a couple of bugs that allow you to walk around with an all-dead (Or all-zombie) party. Of course, it's Game Over if you enter a fight, but hey.
** ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'' has a similar glitch with Cloud's flashback sequence. Sephiroth's AI is supposed to revive Cloud should he fall in battle but sometimes Sephiroth will just wail on enemies instead, leaving Cloud down. This becomes extremely funny when Sephiroth separates from Cloud's party, leaving Cloud to walk around town by himself while his HP is at 0. Unlike the above example, there's no more random encounters once Sephiroth leaves due to plot reasons, so there's no risk of a Game Over.
*** Final Fantasy VII actually has a system in place in early-game that heals and revives the party after plot points and boss fights. If one does a game where Cloud is at 0  hp when you reach Cosmo canyon, this is the first time in regular gameplay when you are not healed after a boss. This leads to a party of Cloud alone dead in the menu when checked when his party splits up at Cosmo Canyon when first visited when the buggy breaks down. If Cloud was just dead by chance, this can be particularly frustrating if you walk outside to sample the enemies nearby or gain a quick level.
* ''[[Ocarina of Time]]'': By a glitch, you could walk [ Zombie Link in a dim world]. [ A different method] allows Zombie Link to walk around in regular lighting, but nothing can be done anyway and everything are all frozen and many features are disabled.
* ''[[Mega Man 3]]'' has an unusual glitch where the player could die by jumping into a pit with the usual death sound effect, but could then use the second controller codes to jump out and continue playing normally while being unable to be killed, with the side effect that they can't use the Mega Buster anymore since the game considers it to be out of energy when your lifebar is empty. The health recover items would make Mega Man alive again, but while collecting one meant you could fire your default weapon again, it also meant you're now able to be killed normally again.