Dead Space (series)/Characters: Difference between revisions

I have filled some of the information that was left out by some of the undescribed tropes present, starting from Captain Matthius in the Dead Space Character section.
(I have filled some of the information that was left out by some of the undescribed tropes present, starting from Captain Matthius in the Dead Space Character section.)
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{{quote|Played by: J.G. Hertzler ([[Dead Space (video game)|Dead Space]]), [[Jim Cummings]] ([[Dead Space: Downfall|Dead Space Downfall]])}}
The original Captain of the USG Ishimura, and a member of the Church of Unitology, tasked with the recovery of Marker 3A on Aegis VII.
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[The Captain]]: The last Commanding Officer of the USG Ishimura.
* [[Eye Scream]]: In the game we only get to see it via audio log. In [[Dead Space: Downfall]] its shown in all its squickly detail onscreen.
* [[Knight Templar]]: While he is the Captain of the Ishimura, he is also part of the Church of Unitology, tasked with recovering the Marker from Aegis VII and bring it back to Earth. He stops masquerading his religious convictions after order in the ship collapses due to the outbreak.
* [[Knight Templar]]
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: The mental stress while facing the annihilation of the Aegis VII Mining Colony, and the Necromorph Outbreak aboard the Ishimura causes his sanity to dwindle as the situation deteriorates. Doctor Kyne's suggestion to not allow the Marker to be brought back to Earth is the event that causes his sanity to finally shatter.
* [[Sanity Slippage]]
=== Dr. Terrence Kyne ===
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Chief Science Officer of the Ishimura and devout Unitologist. Fearing what would happen if the Necromorph outbreak spreads, he sabotaged the ship, until visions of his deceased wife shows him how to stop the outbreak.
* [[Action Survivor]]: Somehow, Kyne has been able to survive the Necromorph Onslaught aboard the Ishimura by himself, until the arrival of Isaac Clarke.
* [[Action Survivor]]
* [[Badass]]: By virtue of surviving on the Ishimura for so long., by himself, against an alien life form that mutates the dead bodies of the crew.
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Kyne goes into tirades in the game, his mental stability affected by the Marker.
* [[Dead Person Conversation]]: Chats with his dead wife, Amelia Kyne, who had died years prior to the Aegis VII Incident.
* [[Failure Knight]]: His initial attempts to scuttle the ship had failed due to the intervention of Security Chief Vincent, and his faith in Unitology was shattered by the events on Aegis VII and onboard the Ishimura.
* [[Failure Knight]]
* [[Foreshadowing]]: {{spoiler|His hallucinations and mental condition gives the player a hint of Issac's developing madness.}}
* [[Geek]]: Being the CSO of the Ishimura comes with this description.
* [[Geek]]
* [[Mad Scientist|Reluctant Mad Scientist]]: While his mental stability is very dubious at best, his intentions are not out of malice, but out of the preservation of humanity, seeing the Necromorph Outbreak as a potential species extinction event, should it spread out of the planet itself.
* [[Mad Scientist|Reluctant Mad Scientist]]
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: After the Marker is brought on board the ship, he starts seeing and talking to his dead wife.
* [[The Smart Guy]]: Or one of the smartest, considering his rank as Chief Science Officer of the USG Ishimura.
* [[The Smart Guy]]
=== Dr. Challus Mercer ===
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Another [[Mad Scientist]] and Unitologist on the Ishimura. Audio logs Isaac finds detail how the Necromorphs drove his already unstable mind into full blown [[Ax Crazy]]. When Isaac finds him Mercer has been experimenting on humans and Necromorphs, the results of which he unleashes on Isaac.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: His belief in the Necromorphs as the next step of human evolution and as harbringers of salvation drives him into this category, along with his experiments that would make Dr.Frankenstein blush.
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Beard of Evil]]: Sports an impressive beard.
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[Evilutionary Biologist]]: Mercer is undoubtedly one of the worst cases of people going off the edge in this particular setting. Already a shady individual as the outbreak began on Aegis VII, by the time the Necromorph assault on the Ishimura was on high gears, he assisted the attack by creating a regenerative Necromorph and by offering sacrifices to the undead menace onboard the ship.
* [[Evilutionary Biologist]]
* [[Knight Templar]]: He is a fervent and devout believer in Unitology, to the point of finding the outbreak on Aegis VII as a divine sign. As his belief grows into full blown fanaticism by the time the Ishimura comes under attack, he goes to the point of trying to freeze Necromorphs over so that he can bring salvation to Earth itself.
* [[Knight Templar]]
* [[Mad Doctor]] / [[Mad Scientist]]: Creates stronger Necromorphs by experimenting on human beings.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Mercer is an old term for a dealer of textiles. Seems he's [[Incredibly Lame Pun|a man of the cloth]].
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* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[Damsel in Distress]]: Nicole acts as Isaac Clarke's main reason on why he volunteered for the search and repair mission sent by the CEC towards the Ishimura.
* [[Damsel in Distress]]
* {{spoiler|[[Dead All Along]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]]}}
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An engineer stationed on Aegis VII and Lexine Murdoch's boyfriend. What was supposed to be a routine planet crack changed due to the discovery of a mysterious red artifact. He and his team are sent to extract what everyone is now calling "The Marker"...
* [[Player Character]]: He is the first playable character in the game.
* {{spoiler|[[Through the Eyes of Madness]]: Kills his entire crew, believing them to be monsters.}}