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Characters from ''[[{{TOPLEVELPAGE}}]]'' include:
== Cartoonatic55's/Pinball Playing Penguin's characters ==
=== Piper Cheeks ===
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* [[She Fu]]/[[Waif Fu]]: It's half-expected considering that [[I Know Karate|her mom knows karate]] and her father, surprisingly, [[Acrofatic|also knows some type of martial arts]].
* [[Slasher Smile]]: Which is odd given that she's technically on the good guy's side.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Assorted trick umbrellas. [ Gee,] [ I] [ wonder] [ where] [ she] [ got] [ that] [ from...] (If you still haven't figured it out after checking those pictures... You're clearly not "The World's Greatest Detective.")
* [[Well Done Daughter Girl]]: She seeks to please both sides of her family; mostly her father's side (perhaps because her own dad is something of a [["Well Done, Son" Guy]] for his own parents).
* [[Woman Scorned]]: Let's just say that she wasn't exactly thrilled when she caught Siren seducing her father...
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* [[Even the Girls Want Her]]: It's been known to happen with her.
* [[Extreme Omnisexual]]. According to Jim, she'd even try to seduce ''a lamppost''.
* [[Homosexual Reproduction]]: [[Averted Trope|Averted]]--according—according to [[Word of God]], she's the result of a DNA-morphing experiment.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: A siren is a creature of Greek mythology that charms men with a beautiful singing voice. Siren has this talent ([[Even the Girls Want Her|though she can attract women too]]) and was named because of it.
* [[Natural Weapon]]: She keeps a dangerous set of claws underneath her gloves.
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* [[Smart People Wear Glasses]]: [[Making a Spectacle of Yourself|They're really unusual-looking glasses]], but it still counts.
* [[Strong Family Resemblance]]: He gets a lot of his looks from his father.
* [[The Apprentice (trope)|The Apprentice]]: Thaddeus has taken him under his wing.
* [[Wicked Stepmother]]: Averted and inverted. His stepmother is considerably nicer to him than his original mother was, and she's also nicer to him than she was with her own [[Child by Rape]], [[Badass|Kurgan Junior]]. ({{spoiler|Then again, she never got the chance to really connect with KJ}}.)
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* [[Drop the Hammer]]: She does carry around a hammer like her dad does, but she doesn't usually use it.
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Honorary Uncle]]: Poor [[Kirby: ofRight theBack Starsat Ya!|Escargon]]...Sure, [[Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends|Wilt, Eduardo, Mac, Bloo, Goo and Frankie]] are also considered her honorary uncles (or aunts, in the latter two's cases) and are there to help out some, but he's usually the one who's stuck looking after her.
* [[Motor Mouth]]
* [[Powerpuff Girl Hands]]: She tends to wear mittens over them anyway, though.
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* [[Ancestral Weapon]]: [[Word of God]] says that she uses her father's broadsword as her [[Weapon of Choice]].
* {{spoiler|[[Anticlimax Boss]]: She was taken out before the plot even got rolling...}}
* {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: ...but then she was revived to prevent her spirit from destroying everyone. [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|Everyone was excited about it.]]}}
* [[Badass]]
* [[Bifauxnen]]
* [[Child by Rape]]
* [[Cool Car]]: She owns a Cadillac.
* [[Daddy's Little Villain|Daddy's Little Villainess]]ess
* [[Dark Action Girl]]
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]
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* [[Child by Rape]].
* [[Daddy's Girl]]: Considering who her father is, that's pretty creepy...
* [[Daddy's Little Villain|Daddy's Little Villainess]]ess: Again, given who her dad is, that's creepy, yet not surprising.
* [[Dark Action Girl]]
* [[Dead Guy, Junior|Dead Chick Junior]]: Named after her mother. It gets a little confusing when you try to talk about both her and her mother at the same time.
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* [[Does Not Like Shoes]]: Depending on the situation.
* [[Door Step Baby]]: She was dropped on the steps of a church where the nuns took her in and raised her in the church orphanage until she was adopted by two loving parents at the age of five.
* [[Emotionless Girl]]: At times.
* [[Gene Hunting]]: Her greatest desire is to know who her real parents are.
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]
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* [[Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad]]: Inverted.
* [[Ice Queen]]
* [[It's Personal]]: If she were to find out Miles Warren (yes [[The Clone Saga|that Miles Warren]]) actually created her, she would kill him.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: She just doesn't show it very often.
* [[Loners Are Freaks]]: She was considered this during her adolencent years.
* [[Made of Iron]]: She can stomach pain as much as she can.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: See [[It's Personal]].
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=== Matthew Batres ===
Son of [[Mission: Impossible (film)||Ethan Hunt]] and [[Thundercats|Pumyra]].
* [[Creating Life]]: Like Eve, his origin is very much this. Right down to [[The Clone Saga|Miles Warren]].
* [[Happily Adopted]]
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* [[Green Eyes|Green Eye]]
* [[Green Eyed Red Head]]: [[Mismatched Eyes|Halfway]].
* [[Has Two Daddies]]/[[Homosexual Reproduction]]: The "has two daddies" is strictly biological--hisbiological—his parents have no contact with each other.
* {{spoiler|[[If I Can't Have You]]: Although he doesn't actually say the phrase, this is one of the reasons he tried to kill Wilson.}}
* [[Jerkass]]: If he's not [[Dirty Coward|terrified]] or [[Mad Scientist|doing something scientific]], he's probably insulting the other Mistakes.
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* [[Daddy's Girl]]
* [[Green Eyes]]
* [[Honorary Uncle|Honorary Uncles]]s: Chester A. Bum and Dominic.
* [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant]]: What did you expect?
* [[Perky Goth]]
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* [[Keet]]
* [[Motor Mouth]]
* [[Honorary Uncle|Honorary Uncles]]s: Xephos and Honeydew, much to their occasional chagrin.
* [[The Pollyanna]]
* [[Spoiled Sweet]]: Even though both his father and his stepmother dote on him and spoil him rotten, he's a really good kid.
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* [[Cool Shades]]
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: He's half-demon, but he's also only [[Chaotic Neutral]] at his absolute worst.
* [[I HaveNeed to Go Iron My Dog]]: "Now, if you'll excuse me, my [[Blatant Lies|sister]] and I have to somewhere that isn't here."
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: His favorite weapons include shovels and musical instruments.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]
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Daughter of [[Touhou|Mizuhashi Parsee]] and [[Yogscast Minecraft Series|Israphel]]; twin sister of Gabriel.
* [[Creepy Twins]]: With Gabriel.
* [[Daddy's Little Villain|Daddy's Little Villainess]]ess
* [[Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette]]
* [[Elegant Gothic Lolita]]
Line 661 ⟶ 663:
* [[Only Sane Man]]: At least in his opinion.
* [[Token Human]]: At first. However, he's still probably the only person who was born under ''normal'' circumstances without one of them being some sort of being with unusual powers.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: For being more or less treated as a joke in situations before the roleplay, he's certainly proven that he can hold his own in a fight against the supernatural.
* [[Unfazed Everyman]]: Very much so.
* [[Vague Age]]: While it is known that he's older than most of the Mistakes, his roleplayer has left his actual age up for interpretation.
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== The Shadow Syndicate's characters ==
=== Tempest Vermillion ===
Son of [[Blaz BlueBlazBlue|Noel Vermillion]] and [[Lilo and Stitch (Disney film)|Leroy]].
* [[Funny Animal]]
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]
* [[Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad]]
* [[Shrinking Violet]]: He only interacts with Angelo, for the most part.
=== Angelo Kisaragi ===
Son of [[Blaz BlueBlazBlue|Jin Kisaragi]] and [[Star Fox (series)|Krystal]].
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]
* [[Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad]]: Inverted.
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=== Mathew ===
Son of [[Kung Fu Panda|Master Tigress]] and [[Alpha and Omega|Humphrey]].
* [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]: He's got "Bright Shiny Object Syndrome", with a particular emphasis on lights. Of course, he's also got the flip side of it: when something interests him, he will obsess like nobody's business.
* [[Blue Eyes]]: He has a big set of blue peepers.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]
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* [[Mind Rape]]: He has the ability to do this by harnessing the memories of those who died violent deaths into a weapon. However, [[Power At a Price|when he does this, he has to feed immediately after, or discorporate.]]
* [[Necromancer]]
* [[No Sense of Personal Space]]: He's a very intimate, if quiet, person.
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]
* [[Power At a Price]]: See "[[Mind Rape]]".
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* [[Dark Secret]]: He's a {{spoiler|necromancer, as well as a psychomancer}}
* [[Even Evil Has Standards|Even Dark, Dark, Dark Gray Has Standards]]: He will maim you, burn down your house, erase all knowledge of your existence and make you face the fact that you will die with no one remembering that you were ever even alive, but he will never [[From a Certain Point of View|out]][[Stealth Insult|right]] lie or insult you.
* [[Expy]]: He has mannerisms similar to Dorian Gray as depicted by [[The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen]], and he's a little bit like [[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Black Mage.]]
* [[Familiar]]: A ''badger'' named [[Chronicles of Narnia|Tumnus]].
* [[Fireballs]]: He really likes these.
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* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Averted. While Thaddeus is no [[Mighty Glacier|body-builder]], he can take a beating.
* [[The Red Mage]]: Very much so.
* [[Vancian Magic]]: He's something of a rechargable battery. When he runs out of juice, he recuperates after a rest, and if he doesn't, magic [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points|starts hurting.]]
* [[Wizards Live Longer]]: He'll be getting recognition from other wizards around the time that Madigan is dying of old age. Assuming he lives that long.
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Daughter of [[Mass Effect|Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy]] and [[Digimon Tamers|Renamon]].
* [[Action Girl]]: Being raised on the Normandy and around Shepard has that kind of effect.
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]]: [[Averted Trope|Averted]].
* [[Artificial Intelligence]]
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: She's a genuinely nice and caring person...right up until you piss her off.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Lying to her will get you [[Finishing the Fight|a belly full of uranium.]]
* [[Blue Eyes]]: They bounce between icy and innocent.
* [[Covert Pervert]]
* [[Creating Life]]: An integral part of her creation.
* [[Creating Life Is Awesome]]: Pretty much.
* [[Determinator]]: According to her "psychological profile", she has an extensively developed survival instinct and ''does not quit''.
* [[Friendly Sniper]]
* [[Has Two Mommies]]: Sort of.
* [[Military Brat]]: Most definitely.
* [[Missing Mom]]: She's not even aware that Renamon exists.
Line 867 ⟶ 869:
=== Maeran ===
Son of [[The Lord of the Rings|Sauron]] and [[Diablo (series)|Diablo]].
* [[Allergic to Evil]]: Mildly.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: A cassock, to be precise.
* [[Blue Eyes]]
Line 882 ⟶ 884:
* [[A God I Am Not]]: He never tries to play himself off as a god, despite the fact he could possibly do so.
* [[Attention Whore]]: Given his reasons for trying to steal humanity away from God, he's more or less this.
* [[Aerith and Bob]]: Maeran and Nathanael.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: A nice leather one.
* [[Brown Eyes]]
* [[BlondeBlond Guys Are Evil]]: well, not necessarily ''evil'', but perhaps tragic.
* [[Dressed to Kill]]: He wears a suit underneath his coat.
* [[Everybody Wants the Hermaphrodite]]: It's been tentatively mentioned, but surprisingly, there are no ships suggested so far. Given how it normally goes, this is rather surprising.
Line 908 ⟶ 910:
* [[Psychic Powers]]: The Vision Eightfold.
* [[To the Pain]]: She doesn't want Rynn to die. She wants her to ''suffer''.
* [[Theme Naming]]: Each of her [[Long-Lost Relative|siblings]] has 6 letters in their name.
* [[The Resenter]]: she's painfully aware of Delon getting quite literally everything she was stripped of. And she absolutely hates him for it.
* [[You Killed My Father]]: her reasoning for what she does.
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* [[The Atoner]]
* [[Badass Abnormal]]: He's got very little in the way of firepower, unlike his siblings.
* [[Can't Have Sex Ever]]: He doesn't want his line continued.
* [[Child by Rape]]
* [[The Drifter]]: he wanders the southern U.S, killing monsters.
Line 923 ⟶ 925:
* [[Horned Humanoid]]: He was, until he grinded his horns down to nubs impossible to see through his hair.
* [[Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad]]
* [[Self -Harm]]: he brands himself.
* [[The Hunter]]
* [[Unfortunate Name]]: His mother, a practicing Catholic, named him ''Mammon''. A ''prince of Hell''. That's...yeah.
Line 933 ⟶ 935:
* [[Action Girl]]: she aspires to be this.
* [[The Blacksmith]]: She works at Alvor's shop in Riverwood, sharpening blades, hauling metal and wood, and making the occasional delivery.
== Cosmo Prower Tomahak's/PerfumePreppy's characters ==
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=== Oberon ===
Son of [[The Grim Adventures of Billy and& Mandy|Nergal]] and [[Wicked (theatre)|Elphaba]]; twin brother to Umbra
* [[Beneath the Earth]]: He and Umbra live in the center of the core with their parents.
* [[Combat Tentacles]]
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=== Umbra ===
Daughter of [[The Grim Adventures of Billy and& Mandy|Nergal]] and [[Wicked (theatre)|Elphaba]]; twin sister to Oberon
* [[Beneath the Earth]]: She and Oberon live in the center of the earth with their parents.
* [[Combat Tentacles]]
Line 1,079 ⟶ 1,081:
* [[Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad]]: Inverted.
* [[I Just Want to Have Friends]]: The only true friend she ever had growing up (outside her imaginary friends) is Ted.
* [[Imaginary Friend|Imaginary Friends]]s: For a good portion of her life, Jezebel saw [[The Smurfs]] as this.
* [[Laser Blade]]: Jezebel has a Schwartz ring. Unlike her father, her Schwartz is blue.
* [[Missing Mom]]: Her father told her that her mother was an alien that was later killed in a major battle against an opposing army. {{spoiler|In actuality, her father had her "Uncle" Gargamel kidnap her from the Smurfs' Village when she was very young in order to raise her to be evil. She doesn't know that, though.}}
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* [[Little Bit Beastly]]: Again, according to his concept art.
* [[Singing Voice Dissonance]]: Justified because he speaks at the bottom of his register, but he has a lovely soprano voice when he sings.
* [[TranssexualTransgender]]: He is biologically female.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: To Santiago, as he never met Luca. In a rare subversion, Santiago actually very much approves of him and loves him.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: He really just wants to have fun and have a lot of friends. That's all. [[Oh Crap|It just seems his way of having fun is threatening to cut peoples' fingers off if they don't play with him.]]
Line 1,302 ⟶ 1,304:
* [[Non-Identical Twins]]: She and Anurto are fraternal twins.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: Averted; her father's tried spoiling her, but she doesn't like it.
* [[The Apprentice (trope)|The Apprentice]]: To her father, for a while.
* [[The Hyena]]
* [[Twin Telepathy]]
Line 1,377 ⟶ 1,379:
=== Luna Belle Henderson ===
Daughter of [[Ben 10|Zs'Skayr/Ghostfreak]] and [[EarthboundEarthBound|Giegue]].
* [[Cheerful Child]]
* [[Child by Rape]]: Giegue was the rapist.
Line 1,420 ⟶ 1,422:
=== Farran ===
Son of [[Cupcakes (Fanfic)|Pinkie Pie]] and Yutaji, [[Drakan|The Flesh Mage]].
* [[Cute Little Fangs]]: Two small fangs are always protruding from his mouth. However, once deprivation begins to set in, his fangs are definitely not cute.
* [[Dude Looks Like a Lady]]: He does appear to be at least slightly feminine...and being pink doesn't help.
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== The Faryl's character ==
=== Grover, or Audrey III ===
Son of [[Little Shop of Horrors|Audrey II]] ([[Captain Obvious|no shit, Sherlock]]) and [[The Grim Adventures of Billy and& Mandy|Jeff the Spider]]
* [[Blood Lust]]: Gee, where could Grover have gotten that from...?
* [[Has Two Daddies]]/[[Homosexual Reproduction]]: Again, this is based on Audrey II's perceived gender, and we'll ignore the fact that Twoey's a plant for now...
Line 1,561 ⟶ 1,563:
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]/[[To Serve Man]]: Although Grover does eat flies and other insects as well.
* [[Man-Eating Plant]]: Half of one, anyway.
* [[Mister Seahorse]]: Well, Jeff was the one who laid the egg... (Surprisingly, Jeff has been established as one already [[The Grim Adventures of Billy and& Mandy|in his show's canon.]])
* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]]: Half spider, half-carnivorous plant.
* [[Shout-Out Theme Naming]]: Oddly enough, the "Grover" part of his name comes from the character from ''[[Sesame Street]]''.
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* [[Vague Age]]: His gender may have been specified, but his age still hasn't.
[[Category:Deadly Mistakes]]