Death Note the Abridged Series (kpts4tv): Difference between revisions

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{{quote| '''Light:''' I am...<br />
'''L:''' I am...<br />
'''Light & L:''' ...Team Co-Co!/Team Leno!<br />
'''Ryuk:''' Hey guys, I'm Team Edward!<br />
'''Light & L:''' Shut up... }}
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* [[Armored Closet Gay]]: Well, Mr. Yagami is a [[Politically Incorrect Hero|homophobic]] [[Jerkass]] [[Compensating for Something|obsessed with]] [[Rated "M" for Manly|"manliness."]] At one point he dressed up as [[Sailor Moon]]... and he hits on Ryuk.
* [[Asian Gal with White Guy]]:
{{quote| '''Mello:''' [[Politically-Incorrect Villain|Yagami-san, me have your daughter. Me love her long time.]] [[Lampshade Hanging|That was racist of me, wasn't it?]] Sorry. }}
* [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]:
{{quote| '''Ryuk:''' what you need to know about the Shinigami eye deal is...<br />
'''Light:''' (thinking) '' I need to get shoes...'' }}
* [[Axe Crazy]]: "innocent!Light" after he comes to believe that Higuchi slept with his girlfriend. Also:
{{quote| '''Souichiro:''' We're killing {{spoiler|Watari}} too? BONUS!}}
* [[Bad Liar]]:
{{quote| '''Light:''' No one is listening to you, Ryuk.<br />
'''Sayu:''' What does Ryuk mean?<br />
'''Light:''' Uh, It's my new name for you. It means [[Kesha|Ke$ha]] in Japanese. }}
** Higuchi is even worse. [[I Have This Friend|"What if say, hypothetically someone could kill another person with a diary..."]]
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* [[Big No]]: When L recovers a horrific [[Repressed Memories|repressed memory]] {{spoiler|[[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|of getting socks for his birthday.]]}}
* [[Black Comedy]]:
{{quote| '''Ryuk:''' But you just slaughtered fifteen people, and then laughed about it!<br />
'''Light:''' Yeah ... good times ... [[Evil Laugh|hahahaha]]. }}
* [[Black Comedy Rape]]: Ryuk was molesting Light.
* [[Brain Bleach]]: Light would really like some.
{{quote| '''Ryuk:''' But if you give up the notebook you'll forget all about me.<br />
'''Light:''' '''''GOOD!''''' }}
* [[Bratty Half-Pint]]: Near
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* [[Buffy-Speak]]: Light at times.
* [[Burn the Orphanage]]:
{{quote| '''Misa:''' That fire was pretty scary-the whole complex burned down! Those poor orphans! }}
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Matsuda, Light, Rem, Sayu, Sidoh.
* [[Camp Gay]]: Light, oh so much. And Namikawa.
* [[Cannot Tell a Joke]]: Near, as demonstrated when prank calling Light.
{{quote| '''Light:''' (''*sighs*'') Do yourself a favor. [[Punctuated for Emphasis|Hang up. Now.]] <br />
'''Near:''' Okay. (''*hangs up*'') Hey guys, wasn't that hilarious? }}
* [[Caught with Your Pants Down]]: When L beams everyone up, Soichiro complains about this.
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* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: L frequently has conversations with his snacks. Also [[Da Chief]].
* [[Comically Missing the Point]]: [[Da Chief]]
{{quote| '''Matsuda:''' Chief, doesn't your son use a computer?<br />
'''Chief:''' I don't understand what you're saying.<br />
'''Matsuda:''' Chief, your son might be Kira.<br />
'''Chief:''' I still don't understand what you're saying. }}
* [[Comically Small Bribe]]: Near offers to share the satellite feed if Light pays him in [[LEGO|LEGOs]].
* [[Continuity Nod]]: L mentions [[Another Note|Beyond Birthday.]]
* [[Couldn't Find a Pen]]: When Light is {{spoiler|killing Higuchi}} [[Hilarity Ensues]]:
{{quote| '''Light:''' First I gotta get my stupid watch open. Aw, there we go...<br />
'''L:''' What's that Light?<br />
'''Light:''' Oh I'm just excited we caught Kira is all. Hey look, they're bringing him in right now... ''Ow!''<br />
'''L:''' Are you okay?<br />
'''Light:''' Yeah I'm fin-''OW!'' I'm okay ''OW! DAMMIT!''<br />
'''L:''' Light, do you need me to come over there?<br />
'''Light:''' No, no. I'm okay. [[Double Entendre|I'm just so happy that it hurts. Kinda like a little prick.]] }}
* [[Cower Power]]: Near after Mello kills most of his agents:
{{quote| '''Near:''' [[Everybody's Dead, Dave|Light, everyone's dead... at my Clubhouse, everyone's dead.]]<br />
'''Light:''' What do you expect me to do about it? <br />
'''Near:''' I need an adult. <br />
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** Later Light towards L. Light happily resumes his plan {{spoiler|to kill L}} after hearing that L [[Not What It Sounds Like|"took Matsuda's innocence"]] [[If I Can't Have You|after repeatedly rebuffing Light's advances.]]
** Light towards Misa after Misa returns from her job interview and informs them all that she [[Innocent Innuendo|met a God in the bathroom.]]
{{quote| '''L:''' Well Light, you're taking this rather well.<br />
'''Light:''' I'm gonna kill that son of *[[Sound Effect Bleep|bleeeeeeeep]]* }}
* [[Creepy Child]]: Near
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* [[Filk Song]]: "It's a Dead World After All" and [ "Not Gay (They Just Wrote Me In That Way)"]
* [[Fire-Forged Friends]]: Subverted (for obvious reasons):
{{quote| '''Light:''' Hmmm I have two notebooks now. I only need one. I think the choice is obvious. Ryuk... after everything we've been through together... I'm going to keep Rem's. }}
* [[Foreshadowing]]
* [[Freak-Out]]: Light at {{spoiler|L's grave. "You died over nothing! You died because you told Matsuda Mickey isn't real. ''How STUPID is that!''"}}
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* [[Horrifying the Horror]]: Light literally scares the crap out of Shinigami.
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]: when Light calls out Near for acting immature:
{{quote| '''Light:''' What are you, ten? <br />
'''Near:''' I'm twelve! }}
* [[I Ate What?]]: When Misa gives Ryuk an apple Ryuk offers Misa something in return... {{spoiler|a dingleberry}}
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* [[I Have This Friend]]: Higuchi. "What if say, hypothetically someone could kill another person with a diary..."
* [[I Know Mortal Kombat]]:
{{quote| '''Light:''' Alright everyone, I've been playing a lot of ''[[Modern Warfare 3]]''—we can do this!}}
* [[I'm Going to Disney World]]: "So L, you caught Kira, what are you going to do now?"
* [[I'm Standing Right Here]]: Mr. Yagami knows Light is listening in when he offers Light to Mello.
* [[I Meant to Do That]]: "[[Description Cut|Yeah...]] everything went exactly... acording to plan... [[Change the Uncomfortable Subject|listen...]]"
* [[I Shall Taunt You]]: Light objects to L's plan. L retorts that he's L and can do what he wants.
{{quote| '''L:''' Na na na na booboo, stick your head in doodoo. }}
* [[If You Want Something Done Right Do It Yourself]]: Mello says this when he gets fed up with his pathetic minions.
* [[Ignore the Fanservice]]:
{{quote| '''Light:''' I have a question-why is it that whenever we want to work on the Kira investigation we always meet at my apartment? <br />
'''Mr. Yagami:''' Oh, you'll see in just a second, Light. <br />
'''Light:''' I just don't understand what could be so important... <br />
'''Misa''' ([[Stripperiffic|in stripper-ware]]): Okay guys it looks like you have everything you need so I'm gonna go to bed now! Alone! Naked! [[Too Dumb to Live|And with the door unlocked!]] Bye! <br />
'''Ryuk:''' [[Memetic Molester|I'll be right there]] [[Terms of Endangerment|my little apple pie.]] <br />
'''Light:''' [[Sorry, I'm Gay|Yeah, I still don't see what the big deal is.]] }}
** Later when Misa snuggles up next to Light wearing nothing but a [[Black Bra and Panties]]:
{{quote| '''Light''': Misa, stop that! That tickles! }}
* [[Implausible Deniability]]: L proves that Light is obviously Kira. (No one on the taskforce cares.)
{{quote| '''L:''' Seriously, you wrote your ransom note on Death Note paper?<br />
'''Light:''' But it was the only paper I could find... whoops I mean Sayu could find! }}
* [[Insane Troll Logic]]: Light is worried about what might happen to his sister, having watched movies [[Gangsterland|about what goes on in L.A.]] Mr. Yagami follows this train of "logic" and concludes that [[Wrong Genre Savvy|L.A. is going to get invaded by space aliens.]]
* [[Insistent Terminology]]:
{{quote| '''Light:''' Now Misa, we may be killers but we're not murderers. We're more like... custodians, cleaning up the filth of the world.}}
* [[Instant Cosplay Surprise]]: Misa borrows [[Creepy Crossdresser|Light's]] [[Meido|maid costume]].
* [[Insurance Fraud]]: When they find out how much money they could get for fire insurance the taskforce agrees they should burn the old HQ to the ground.
{{quote| '''Mr. Yagami:''' Good, because I already started the fire. }}
* [[It Amused Me]]: Near prank calling Light.
* [[Jerkass]]: Near, [[Da Chief]]
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* [[Keeping Secrets Sucks]]: Light bemoans in his [[Inner Monologue]] about how all his relationships are based on secrets and lies!
* [[Kid with the Leash]]:
{{quote| '''L:''' Bad Light! No killing!}}
* [[Kill It with Fire]]
* [[Killed Mid-Sentence]]:
{{quote| ''' {{spoiler|L:}}''' Light is Kira and Misa is the Second--<br />
'''Souichiro:''' The second? The Second what? ...Oh my God, she's the [[Second Coming]]! }}
* [[Latin Land]]: [[Running Gag|... in Guatemala]]
Line 157:
* [[Love Makes You Evil]] / [[Love Makes You Crazy]]: Misa for Light and Light for L.
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]:
{{quote| '''Souichiro''': Light, I am your father. <br />
'''Light''': I know that dad. }}
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: L
{{quote| '''L:''' If you think {{spoiler|my death}} was complete bull then clap your hands and shout '[[Peter Pan|I believe in faeries.]]' Ha! I was just kidding! {{spoiler|I'm dead}} but I can still manipulate you people. We have all the footage of you acting like an idiot in front of your webcam. I win. But on a serious note if the fans get a few hundred likes up before the next episode I will {{spoiler|come back to life.}}}}
* [[Mind Over Matter]]: [[Da Chief]] has the ESP power to crush balls with his mind.
* [[Mistaken for Gay]]:
{{quote| '''Light''' (to L): [[Foe Yay|You gave me a footrub. How more blatant can you get?]]}}
* [[Mistaken for Pedophile]]: The president has his people pick up Near by offering him candy and abducting him.
* [[Motor Mouth]]: Naomi. Later Misa, much to Light's dismay.
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* [[Murder Is the Best Solution]]: the taskforce all agrees what needs to be done after "L took Matsuda's innocence."
* [[My Girl Is Not a Slut]]: Light gets real jealous and protective of Misa during his {{spoiler|[[Memory Gambit]]}} when [[Transparent Closet|he thinks he's straight]] and he thinks that Misa had sex with Higuchi. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
{{quote| '''Light''': ...and then we can kill him, right?<br />
'''L''': No, Light we're not going to kill him. <br />
''Later {{spoiler|at Higuchi's arrest}}:''<br />
'''Light''': [[Tranquil Fury|Put a headset on him-I want to talk to him.]] '''''[[Punctuated for Emphasis|WHAT! DID YOU DO! TO MY GIRLFRIEND!!!]]''''' }}
* [[Negative Continuity]]: "I thought I got rid of you."
Line 179:
* [[Not a Date]]: L agrees to go out on a date with Light in order to get close to Sayu (his REAL Kira suspect).
* [[Not Helping Your Case]]
{{quote| '''Light''': Hey guys, the Shinigami's dead! I totally killed it! With magic powers that I totally have!}}
* [[Not So Extinct]]: "Wow, a real live Shinigami! I thought they were all extinct!"
* [[Oh Crap]]: Higuchi when Namikawa suggests, hypothetically speaking, that he didn't spell the victim's name right.
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* [[One Curse Limit]]: Subverted. {{spoiler|Light writes Higuchi's name, he's dying horribly and then... "Oh, that's right! I don't have a heart! I'm safe" and then he's killed by [[Da Chief]]'s [[Finger Gun|"fingerbanging"]].}}
* [[One of Us]]:
{{quote| '''Raye Penber:''' So far all I have is from [[TV Tropes]].}}
* [[Orphanage of Fear]]: Wammy's House
{{quote| '''Sidoh:''' [[Even Evil Has Standards|I'm guessing Wammy's House doesn't do very good background checks.]] }}
* [[Our Presidents Are Different]]: Of the President Buffoon variety. He sure does miss Cheney!
* [[Overprotective Dad]]: When Matsuda looks at Sayu wrong Mr. Yagami crushes Matsuda's balls with his ESP powers. Subverted later when Mr. Yagami begs Mello to take his kids.
* [[The Password Is Always Swordfish]]:
{{quote| '''Near:''' The passcode is 1-2-3-4-5.<br />
'''Director Mason:''' Huh? That's the same as on my luggage. }}
* [[Pity the Kidnapper]]: Mr. Yagami begs Mello to take his kids.
* [[Politically Incorrect Hero]]: When Mello kidnaps Sayu, Mr. Yagami begs Mello to take his gay son as well.
{{quote| '''Mr. Yagami:''' How about this? I'll give you the death note and you can take my ''other'' daughter for free!<br />
'''Light:''' [[Visible Silence|...]] ''(*[[Death Glare]]*)''<br />
'''Mello:''' No, no! I don't want that! I just want the death note! <br />
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* [[Really Gets Around]]: Sayu. She reminisces with Matsuda about the time when he and Mogi were watching her while she was [[Anatomically-Impossible Sex|somehow doing]] sixteen guys at one time.
* [[Relationship Reveal]]: Subverted...
{{quote| '''Light:''' Well, we've been outside talking for awhile and we've decided to make it official. '''''I LOVE L! AND HE LOVES ME!''''' I'm going to dump Misa so I can be with L!<br />
'''Everyone:''' ''Gasp''<br />
'''L:''' [[Hilarity Ensues|No, I think you've misinterpreted the situation...]] }}
* [[Repressed Memories]]: L uncovers a horrific repressed memory about [[Memetic Molester|Beyond Birthday]]... [[Subverted Trope|or rather]] {{spoiler|[[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|of getting socks for his birthday.]]}}
* [[Reused Character Design]]: Lampshaded how Aiber and Wedy look like Raye and Naomi bleached blonde.
* [[The Resenter]]:
{{quote| '''Mello:''' [[Sanity Slippage|No... Near. You will not take this from me.]] }}
* [[The Rival]]:
{{quote| '''Mello:''' No Roger, I'm never going to work with him, ''ever!'' The first thing he did when he was born was [[Flipping the Bird|he flipped me off!]] <br />
'''Near:''' [[Bigger Is Better in Bed|Mine's bigger.]] }}
* [[Running Gag]]: "Heh heh. [[Fail O'Suckyname|Glitter.]]" "Worst! Day! Ever!"
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* [[The Schizophrenia Conspiracy]]: L is really delusional, makes convoluted theories, and gets upset when his snacks stop talking to him. Later [[Da Chief]] seems to get this believing that the space aliens and the [[Harry Potter (novel)|Death Eaters]] have teamed up with [[Lady Gaga]] to [[Take Over the World]].
* [[Selective Obliviousness]]: [[Crying Wolf|When L tells the taskforce that Light is Kira.]] (With solid evidence to back it up this time!)
{{quote| '''Matsuda:''' La la la la la I'm not listening!}}
** Misa refuses to acknowledge that Light is gay.
{{quote| '''Light:''' Now I need a place to stay. <br />
'''Misa:''' You want to move in with me? Yay! <br />
'''Ryuk:''' Ha! <br />
'''Light:''' I... ''*Sighs*'' this is the worst day ever! }}
* [[Sequel Escalation]]:
{{quote| '''Light:''' Wait, L has successors? I thought we were done with him! Oh I hope I don't have to go against the entire alphabet.}}
* [[Sex Changes Everything]]:
{{quote| '''[[Bedmate Reveal|Ryuk]]''' (to brooding Light): [[Crowning Moment of Funny|Did you want to talk about it?]]}}
* [[Shipper on Deck]]: Mr. Yagami offers Light to Mello.
* [[Shout-Out]]: to ''[[Pokémon]]'' , ''[[Shaman King]]'', ''[[Fist of the North Star]]'', ''[[The Lion King]]'', ''[[Inspector Gadget]]'', ''[[Star Trek]]'', ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]'', ''[[Justice League]]'', ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]]'', ''[[Battle: Los Angeles]]'' and the theme song is [[Doctor Who|"I Can't Decide."]], Light and the taskforce sing [[Queen|"Bohemian Rhapsody"]], Light tells Misa that "[[Highlander (TV series)|there can be only one]]", "Ooh Mad Libs!", "[[Family Guy|Your fridge is running.]]" [[The Wizard of Oz|"Go Rem, ''fly!'' And do my bidding! Muwahahaha!"]], "[[Justice League]] [[The Avengers (film)|Assemble!]]," Near asks for [[The Simpsons (animation)|Amanda Hugankiss]], [[Spaceballs|the passcode is 1-2-3-4-5]], and new rule of the Death Note: "[[Klaatu Barada Nikto]]" does not mean "we come in peace" especially when said by [[Keanu Reeves]]. Also the title of every episode is named ater a movie or pop culture reference. "Whatever happened to that missle?" *the [[Star Wars|Death Star]] explodes*, and the mafia guy in the gimp mask speaks like [[South Park|Kenny.]] [[X Files|The truth is out there]], [[Halo|Master Chief]], [[Hellsing|"Seek and destroy!"]], and then there's [[Da Chief]]'s [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|final words about MANLINESS and his theme song...]]
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* [[Stringy Haired Ghost Girl|Stringy Haired Ghost Guy]]: {{spoiler|L}} [[That Makes Me Feel Angry|"I'm haunting you."]]
* [[Suddenly Sexuality]]: When Light [[Memory Gambit|relinquishes his Kira memories]] he abruptly goes back in the closet and when he regains his memories...
{{quote| '''Light:''' I've won! [[Evil Laugh|muwahahaha!]] [[Camp Gay|Oh by the way L that outfit looks]] ''[[Camp Gay|amazing]]'' [[Camp Gay|on you!]]}}
* [[Surrounded by Idiots]]:
{{quote| '''Higuchi:''' What's the point of having minions if they don't do your work for you! [[The Slacker|I should be watching the Home Shopping Network in my underware]] but ''NO'', I have to go out and commit a murder!}}
** And:
{{quote| '''Light:''' L, why?! ''Why did you leave me?!'' [[Villainous Breakdown|Why did you leave me alone with these IDIOTS! *sobbing*]] [[Angst? What Angst?|And... yeah, I'm over it now.]] }}
** Also when Mello's mafia minions kidnap an old grey-haired guy...
{{quote| '''Mello:''' I asked you to bring me Sayu Yagami. A 17 year old girl. Does this look like a 17 year old girl to you?<br />
'''Minion 1:''' No...<br />
'''Minion 2:''' Yes. }}
* [[Suspiciously Apropos Music]]: ''[[Doctor Who|"I Can't Decide]] / [[Scissor Sisters|whether you should live or die..."]]'' ''[[Queen|"You think you can love me and leave me to die..."]]'' and ''[[Queen|"Don't Stop Me Now..."]]''
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* [[Television Geography]]: [[Lampshaded]]. Apparently Los Angeles is an empty desert with great mesas and canyons.
* [[Tempting Fate]]:
{{quote| '''Naomi:''' {{spoiler|[[Laser-Guided Karma|You really need to die at the end of this series.]]}}<br />
'''Light:''' Yeah, like that would ever happen. }}
** And:
{{quote| '''Light:''' It's been five years and no sightings of {{spoiler|L}}'s ghost. I think I'm in the clear. <br />
''' {{spoiler|L}}:''' ~[[Still haunting you.~<br />]]
'''Light:''' Dammit! }}
** Also:
{{quote| '''Light''': I can just sit back and have the taskforce do my dirty work for me. There is no way this could possibly go wrong... }}
* [[Theme Music Power-Up]]: ''[[Queen|"Don't Stop Me Now..."]]''
* [[They Fight Crime]]:
{{quote| '''Roger:''' Wait, I thought of a great idea for a TV series! You two should work together! It would be like the [[Odd Couple]] except with kids chasing dangerous criminals! One of you will probably die though. <br />
''' {{spoiler|Near}}:''' It will be you, {{spoiler|Mello.}} }}
* [[Toilet Humor]]
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* [[Transparent Closet]]: Light: "Raye Penber, I couldn't help but notice....''* sniff* '' your hair smells like strawberries."
** And then there's the [ Music Video]. (Warning: severe [[Auto-Tune]] ahoy)
{{quote| '''Light:''' *looking at porn* Oh, that girl's got a pretty ... face ... OH, check out that hot guy in the backgroun-uh, I mean, check out those classifed files in the background ...<br />
'''Ryuk:''' [[Captain Obvious|Gay.]] }}
** As L comments, "It's very creative how you dot your 'i's with hearts."
* [[Trouser Space]]:
{{quote| '''Light''': As for Misa's Death Note, I'll keep it in the only place I know it will be safe—my pants. <br />
'''Misa''': Oh, it'll be safe there! Light doesn't even let me in his pants! <br />
'''Ryuk''': You're not missing anything. }}
* [[The Unfavorite]]: Mr. Yagami begs Mello to kidnap Light (his "other daughter") too.
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* [[Why Didn't You Just Say So?]]: [[The Ditz|Misa]] doesn't understand "big words" like "yammering."
* [[Yandere]]: Light towards L.
{{quote| '''Light''' ([[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]): I loved you L and you smashed my heart into a million pieces. [[Unrequited Love Lasts Forever|I will never love again.]]<br />
'''Ryuk:''' Light, uh... [[Horrifying the Horror|you're scaring me.]]<br />
'''Light:''' Oh Ryuk, I haven't even ''begun'' to scare you yet! }}