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* [[Bar Brawl]]: Threatened at several points, but it never gets that far. The bouncer's good at his job.
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: Tenn Graneet calls it by name.
{{quote| There was an old proverb his grandfather had taught him when he'd been a boy: ''Take care what you wish for, Tenn- you might get it.''<br />
Now he understood exactly what that meant. He had wanted to fire the big gun, and he had gotten to do just that. The only man in the galaxy who had shot it for real, at real targets, and look what it had brought him: [[My God, What Have I Done?|misery beyond his ugliest dreams.]] }}
* [[Being Evil Sucks]]: Tenn Graneet is the one who pulled the trigger sending Despayre and Alderaan to their deaths. While Despayre unnerves him, he can at least partially rationalize it what with it being full of convicts declared too dangerous to be held locally. When he terminates Alderaan, however, he sinks into a deep, deep depression feeling that death would be too good for him.
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* [[Mind Probe]]: Vader does this casually to the architect, who senses him, freaks out, and closes down.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Tenn Graneet has a major one of these. Some time after shooting down a shuttle of escaping convicts, and then after killing Rebels in X-Wings, the TIE pilot, Dance, has a quieter one.
{{quote| He(Graneet) couldn't stop thinking about it. He didn't believe he would ever be able to stop thinking about it. The dead would haunt him, forever.<br />
[[Driven to Suicide|How could a man live with that?]] }}
* [[My Significance Sense Is Tingling]]: Nova's Force-Sensitivity.
* [[No Biochemical Barriers]]: Averted. One of the interspecies couples refers to this as a [[Noodle Incident]] after a [[Time Skip]] of several months.
{{quote| "How was I to know your kind can't eat sweetweed?"<br />
"You could have looked it up. You plan to date outside your species, it's on you to know what's poison and what's not."<br />
"[[Never Live It Down|You're never going to let me forget it, are you?]]"<br />
"Not a chance, Green-Eyes." }}
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* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: Tenn Graneet delays firing the superlaser at Yavin IV long enough for a certain Rebel pilot to fire a proton torpedo...
* [[Resignations Not Accepted]]: Doctor Uli Divini has been in Imperial service since before Palpatine's New Order, due to the Imperial Military Stop Loss Order, or IMSLO.
{{quote| (IMSLO is) A retroactive order mandating that, no matter when you'd been conscripted, once you were in, you were in for as long as they wanted you - or until you got killed. Either way, it was kiss your planned life goodbye. Imperial Military Stop Loss Order. An alternative translation, scrawled no doubt on a 'fresher wall somewhere by a [[Bathroom Stall Graffiti|clever graffitist]], had caught on over the last few years: "I'm [[Unusual Euphemism|Milking Scragged]]; Life's Over."}}
* [[Retirony]]: Old-school Admiral Helaw, a man with standards who'd [[Taking the Bullet|take a beam to the chest]] rather than allow it to get you [[In the Back]], planned to retire as soon as this project was finished. A certain amount of time was spent building him up as cautious, reliable, and Admiral Motti's confidant. And then he died in an act of sabotage.
* [[Rock Beats Laser]]: Admiral Helaw (one of Motti's old friends) talks about this hardcore master marksman who would often throw himself into the fray with his troops. Helaw's friend is about to gun down a charging pirate when his gun jams, and gets unceremoniously shanked by a sharpened piece of junk. Helaw relates this story as a warning against hubris.
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* [[Word of God]]: Motti's [[Only One Name]] status was to be ended with the authors of this novel giving him the name "Zi." However, that was changed before the novel was published after [[George Lucas]] jokingly said that the character's name was "Conan Antonio Motti" (in reference to [[Conan O'Brien]]). A single use of "Zi" still remains in the novel, presumably as an editing mistake.
* [[Wouldn't Hurt a Child]]: Nova Stihl is badly shaken after Alderaan, the deaths of billions of innocent civilians of all ages, enough so that he concludes he has to try to prevent something like that from happening again.
{{quote| Nova could fight a room full of men straight-up, face-to-face, and if he had to kill half of them to survive, he'd do it. But he hadn't signed on to slaughter children in their beds.}}
* [[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe]]: A minor character named Bahlateez speaks in this manner.
** And of course, Vader's "What is thy bidding, my master?" (Look up T-V distinction. Basically it means that Indo-European languages generally have a "familial" form [''thou'' in English, some variant of ''tu'' in the Romance languages] and a "polite" form [''you'' in English, ''vous'' in French, ''usted'' in Spanish, ''vos'' in Latin], which is usually but not always the plural form.) Which could be a case of [[Fridge Brilliance]], considering the nature of the Sith.